Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why, Why, Why Would They (OPEN)

Quil Narro

The pacifist boy walked down a empty path until he reached a river, he was on Alderaan and, he began to think, think of all the horrible things that were happening around the galaxy...

Quil stopped and looked at the bright sky, he continued to think.

"why, why, why is the galaxy filled with constant wars! Why is the galaxy filled with marauders, thieves, and scum! Why would people let this happen. The governments of powerful forces were only looking out for themselves, they cared nothing for their peers."

DogNut felt a single tear drip from his eye. He slowly wiped it away.

There were governments claiming they want peace and not war yet they chose to accomplish their goals by starting more wars. Oh how he hated wars.

Quil began to walk again before sitting near a tree, his parents and siblings were back at the house...he needed time to think, his family did not understand
The boy would never understand ideologies of the politicians that plagued the Galaxy. The Galaxy was far from stable and war was the only way to bring stability in a sense. What more could be asked? Everyone had their own ideals. Idealists always clash and bash heads with one another to put their ideas on as the best one.

That was the sad truth of all the problems in our lives.
a large hooded and masked figure approached the boy slowly, he stood over him staring down on him before he leaned forward and offered the boy a small patch of cloth. he spoke in a low, smooth voice:

" you look distressed, need someone to talk to young one?"

he sat down in front of him and waited for him to finish using the cloth patch.

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