Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Why do YOU love Star Wars?

I think it’s safe to say that every single one of us here loves Star Wars. I mean why else would we take time out of our real and busy lives to write about characters set in Star Wars? One thing I’ve noticed and that I absolutely love about Star Wars is that it can appeal to such a wide audience and still work on a fundamental level.

So there’s the question: why do you love Star Wars? For me the answer is pretty simple: escape. There’s no other fantasy world out there that is so easy for me to escape into. It doesn’t matter if it’s one of the movies, shows, whether I’m reading a comic, or even simply listening to John Williams’ score… it is so easy for me to get lost in Star Wars. I mean honestly ever since I discovered this site it’s been a permanent tab on my desktop hahahaha.

So let’s open it up and have some positive discussions about this thing called Star Wars that we all love.
Story time!

My old man was one of those old school types. Tough lovin, only cries when watching WW2 movies, that sorta type. We had to earn everything we got and some. SO, one day my brother and I managed to get straight A's on our report card. And our old man loaded us in the car the next weekend and took us to see Episode 2.

Your boy was h o o k e d from that day forward. And over the years it's kind of become our thing (latest additions to the universe excluded, good luck getting him to pay for Disney+ lol). I fell in love with Star Wars because my dad gift-wrapped the saga and handed it to me.

I kept loving it because of Chaos tbh. The later editions to the universe were kind of meh in my book, but coming here and seeing what everyone does with those ideas gives me happy brain chemicals. (S/O to the First Ordah and Knights of Ren, for example).
So when I was a kid I watched the hit 2002 film attack of the clones on a portable DVD player from 2008. It was built like a classic laptop, kind of a funny device. Anyways, I saw a big army of clones, a crazy green guy who did a million backflips and kicked some dapper old guy's ass and there was a dude with weird flesh hair and a funny smile.

Look, Attack of the Clones is not a great movie. It may be, objectively, close to the bottom of the barrel. I love it to death.


Unironically this right here was my favorite part as a kid. The meme face. Something about Kit Fisto spoke to a me with an undeveloped prefrontal cortex and etched the funny laser sword movie into my brain.
I was debating posting a separate poll I thought of immediately after this but I figured I’d just ask here and see who responds:

Is Star Wars, in your opinion, science fiction or space fantasy (or a mix of both)?
It's space fantasy for me with a touch of space opera, which are sub genres of science fiction.

For me, the first time I saw Star Wars was when I was visiting my cousins, we'd go out to rent movies and then all pile onto the lounge to watch them, like 10 of us all together with snacks and everything. It was a fun way to hang out and my brother and I were the youngest, so often it was them showing us movies they'd seen cause they thought we'd enjoy it.

Star Wars was one of them. I loved sci-fi before that, but there was something about these movies and how excited they were about it, and about showing it to us. There are series and genres I enjoy more, but since that day Star Wars had a special place in my heart, and the Legends EU used to make for great reading too.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Oh that is a tricky one cause I really do love all aspects from the movies to the comics to the books and just something about it being able to unite people. You can go back and forth debating which is better... Empire or Return (Return obviously) you can enjoy the sandbox that is the books and comics where they adpated a lot of other genres at times.
Star Wars-loving dog thing
This is such a great question!

I grew up watching the original trilogy and the prequels. We had the VHS box set and I remember watching them over and over again. Weirdly enough, though, I didn't become a proper Star Wars fan until 2021!

I couldn't believe how much I'd missed out on and I fell head over heels in love with the franchise. I love the diversity that the universe of Star Wars has. I love the variety of the stories that can be told in this vast galaxy far, far away. I love how so many unique ideas have been introduced into the Star Wars universe, and I love learning about the sources of inspiration behind those unique ideas.

The history of the galaxy is so rich and expansive, I could spend hours reading the wookieepedia (and I do) just to know more about it. There are so many incredible characters to love throughout the franchise, from compelling villains to relatable heroes and everything in between. Best of all, Star Wars is just cool! What's more awesome than two space wizards duking it out with laser swords and mind powers? Nothing!

Man, I just really love Star Wars.
I am a fan of movies and the OT includes some of the most popular, well-made films of all time. That's pretty much all it boils down to, apart from childhood nostalgia.

I also really like that KOTOR 2 video game, and when I was little I read the old Legends books about Han and Leia's kids becoming Jedi. Those were fun. I've been enjoying the Jedi Fallen Order games with Cal Kestis as well.

