Upon entry into the door itself, the duo would find themselves in a radically altered location, one that certainly was not the scumsuckers' cantina the door had seemingly been attached to. The stars remained the only source of light within wherever they had been transported to. The floor looked and felt metallic, and within the area were dead consoles, the air itself stale as though they were within some sort of great cosmic tomb.
"You may recall this vessel." Onrai said. "The
Gorgon, once my pride and joy within the Sith-Imperial Navy. She's been hulked and defueled for months now. Her remaining resources have been used to fuel what's left of the Sith navy under my control." The human-like form of the twice-false goddess began to melt, flesh seemingly dripping and gaining the consistency of wax left too close to a candle-fire. The ichor of midnight-blackness seemed to bubble up and out from within the corrupt visage, immolating the woman's form until she seemed naught more than a silhouette with two silvered eyes that could only be described as one thing.
"Before the death of the Sith Empire, I and a select few took this vessel into the realm of Otherspace, to seek out and hunt the profane primordials who once held the galaxy in the palm of their hand. It was through slaying those creatures and feeding upon their power that I became what I am today." She smiled, the glimmer of her mock lips and teeth barely visible against the starlight. "I possess a power greater than that of Sith. I possess the power of
She pondered for a moment on how best to elaborate. "It was through siphoning their power that I gained their knowledge - knowledge that there is in fact a way to perforate the borders of reality and bridge the dimensions, lines to different universes and states of reality. Hyperspace, otherspace... Even Mortis is an example of such a pocket universe capable of being realigned with our own through the creation of a gateway. But connection to a certain universe - the "prime universe," so to speak, would mean connection to the very place where the fabric of reality is woven and pulled. Access to that would allow any to truly become indisputable gods, for there is no higher form of existence than to shape the universe as the gods once did."
A hand was offered to Mori. "But every god needs to be part of a pantheon, a means of responsibility and counterbalance. My past attempts to grant that power to those I believed worthy resulted in failure. I now offer the opportunity to join me in this path to ascension - and to a future of just worship."
Darth Mori