Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why do we fall? (Corvus)

With the loss of Ossus, there had been a brief transitional phase in which it seemed that everything was hectic. Life was scattered, and the Jedi were scattered throughout the galaxy doing the work necessary for the preservation and safety of the galaxy and it's citizens. Not much room was left for them to worry too much over Ossus falling out of their hands. Never-ending the reason why being less than savory.

Aboard one of the Praxeum ships, Barrien walked still wearing his combat armor. His shield affixed to his arm and his Lance strapped to his back. Both of his other blades were clipped to his belt. He rarely went anywhere without these things anymore because he never knew when he was going to have to leave and he preferred to be ready when he did have to.

Stopping outside the door to his Masters office, he knocked lightly and waited to be granted admittance. The padawan had much on his mind and a conversation with the Grandmaster was in order.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was still signing paperwork. Recent activity had stopped such mundane tasks - but now reports and requisitions were catching up on her.

She sensed her Padawan before she heard the knock.

“Come in Barrien,” she said, and moved from behind her desk to the chairs that surrounded a low round table. The room was much like Ossus — except durasteel instead of stone. And like the Academy, she had a small en-suite bedroom and bathroom attached.

And it was spartan. Other than Braith’s staff, there was nothing to show who used the room.

“Now, what troubles you?”

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
Barrien stepped in at her bidding and offered a bow. Since they would be sitting, as he noticed when she approached the chairs around the small table, he uncapped his new Lance and leaned it against the wall near the door. He couldn't sit properly with it strapped to his back. He did the same with the forearm shield just so it wasn't in the way.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking," he said, watching her as he sat in one of the chairs. "I don't really understand a lot of things about the galaxy because my people were largely lost from it. I can read the books and study the holocrons but I find most of them can't answer my questions."

Lifting a hand, he ran it over one of the fresh scars on his face.

"Why do we exist? What is the reason behind the existence of the Jedi?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled. This was a common question - and like most simple requests, rarely had a simple response.

"There are simple answers and there are complex answers. There are reasons for being Jedi and reasons for serving the Republic." Corvus settled back into her seat...this could be a long chat.

"Some will say we exist to study, serve and use the Force. Some say we are to here to uphold peace and justice in the galaxy. Some say it's both. What is true is that we have a gift that we can choose to use. And in choosing, we can use it for good or otherwise. I am a Jedi because it is the only way I feel truth between my heart and the Force. To not seek to work for the greater good would feel wrong to me."

"Tell you have your own thoughts?"

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
"I do, but I'm not sure about it."

This was a really simple topic. Unfortunately, that also meant it was the most complex topic that they could discuss. He didn't have the broad depth of knowledge of the galaxy that others did, but at the same time, that perspective on the Jedi and the galaxy as a whole might be a unique one.

"I... I'm not sure we should exist. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that as long as people like us exist, those who can touch the Force, this galaxy will never see peace.

According to what I've read of our history, the Sith originally came from us. All were Jedi at one point in time, and some sought to do things they should not. But that's the problem. When people who think independently are given power outside of the norm, they do things with it that they shouldn't."

Like he did when he killed the Imperial on Oaken Dawn.

"I think we exist because we want to make the galaxy into what we think it should be, not what the Force wants it to be, and I struggle with that belief because I know it's not what most Jedi believe, if any do, but I can't help but see it as true, that we are just trying to do the same as the Sith, but with our own ideals."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus sighed. It was soft and gentle. "The first thing to remember is that we are all individuals. We are therefore unique. We each see the same situation in different ways. The Code is interpreted slightly differently by everyone for example. As are concepts like good and evil. And people see things when they are not there."

"For example, tell me where the Sith are mentioned in the Code, its pillars or its tenets? Or the Dark-side even? Yet many Jedi will tell you it is their sworn duty to oppose the Sith. Yet I took no such vows. I serve the Republic and follow the Code. Nothing more complicated."

"And evil will exist with or without Jedi. Or Sith. An ideal galaxy would have us as a monastic Order once more. Studying in solitude. But we have been called to action and we have a choice to make."

"And Jedi are not politicians. We do not decide what the galaxy should be like and mould it to our views. We are guided by the Code and our Government. I do not look to make the galaxy anything specific. I uphold the law. Laws made by non-Jedi. There is a sensible check and balance in play there. The day Jedi decide who to invade or what laws to uphold and which to ignore, the controls are gone."

"And to get back to your point, the Sith, by contrast, serve their own ends. There is a difference. Yes?"

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
"If we serve a particular government, are we not choosing which laws to uphold?"

He wasn't opposed to serving the Republic by any means. They were the most noble intentioned government in the known galaxy, even if sometimes they failed to live up to their own standards.

"I fought a Sith Lord on Contruum. I've never faced such ferocity, but it didn't feel right to me. She wanted to kill me, but I could not bring myself to want to do anything more than disarm her or capture her. I tried, hard, not to hurt her, even as she tried to kill me.

"I am concerned because I see a lot of our number so willing to kill these people. Had many of the others fought this woman they would have only seen the monster on the outside. They would have missed what I saw. The Sith had a moment where she urged me to flee. Sone thing is wrong with this particular Sith, but I don't think anyone else would have seen it.

