Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why hello there

Hi there. I've been on Chaos before under another name, but retired all of that a while back. An old friend lured me back and I'd like to give a fresh start a try. Things look very different and I'm excited to see what the galaxy's like these days.
First, welcome, fellow lone Jedi who feels powerless because he figure out what even to do to make this galaxy a better place! :D

Second, yay for writing a character that is actually physically old!

I've only just come back myself recently, so here's what I've gathered about the political situation:

The galaxy is currently recovering from the trauma of the Galactic Alliance (Republic Iteration 723) folding after a devastating war with the First Order and the Sith Empire. Some remnants of their forces are now spread over the galaxy and up to all sorts of mischief there, and a new Republic has also sprung up somewhere.

The Sith Empire is meanwhile eating up their side of the galaxy, and the First Order is also still busy with their civilisation-bringing or whatever that is to be considered, while they have some run-ins with the neighbouring ORC.

There was recently a sort of federation centred around a benevolent monarchy from Commenor as a major faction, the Sith destroyed it and established an occupation, and now a bunch of threads are going on where Commenor is being liberated from that occupation.

The Mandalorians exist and confuse everyone as per usual. :) (Different clans are hired by different factions and so one can't clearly define the allegiance of the whole collective.)

The Silver Jedi are a kind of cross-national military Jedi force, and the CIS are purple. That's about all I can tell you about them, I have no idea what they're up to. :blush:


Disney's Princess
[member="Jend-Ro Quill"] - Welcome back!

For all political stuffs, just check the current Map located in the top banner. Cheers! :D

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