Jedi Space Pony
THe lushness of the worlds jungles rushed below her. The wind under her wings made the purple feathers glisten when she rose on the currents. The feeling of the force around her protecting her eyes from the wind that was going. She had been practicing with speed and how to move best around on some of the planets. Her own worlds gravity higher than other worlds which went a long way to making her feel heavier at times... some of these worlds she could move around faster. She used the currents to rise up higher into the air and looked down as she adjusted and used it to hold herself in place high above. She was here to practice... to travel and explore but there was always the bigger chance of meeting strange new people... like
Jegy Sesara
or she had met
Srina Talon
which had been cool even if she was super pale from being all sithified now.
Her eyes caught some attention and it was moving out of the ground. Large, slim colored with a thick hide from whaat she could see and it was looking up towards her. Roaring and she could feel it from the distance in her bones... the rattling was there as she debated what to do and resolved. her hooves shifting to tuck in as she prepared to dive bomb sending herself forward and down towards it. The beast rearing up and letting a massive roar out while blister sacks on its back gleamed with the pulse of life for a moment.... it had attacked people now or earlier... maybe it was why the force had guided her to this place and it was consuming their essence. She felt her blood pumping in her ears... the feeling in her body a tremble before she focused on the force and how to stop it.
Her interface chirped as it identified the creature as a leviathan... a sithspawn that was dangerous but vulnerable to the power of a jedi.. specifically it recommended using force light and she resolved mentally to do that... Focusing the force while she flicked her eyes to close to interface and was picking up speed. Using the momentum to add to her chase of the thing she channeled the force into the horn upon her head. SHe could feel it and opened her wings unfurling them as the wind caught them in an updraft rush and she stopped rearing her head back. THe force light channeled through her horn in a massive blast as it came out and went down into the creature. The reports said that victims in the sacks could rarely be recovered unles you got them out right away but once they started being fed on it was usually too late.
The strike of the force came and she impacted the roaring beast when she got close right into its mouth as the force light webbed through its skin and across it. Making the beast stop for a moment and look at her with vengeance and hatred and she could feel the gaze on her skin... if looks could kill she would be gone and not even dust smaller than that... less than the atoms that made it up the look was so intense. Still she could also see the energy seeing out and the blast knocked over several trees when she touched onto the ground and stood there. Her eyes flicking around... her head moving to try and see all that was done when she brought her wings in and tucked them close using the force to reach out and sense. Her interface went over her eyes and she was looking more at everything else.
Her eyes caught some attention and it was moving out of the ground. Large, slim colored with a thick hide from whaat she could see and it was looking up towards her. Roaring and she could feel it from the distance in her bones... the rattling was there as she debated what to do and resolved. her hooves shifting to tuck in as she prepared to dive bomb sending herself forward and down towards it. The beast rearing up and letting a massive roar out while blister sacks on its back gleamed with the pulse of life for a moment.... it had attacked people now or earlier... maybe it was why the force had guided her to this place and it was consuming their essence. She felt her blood pumping in her ears... the feeling in her body a tremble before she focused on the force and how to stop it.
Her interface chirped as it identified the creature as a leviathan... a sithspawn that was dangerous but vulnerable to the power of a jedi.. specifically it recommended using force light and she resolved mentally to do that... Focusing the force while she flicked her eyes to close to interface and was picking up speed. Using the momentum to add to her chase of the thing she channeled the force into the horn upon her head. SHe could feel it and opened her wings unfurling them as the wind caught them in an updraft rush and she stopped rearing her head back. THe force light channeled through her horn in a massive blast as it came out and went down into the creature. The reports said that victims in the sacks could rarely be recovered unles you got them out right away but once they started being fed on it was usually too late.