"The rate at which some Jedi are so willing to kill in defense of the Republic bothers me and makes me feel as if they are little different from the Sith themselves. They may take little enjoyment from doing it, but they still do it and I question why. Why kill?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded. “Once upon a time there was only the Jedi Order. There was only the Republic. It’s as much about history as anything else.”

“I have said this before and will no doubt say it again. If someone from outside of the galaxy came here and wanted to set up a Jedi Order, it would not fragment it. There would be one Order. One. And it would serve all democracies.”

“But back to your point, we regularly ally with other Orders to uphold the peace. The Silver Jedi. The New Jedi Order. We uphold their laws when on their planets. And when on a neutral planet we are obliged to follow local customs. It is what we do.”

“And to your next point, the Code, its pillars and tenets are clear. If a Jedi ignites his lightsaber, he must be ready to take a life. And, of course, to conquer aggression, even in combat, a Jedi must have explored every other option, including surrender, before resorting to using lethal force.”

“So your approach is the right one. People who criticise for allowing a foe to walk away rather than kill them simply do not understand what it means to be a Jedi. I fear the Republic’s stance of kill on sight does not rest easy with me. I fear Jedi will take up the rallying cry. Which will, inevitably, lead them to the Dark-side.”

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
"From my understanding, there is no democracy in the entire galaxy. At least not among the major galactic powers."

Of course his understanding was rudimentary at best. His own homeworld was not one of democracy. But he had looked into the government that he now defended because he could not defend something that he didn't understand. But still, he was aware that their government was exactly what it said it was: a republic. They had a senate, sure, which was a democratic concept, but it was only one part of the government.

"I find it difficult to comprehend defending any government. Even this new Alliance is far more militaristic than we are. I don't feel that we should be defending any government at all. I feel that we should take up the mantle of peace and work together in an effort to stop all injustice in the galaxy rather than in defending any particular government. That would be a better use of our time. I don't think militarized Jedi is a good thing, and I think that is where the Republic is headed.

"I don't think that would be good for us and it will just lead us down a path of darkness. Killing is a powerful thing. I've only done it once in my life, out of grief and anger, and it still overpowers me to this day how easy it was to destroy someone's life. I despise myself for doing it and wish I had not. I do not want to experience that again."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled. “Democracy is what we stand for. If the Republic is no longer a true democracy, then we are backing the wrong horse — to use a sporting metaphor. And I use democracy in its broadest terms. Where people are elected to represent them. Where every person has a say in how their planet is governed and therefore how the Republic operates.”

“There has been talk, for example, of allying with the Hutts. That would be a blow for democracy. There have even been whispers of a merger.” Corvus shook her head. “That horse would need a dope-test in my opinion.”

She shook her head again.

“So your words belie your status as Padawan. Your head is wiser than your title. Which is a good thing for the Order. As for the Republic? Greater minds than ours have done their best to resolve the current situation. If the Jedi were to change their current stance, only the Council could decide that. If it comes to that of course.”

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
Barrien tapped his fingers lightly against his leg as he listened.

"I spent a lot of time talking with my new protocol droid, Forza. He informed me of the differences between various different types of governments. The one on my homeworld is an oligarchy. The one here is a republic, not a democracy. According to what he told me, while many senators are elected, some are appointed without the approval of a planets populace. And even then the senate is not the sole piece of government. A democracy requires a majority rules sort of situation. A republic has that element, but that majority rules is checked by a judicial branch and the office of the chancellor.

"I think that means that our government is prone to corruption and accepting only what the Chancellor approves after it comes through the senate. And even what comes through the senate is in question when not all senators are elected to their positions."

He sighed. This was pretty complex and he'd had to spend a lot of time with Forza before he understood it well enough to speak with Corvus about it.

"I thank you for saying as much, but it's mostly just because I've had to dedicate a lot of time to learning more of this galaxy since I knew so very little of it. I will accept what the council decides, though I feel as if our time with the Republic is waning."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus sniggered — she couldn’t help herself. “Sorry,” she said, apologising. “I have a protocol droid. A gift from a Padawan. Except a friend of mine re-programmed him slightly. He’s a most sarcastic so-and-so. But on the plus side, that makes him good company on long voyages.”

Corvus nodded at his appraisal. It sounded a lot like the Senate she was aware of. That debated the role of the Jedi, laws to impact them — and not once did anyone speak to her about them.

“We are Jedi. First, foremost and only — as I am fond of saying.” She smiled. “We are in this galaxy to ensure the greater good has at least a fighting chance. We should never lose sight of that and I am confident the Council will come to the right decision.”

[member="Barrien Siegfried"]
"Then I am as well."

Barrien agreed. If the council had the faith of his master, then it would also have his. More than once he had taken an eye to Corvus' teaching before she'd become his master. And he'd always found her to be of sound mind and to make good judgments. He had no reason to doubt her.

"My only wonder is what will become of the Republic and its people. I send turmoil that won't be easily stopped, and the Sith pose a greater threat than they ever have before. I do not think the Republic is equipped to stop them. I fear they will resort to tactics that are not... wholeseome. That worries me most."

He frowned.

"It's a perplexing situation we are in and I know not what to do, which causes me slight frustration."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

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