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Why Yes, Senators Do Get A Night Off Once In A While


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Grey Lunara"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Brentaal IV - Ardent Nightclub

A nightclub. Not exactly the kind of place that Kay would frequent, but she didn't know any of the Senators and had heard that some of them pop by here every now and then. So she figured why not try to mingle?

She dressed elegantly, as her comfortable merchant attire just wouldn't do in a place like this. However her satchel still had it's usual spot over her shoulder. Kay contemplated bringing along her new feline companion, Alexia, but then decided against it. She didn't want to seem unapproachable. So Kay sat at a small table, sipping on some kind of fruity drink, though she really wanted her tea. Her eyes watched the crowd, searching for anyone that she might recognize. Although their names would escape her memory.
Varus hadn't noticed the young woman take the seat at the table behind him, and so when he leaned back his chair bumped into hers, his head then craning back and thumping the back of hers. "Ouch.", he whispered as he immediately leaned back up, reaching to the back of his head with a large, calm hand to rub the spot of impact.

It was more surprising than anything, certainly not enough of a collision to injure, but he still felt bad immediately and spun around in his seat propping up his elbow against the back of the chair before he said. "My apologies. I know that must have hurt."

He then sipped his whiskey drink before turning and reaching out to set it back on the table in front of him before looking back towards the woman at the table behind him. "Sorry about that, Love."

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Grey Lunara"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Grey Lunara"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Luckily she wasn't sipping her drink when her head was bumped into, otherwise it would've spilled. It caught her by surprise. Her first instinct that it was a bounty hunter of some sort that struck her, but the sincere apology proved otherwise.

Kay rubbed her head in turn and offered a kind smile. "It's alright. Accidents happen." Funny how he had called her 'love'. But she was dressed in such a way that comments like that could be common. She wasn't too comfortable with having to dress up and look all pretty, but she had a part to play in this game. "I'm Lady Kay, by the way, sir. And you are?...." She needed more allies in the Republic should things turn sour for her in regards to her little side....projects.
Ardent Nightclub. This was a place like she would frequent during her Sith Assassin days... Now she was a reborn Jedi Knight. She took a look upon the outside... It left little to be desired, but when she walked in it was different story. She immediately noticed one of her students in an elegant dress. She made her way over, also being formally gowned instead of her Force fortifying Echani armor that she had made for her back in her old life... back before Yavin... She noticed that Kay was talking to a male... One with a strong grasp of the Force. She was wary of him, not too sure who he was, only knowing she had seen him maybe once or twice on Ossus and around the galaxy. She forced her signature to become slightly stronger to allow him to feel her presence deeper than merely sight.

"Greetings, Padawan Kay." She said mildly to her student while she then glanced to the male. "And to you as well, sir." She then made her way to the bar, getting herself a pint of Tarisian Ale.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic was not drinking. He was not even looking for company. He had been wandering the streets in deep thoughts. He was torn. Torn by what he had grasped since leaving the safety of home. The galaxy was a complicated place, not much made sense. Nothing but the jedi teachings of course. somehow that was where he found respite and peace. But even in this realization the fairly weak force user felt doubt that everything was as it should.

During his walk he had found himself outside of the Ardent Nightclub and for some reason he had stepped inside. He did not usually belong here. Or so he had thought.
Once inside he made his way tot he bar ordering...

"Tea please."

This was the best he could think of at this time. While he did not get tea, he did get some sort of warm juicy beverage and it was enough. He did nt pay much attention to its taste beside the wrmth it offered.

Wait, the warmth... ? The drink was cold.

Mantic looked up and realized he was sensing something. He had not felt something like this in a few weeks. Ever since he last met his own master, a jedi master.
It was not a vague hint of a presence. No, this was far greater. Forgetting his mug he turned around and looked through the cantina. There he saw [member="Grey Lunara"] who seemed to glow...

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Varus smirked as he looked over the woman for a moment, listening to her introduction. "I so suppose I owe you that.", he suggested in regards to her asking for his name. "Varus Shatterstar.", he told her plainly before he raised his glass to take a sip of his honey whiskey. "It's a pleasure, Lady Kay."

This was all that he'd managed to say before another woman made her presence known, not just by words, but by the force. It was an interesting experience to feel another Jedi flexing their connection to the force in order to distract him. When he noticed what was happening, though, he smiled at the woman, stood up and turned so that he could sit backwards in his chair. When he did he raised both of his thick forearms and propped them up in the backrest of the chair and greeted this new guest with a nod.

"Hello.", he said happily.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Grey Lunara"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
She could not shake the presence of [member="Varus Shatterstar"]... the Force was calling... telling her that she needed him. Telling her that they were bound by fate in some manner. She took a napkin, wrote a quick message then walked over to where he was sitting and sneakily placed the napkin, folded small, under his back most portion of his collar, then made her way over to the back. What he would read was an invitation to discuss seemingly urgent matters... she hated to rain on her student's parade, but some matters needed to be settled immediately.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Grey Lunara"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Kay was too late to interject when Luna called her a Padawan. Why did she do that? Though it had been months since she had had any teachings, she had since secured a position on the Senate, a position that is forbidden to Force users. The last thing that she needed was to be discovered.

