Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Why did this Happen (SJC)

Ura hadn’t been acting like herself since her second trip to Yurb. She’d missed classes, hadn’t been training or working on her fighter, not talking with her friends or Master. She hadn’t been seen anywhere in Silver Rest. Her fighter was still in the hanger, so it was unlikely she’d left, but she had seemed to hide away since Yurb. The question was... why?

Ura was laying their, piled up in the back of her bunk. She looked around for a second, not sure what to do, but she just... she didn’t know how to handle this, and she didn’t even know who to talk to about this. As far as she knew, there wasn’t anyone at the Rest that would quite understand this. So she stayed in her bunk....
Finding out that there was something potential wrong with one of your friends, Ura had always been an anchor in their friendship, someone solid and reliable so finding out that she was missing classes and not even working on her ship which was when Kat knew there was a serious problem. Could have been just that Ura was bored with classes but when she heard that her friend wasn't even looking after her ship anymore, Kat knew something was wrong, they were similar in their love of technology and when Kat was ever feeling down, her motivation to build and fiddle with her tech was always the main thing to suffer. Wandering into the SJC, Kat braided her hair and let it flow down her left shoulder as she moved through the halls of the temple, heading straight to Ura's room.

Standing outside the room, Kat thought about how she wanted to approach things, she could blast the door open and force her way in. But that seemed a little too aggressive, then she could just knock first, then if Ura didn't let her in, then she would blast her way in. That seemed fair. Knocking firmly on the door, "Ura, open up. Come on, talk to me, what's up hun?" Kat's tone was firm but gentle.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Ura sat their in the room, holding out her hand to look at a crystal particle before hearing the voice on the other side. Kat? Ura heard her ask to open the door and talk, and it just got her nervous. Did she want to answer? Ura slowly got up, crossing her arms over her “chest,” then walked to open the door.

What Kat would see and few wouldn’t fit the usual Ura. Her form wasn’t as defined as usual, notable her crossed arms seemed to almost fade into her. A pain could also be felt, but not the same as the pain from her injuries. It was something different.

“H-hey, Kat.”

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria
Kat waited patiently then was about to blast her way in with the Force when the door opened with Ura standing in front of her. Kat gave a small smile but could sense and see pain that Ura was in, what was wrong was not obvious to Kat since Ura's race was not all that common to her and she only ever knew that Ura was heavily connected to the Force but whether she could get injured or if this was a pain through the Force, it was beyond Kat's knowledge in healing. Placing her hands down, looking at Ura with some concern, "Hey Ura, so what is going on with you? I can tell something is wrong but I am not sure what is going on with you."

She was being blunt with Ura, hands in her back pockets as she bit her bottom lip thinking on what she could offer to assist Ura in this pain. Because right now all concern was helping her friend move forward. "Is it something you got from an injury fighting Sith? Some of them use poisons that can affect a person connected to the Force, like yourself." Kat asked, curious if that was a reason, the Silver Jedi had been getting into conflicts with the Sith a lot recently.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Ura continued to look down at the ground as Kat asked what was going on. She noted that she could tell it was something, just not what. The Lervon didn't know if she wanted to say, but Kat's hand did seem to comfort her some. Her friend then asked if the injuries were Sith related, possibly a poison they had. Ura shook her head, motioning for Kat to come in, and closing the door again once she had. She then finally spoke up a little, but a sadness and pain still reached out through the Force.

"I.... It wasn't Sith.... I... got... part of me were melted when those monsters invaded Yurb. But...." She stopped again. While what Ura was saying was true, it was clear that she was avoiding something. Like there was something about what happened that she couldn't admit. She looked around more before Ger'Off walked over, putting his metal pipe down before looking at Ura, seeming just as worried as Kat was about what was happening.

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria
Nodding her head, Kat entered the room and took a seat as she listened to Ura as she did her best to explain. She wasn't going to press her friend for details, she had heard of the Brynadul attacking Ura's homeworld, which was something she knew brought a lot of pain and fear. "I heard about Yurb, I am sorry that I wasn't there to help you defend it. I should have been." Kat said, he petted Ger'Off gently then looked at her friend with great concern, "I am here now and I can only help you if I know what is the problem. My powers aren't as powerful as the Jedi Healers, but I can do my best and we can do it here in private if that is what you wish."

She was trying to give Ura time but Kat was also concerned for her friend and what happened to cause her to act like this. Ura was always a dependable person and someone that others could rely on when they were not as dependable as she was. So, Kat needed to be a good friend and be here for Ura, didn't matter if it took all night, or a week, she would be here for her friend as her friend would be there for her.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
“It’s ok, Kat. It was so fast....” Ura closed her eyes, not sure how to word it. Her friend caught her off guard though. She said she could only help if the Lervon told her what was going on. Ura wasn’t sure what to do now. Should she say what was going on. Why she was avoiding everyone. She looked at Kat.

“If I tell you... please don’t tell anyone. Not even Master Dragonsflame. I... I’m not ready for that.” Ura was hurting still, not just from the melting. She looked at Kat again, rubbing her own “left hand.” “It was something I learn... when we went back to help rebuild.”