I love SW because it's unique, and because I am emotionally attached to the characters. The universe itself matters less to me than the story and characters; if I can't become invested, I stop watching. That's why I gave up on the sequel trilogy after Force Awakens. Because I didn't care about any of the people in it.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
"The Great American Fairy Tale". It is a tale of devotion, of loyalty, and frankly of the human spirit(Luke's tale). I stood in line at the Dartmouth Mall in Dartmouth, Mass on opening day of Episode IV, a VERY young boy being repeatedly punched by my older brother until my Father got mad and yelled at both of us stop. I was enthralled with the story of a guy who just wanted to live his life come to learn of his purpose and stand up to be counted. Inspiration.

I collected the comics and dove deep into the lore of it

Then the ultimate twist of Darth Vader being Luke Skywalker's FATHER? WHAT? This was the movie where "*The bad guy won". This to me was Han's tale, not Luke's, how real he was, how he was a scoundrel, but he cared about everyone around him. Loyalty.

Then Return of the Jedi. The redemption, the uprising. This was the story of the Rebel Alliance as a whole. It reminded me of the US Constitution, or at least a section of it, where those who feel the tyrant of a government stand up. Powerful

More and more comics, RP and the like.

Then I stood in line years later to get the ultimate tickets. While people I knew bragged about their movie times on their tickets. I would smile, knowing I was able to enjoy a pre-show party in the Ewok Village of Disney MGM Studios and watch the movie INSIDE Star Tours me. The movie did not teach the level of the original trilogy, to be fair, but it was still great. This was Kenobi's story, his growth from a brash Padawan into a Knight who realized his destiny. Reflection.

Next was The attack of the Clones, this was is my favorite prequel. This was Anakin's story, his growth and slowly understanding who he was, and who he was meant to be. Anakin was angry at the galaxy, but strong in his desire for justice in the galaxy. Understanding.

Then there is The Revenge of the Sith. This thriller was as disturbing as it was incredible with the fights as well as the story. This was Padme and Palpatine's stories, they were not just upstart background politicians but were the actual yin and Yang to me, moreso than Obi Wan and Anakin. This was a story of ending and beginning. Surprise

I would cover the final trilogy but it is late, I am on my phone and my wife is looking at me calling me a nerd(,haha).

What do I like about Star Wars?

The Inspiration.
The Loyalty
The Power
The Reflection
The Understanding
The Surprise
I am probably one of the weirdos in this group that doesn’t all out love Star Wars. I haven’t seen the new Disney movies or most of the shows, I don’t play the games or read the comics. I’ve read some of the New Jedi Order books and seen the original 6 movies. Don’t get me wrong I like it just fine but it’s by far not my favorite thing.

But I think escape sums it up. I enjoy roleplaying in the world and escaping into my character.
I actually started off hating Star Wars as a child. Mostly because I was heavy into fantasy/dark fantasy and spacey stuff just wasn't my interest. I had never seen the movies or anything like that (refused, cuz again - spacey and not enough of a fantasy element for me at the time), but my grandma encouraged me to watch the OG trilogy (we had it on VHS tapes) and I realized just how dumb I was for hating something without giving it a genuine chance.

I became a fan of SW the moment I watched the struggle between light and dark, Jedi and Sith, love and hate. It was something I could understand. I, however, was the oddball in my family. Everyone was pro Rebel, pro Jedi ...and I was rooting for Darth Vader and I was pissed when Luke refused to train under his father, and when Vader died. But I've always been someone who enjoys victorious villain arcs in movies, where the bad guy wins the day in the end.

I wasn't huge into Star Wars for many many years. I was what someone might call a "casual fan", even though I loved the movies. I watched all of them, including the last three (which I saw in theaters). It was until more recently (last few years) that I've really started getting into Star Wars on a deeper level. Over time I've started watching all of the shows, animated or not. There hasn't been a single show I haven't enjoyed, though I still have a few yet to watch so that could change. I gravitated more towards the Sith side of things, and really dug into their lore and just became more and more fascinated with it all. Realized that the Old Republic era was probably my favorite, and despite what everyone else says or thinks - I eagerly await a show or movie that takes place in the Old Republic.

Beyond shows and movies and games and books and fandoms and whatnot, I think what really attracts me is the space-fantasy element of Star Wars. It is relatable but also fantastical, and I love the idea of space wizards using cool powers and fancy glowsticks to beat each other up xD It's captured my heart so much that I write on a fan made forum now, so I can live out my dream of being in the SW universe.
I like the ships.

I like the way most of them look, especially in the OT. On set, they were largely kit-bashed together from other model kits, and the result was often a modular, industrial looking design, with realistic lines and shapes reminiscent of the era they were made in. And, to me, most Star Wars ships look like something that you can just pop open a panel and get to work on for repairs or modifications. To me, it makes them feel more intimately connected with the characters that fly them. It also makes them feel more real, which adds to my suspension of disbelief.

I like other stuff too shugs.
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