But then Lunara got distracted, maybe even taken by the young man. Fine by her. It wasn't as though she was starting anything anyways. Kay just hoped to come across some Senators or members of the Republic to get to know, just in case she needed their help or resources in the future.

She took notice of the passing of the note and sipped her drink. "By all means, go and see what she wants, Varus Shatterstar. I wouldn't want to stop you." Nor would she even try. This whole nightclub atmosphere would take a bit of getting used to. But of course she didn't have to stay long.
Varus was a little surprised by the young woman who walked off and left them, a lightly confused look finding his face for a moment as he reached back and pulled a bit of paper from the collar of his shirt. He unfolded it, read it and smirked before looking up at Lady Kay again. "Don't worry.", he told her before he took a sip of whiskey to moisten his tongue. "This won't take long.", he said as he pushed up from his seat and stepped carefully over the chair beneath him. He then turned and slowly waded into the crowed after the young woman who'd asked to share a word.

"Is there a point to such secrecy?", Varus asked plainly as he stepped out from the swells of other people making their was this way and that in the establishment, getting drinks or trying to find someone interesting to share one with.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Grey Lunara"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
She softly smiled, then reached a hand up to her bosom and pulled out her lightsaber and began to take it apart, then put it back together. "I know you are a Jedi... your signature's level is that of a master... Qui-Gon's perhaps. Master Karr and Corvus Raaf both stated that in order to return to the Order completely, I need a mentor to oversee my progress in redemption. While I do have students, Kay being one of them, I still need to prove myself to those above as well of my capability, and my will."

She cleared her throat then took a swig of her ale to quench her thirst. She eyed him up and down briefly before continuing. "The Force desired our meeting, desired us to converse, and drew me to you... My name is K's--- Grey Lunara." It was evident that she had changed her name and was still getting used to it. This new life would be hard to adjust to, but she didn't want to return to the darkside... didn't want to see HIM again. As she pulled the lightsaber part, she would spread the components out and reveal the silver crystal that gave her lightsaber power. "Will you accept the challenge of overseeing me?"

[member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Varus smiled as he propped up against the wall next to him, arms crossed as he leaned over and sipped from his glass of whiskey again as he listened. When she was through and posed her question, Varus let his blue eyes flash towards her before he spoke, making sure she was looking back at him before he said anything at all. "You think I'm your man?", he asked her, wondering why she seemed to think that the force had picked him out just for her.

"Whether or not I oversee you doesn't really come down to me. Especially if the both of us are card carrying Jedi of the Republic.", he explained, taking another sip of whiskey before he sighed for the stinging taste. "My duty is to service my allies and the republic to the best of my ability. Pity I'm a rather poor excuse for a Jedi."

[member="Grey Lunara"]
[member="Lady Grey"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
"Poor... excuse? There is no such thing as a "poor excuse of a Jedi" since we are all on the same side. we might have slightly different philosophies but we strive for the same thing... we... you protect civilization because civilization creates peace..." She frowned. "I am not truly a jedi until I find a mentor. You are not a poor excuse... you just have your own way of getting the job done." She offered back the same candor.

[member="Varus Shatterstar"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Grey Lunara"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Kay leaned back in her chair, half wondering what her Master was up to. No doubt she'd find out sooner or later. She had a small sip of her drink, already assuming that with everything she's done since they were last together, her Master was sure to give her a lecture about focus. Afterall, becoming a Senator and meddling in the Hutt Cartel's affairs wasn't exactly what she figured her Master had in mind for her. But it gave her a purpose that she felt was right. Kay was gaining allies, as well as enemies, but mostly allies in many different factions and governments throughout the Galaxy and on all sides. But so far in the Republic, all that she's got in her favour is her position. Hopefully before the night was finished, Kay would gain a friend or two.
Varus was a bit surprised by the young woman's conviction, but neither of them could truly claim that they knew anything about the other. They had only just met, and the Jedi she was telling him that he was in fact was the Jedi she expected him and needed for him to be. It was endearing, but Varus knew differently about himself and had known that he could have been a much better Jedi than he had been, and so "poor excuse" had been what best applied in regards to himself.

"I understand.", Varus said as he glanced away from the woman for just a moment, sipping from his glass of whiskey as he looked around at the patrons of the establishment making their ways this way and that. "Clearly you hold a strong opinion of what a Jedi should be, and my guess is that you're persistent.", he told her before he glance back over to the young woman in need. "I suppose you've made your choice then?", he asked.

"I won't turn you away if you request for me to guide you."