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria
There was truth in Ura's words but Kat also knew that she was running from being a Jedi, from participating in the wars that the Jedi were always involved in as of late. She was scared, terrified of getting people killed, of letting people down again. So she still blamed herself for not being there for Ura but didn't voice her thoughts, right now wasn't the time for her self pity, it was time to help her friend. Someone who see terrified of someone else finding out whatever was going on, especially her Master. "I swear that I will not tell a soul until you are ready to talk about it, I am here to help you, support you whatever is going on hun." Kat replied as she smiled warmly.

So, it wasn't something an opponent did to Ura as far as Kat could tell but something happened on Yurb. Taking a seat, she listened to what her friend and smiled reassuringly, nothing would surprise Kat at this point. Or, that was what she was thinking.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Ura would close her eyes, still trying to build up the nerve to say it. “D-during the battle, I was hit by slag from a piece of starship I had to cut through. I was... I was going to throw it at a one of those thing, but....” Ura would shift to show the damage she was hiding. The particles that made up her left hand fingers were gone, and craters pocked her torso. “When I finally went to a Lervonian doctor to get a full check.... I... I only have....” She looked down. How did she explain this...?

The Lervon was unsure how to explain it to Kat. It was... it was almost impossible for think of a way right now without sounding like a biology lesson. “Best I can say.... I.... I only have one chance to ever have a... a youngling of my own. I never even thought about it until they told me, but.... It... it just....” Ura leaned against Kat, her body half seeming to melt. It was something that had honestly hit her hard, and the young Lervon had no idea how to hand it, or who’d understand it.

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria
Kat waited as Ura composed herself, then when the news hit, she was shocked. It was hard to wrap her head around, Kat had never thought about having kids, she didn't really know if kids fitted her life style but to have that chance possibly taken away. It must be really hard for her friend and Kat wasn't sure what she could say. There was nothing she knew about Lervon reproduction to offer advice or different options for Ura, so she just took the information in and sighed gently. Hugging her friend tightly, she gave Ura and calming and soothing presence in the Force as she held her friend close. "I can't understand how you feel right now, it must be tough beyond belief but you still have a chance to have a child. Even if that doesn't work out, you could always adopt a child or something, right?" Kat tried to offer her friend something.

"But you don't have to deal with this alone. While most of us won't understand, we will try and help support you. You don't have to do this alone and we can be here for you Ura. Don't hide away, being alone won't help. When I felt like my legs would never help me attract a suitor or help me display my affection in the traditional Echani way, I got scared that no one would ever love me. We can't let fear dictate us, we can be stronger than that. Rise above the fear and think on the positives. Might be hard to see them, but the doctor didn't completely rule out your chances, and you still have great friends to support you and you are one of the best Jedi Padawans around! Much better Jedi than I ever was!" Kat joked with a smile as she reassured her friend.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Ura looked at her friend as she both hugged her, to which Kat’s arms would sink slightly, and gave off a comforting feeling through the Force. Ura then looked up a little when Kat mentioned that she still had a chance, and that she always had other options. “I... I guess that’s true.”

She was then surprised when Kat mention her own past feelings about her legs. It caught Ura a little off guard honestly. She was surprised that Kat thought.... Then again, she didn’t know much about Echani culture, but it did seem to hit Ura. She was then reminded that she had friends that would support her, and that she was a skilled Padawan, along with a joke that got a chuckle from Ura. “Y-your right. It’s just... hard to accept. I was just... I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t really know either.”

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria
Kat nodded her head when Ura admitted that there was still a chance for her to have a child and was glad to hear her friend laugh again. Hoping her mood was lifted up as she smiled warmly to Ura. "Of course you don't know what to do! No one our age, or at least, those of us considered young for our race have no idea what to do! I have no idea what I am doing, just live day to day mostly and I doubt any older adult knows what they are doing." Kat answered as she chuckled, "not knowing what to do is fine, there is no rush to figure it out, just make sure you are healthy, happy and doing something you love. The rest will come together. At least that is what my sister keeps telling me."

Stepping back a little, she looked at her friend and shrugged. "I wouldn't know what to do in your spot, but I am sure that you will figure it out. Just might take time and you are young so you have plenty of time to think it all through. When you decide what to do and need help then let me know and I will be there to support you." Kat said with a small smile and hugged her friend again.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Ura seemed to slowly regather herself as her form once again became more defined. Ger'Off panted next to Kat, tounge sticking out. Ura chuckled a little more as her friend noted that even the older adults probably didn't know, and then added that the Lervon needed to be sure she was ok. That she was doing what she loved, healthy.... Happy. "Sounds like you're sister knows what she's talking about. I think my mom said something similar last time I saw her."

Ura then focused on Kat's next words, a happiness washing over her as she hugged her friend back, though this time Kat might notice that the Lervon seemed to be more... together. Her arms wouldn't sink as much. "Thanks Kat. That... it means a lot. With everything changing so fast.... It's good to know you're here."

Kat Decoria Kat Decoria

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