Jedi of Sand
Ura hadn’t been acting like herself since her second trip to Yurb. She’d missed classes, hadn’t been training or working on her fighter, not talking with her friends or Master. She hadn’t been seen anywhere in Silver Rest. Her fighter was still in the hanger, so it was unlikely she’d left, but she had seemed to hide away since Yurb. The question was... why?
Ura was laying their, piled up in the back of her bunk. She looked around for a second, not sure what to do, but she just... she didn’t know how to handle this, and she didn’t even know who to talk to about this. As far as she knew, there wasn’t anyone at the Rest that would quite understand this. So she stayed in her bunk....
Ura was laying their, piled up in the back of her bunk. She looked around for a second, not sure what to do, but she just... she didn’t know how to handle this, and she didn’t even know who to talk to about this. As far as she knew, there wasn’t anyone at the Rest that would quite understand this. So she stayed in her bunk....