[member="Grey Lunara"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
"I have, Master." She chuckled and swiveled her way around the man. "Let's go give my student some company, shall we?" She asked and sheathed her lightsaber back in her bosom. She wasn't shameless about such things in public, as a jedi has no need to be. She made her way back to [member="Lady Kay"], holding his hand as she dragged him, and then teased her. "You can have your boyfriend back now." She then sat next to Kay. "Kidding! Why the long face girl? [member="Varus Shatterstar"] here is my mentor and ticket back in the Order. Kay, do you realize what this means? We will have access to the training facilities on Ossus and I can train you properly, and continue to redeem myself. This is a good thing for us both."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Grey Lunara"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Kay raised a brow and then smirked at the jest about getting a boyfriend. She of course wasn't looking for such a thing. Not when she was still loyal to her late husband. Sure he had been dead for nearly six years, but she still loved him too much to even allow anyone else to enter her life. With all of the mistakes that she felt that she made that ended up with him sacrificing his life for hers, well, she figured that she owed him her loyalty until her last breath.

As for the comments on training her properly, she scratched at an imaginary itch on the back of her neck. Hopefully it wouldn't take her away from her own path that she's set before herself. "That's great..." As far as the Order was concerned however, Kay was an exile, and rather than have a bunch of lectures that were sure to come and be scrutinized, she preferred to remain exiled. "Just try not to rush it. Let things happen in their own time."
Tristan eyes flashed open at feeling of picking up on a jedi master and a rouge but he cleverly plays it off surly knowing they have most likely already pick up on him. he stands up pulling off his red and black hood reviling dark red skin and black dreadlocks unlike his own species he was half human half sith pureblood the traits of both can be seen physically just looking at his face unlike a normal pureblood Tristan or Darth revik ha she is know around other sith , had no boney growths on his face or chin or golden pricings hi shuman side is also seeable though the face that he has dreadlocks all purebloods are born with straight hair not curly even though staright hair people of the pureblood race could have them it would not look like ones of a curly hair person did like revik
Varus allowed the young woman to lead the both of them back to the one they'd left behind. When they arrived, however, Varus slipped his hand from the woman's grasp, only smirking at her comment about boyfriends. It wasn't his intention to be with anyone, considering he was about as emotionally available as a coma patient.

"You two are an interesting pair.", Varus said allowed as he retook his seat, sitting in it backwards again so that he could prop his elbows up on the top of the backrest. He preferred to be comfortable as long as he wasn't fighting for the republic, which was why he preferred alcoholic drinks and a change of scenery when he'd driven himself to hard in his training. Sipping his whiskey, he glanced between the two women, waiting for them to say something.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Darth Ravik"]
[member="Grey Lunara"]
[member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
"Kay... I understand there were complications with the Order in the past... but sometimes you gotta get passed those conflicting events and push forth with your life. You agreed to be my student because you wanted to have a second chance... A fresh start... Its the same as me when I became your master... Do you realize... that the Jedi could have turned me away with my past being what it is? They could have chosen, instead of welcoming me in, to kill me where I stood? The younglings run in fear because of my eyes... several of the more seasoned masters are cautious of me because I am a murderer... because I have killed Jedi before... They chose to let me back, I chose to come back, just like you can choose to jump head first into your training, learn to forgive, and whatnot... Maybe I can teach you a few things politically as well." She gave a woman to woman speech about the whole thing, then turned to Varus. "Are we now?"

Just then... the chill of the darkside struck her and her eyes seemed to become a brighter yellow due to it... She was still recovering from her leaving the SIth, and this didn't help. She wrote another note in code and passed it to Varus. The code would be deciphered as. "Not alone.... Shadows cover the light. The hunt continues." Which if he was decent with riddles, would tip him off that she felt the Sith's presence, and that she was on the run from the One Sith, and all Sith who were affiliates of the faction. Grief would then strike her face as she looked down. now using her words... "He cannot have me back... I refuse to return...I refuse to fall for one I cannot have, yet again... I refuse to return to Ferus' side..."

[member="Darth Ravik"] [member="Varus Shatterstar"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Ordon Trozky"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]
has he know he is no longer unkown he gets up putting on a fack smile approaching the grouop with one intension of hirting them but if it came to it so be it he removes his sith style rode showing off his standard sith attire black and red clothing wore by sith knights to lord and his light saber on his belt purposely to show he is ready to fight at any moment as he walks towards the 2 he puts on a fake smile his hands on top of each other in front of his crouch area hoping the likely wasn't true " hello im Tristan or trist whatever you prefer I picked up on you guys as soon as I walked in just thought id stop by to say hello" still fake smiling he eyes the two switching from 1 to the other each every couple of seconds he sensed the darkness within the girl similar to the kind boiled in him after watching his mothers death at the hands of a firing squad 6 years ago he had used that darkness that rage it would of been easy for revik to turn against the sith at that moment at that second when the square opened up on her but her last words to him prevented him Turing against the sith most likely joining the Jedi in the process

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