Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why are there no Invasions?

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Maybe everyone is a bit tired of them, as far as faction leadership goes. Invasions can be fun but also time consuming and sometimes after a large amount of combat threads like in July and August, its good to sit back and relax?
Invasions aren't judged based on PvP:


The following will not be considered when judging an Invasion.
  • Person vs Person Duels. The amount of duels won or lost in an Invasion does not contribute to either faction’s victory.
  • Objectives. The amount of objectives won or lost in an Invasion does not contribute to either faction’s victory.
  • Non-Player Characters. The actions of NPCs involved from either side in an Invasion does not contribute to either faction’s victory.
The following will be considered when judging an Invasion:
  • Participation.An invasion is a story of conflict between two factions, and the participation of both factions will contribute to their chances for victory. This is does not include the total contribution of posts from one faction as compared to another, nor the total amount of individual writers from one faction as compared to another. This does include, but is not limited to, the level of consistent activity of both factions throughout the course of the thread, the interaction between members of both factions with the opposition from the start of the invasion to the end, the steady responses between writing partners made in a reasonable frame of time, and the amount of cooperation and teamwork between members of each faction to achieve their goals.
  • Tension. Throughout invasions there will always be a conflicts, large or small. This can be something as small as a Padawan and an Acolyte dueling and how their conflict plays out, or as large as the interaction of two massive fleets in orbit. These moments, as well as how members of both parties respond to and shape them, can contribute to a faction's chances for victory. This is not determined by the literal outcome of these moments. They will be decided by how unique these moments are, how fair and appropriate the moments that lead up to these interactions are, as well as how each individual and group handles these moments and either recovers or takes advantage of them in a fair and appropriate manner.
  • Story. At the heart of an invasion lies the stories woven by writers from the first post until its last, whether it is through a violent conflict, a peaceful diplomatic resolution, or anything that lies between. Actions made by individuals, groups, and the factions as a whole make up the fabric of this story and will contribute to each faction's chances for victory. This will not be determined by a summation of duels, objective wins, and general tallying of scores. This will be determined by subjects such as, but is not limited to, whether the actions of individuals and groups make sense in their given context, the expansion of a given location's lore and history, the general flow of the overarching story as it unfolds and is influenced by the actions of each faction, how engaging each individual and group's storyline is, and the impact felt by the gains and the losses of both factions - as well as the fair and balanced actions made by individuals of each faction.
  • Drama. While the focus of an invasion will always be the actions of each character and faction in-character, the interaction and the general behavior of writers of each faction out-of-character also create an impact on the flow of an invasion. The goal for every invasion is for members of both parties to have fun and enjoy their experience, and to create a fun and interesting story comprised of the actions of each character as individuals and participating factions as a whole; however, this can be derailed by behavior that is not conducive for such an ideal environment. It is our goal for this to always end as a tie, with both parties never showing examples of inappropriate and negative behavior, but any negative behavior instigated by either side, visibly, can negatively impact that faction's chances for victory in an invasion.

Invasions require collaboration. Most big factions don't wanna work together on telling/writing a story. So invasions are rare.
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

True but the PVP is integral to the larger overall story. Otherwise we'd might as well write a book.

Agree on point 2. Factions should get out their bubbles, or be made to.

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