Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Wight Star

Wight Star

SpeciesHalf Human and Half Dathomirian
Weight148 lbs
Force SensitiveYes


Spiked White Dathomirian Hair, Glowing Magenta Eyes (that match his Mother's eyes), Singular Pierced Ear, and tall frame.


Nightsister Dagger
Slugthrower Pistol -Revolver variant with eight shot chamber

Black Leather Steampunk Outfit


Wight is rather psychotic in his behavior, he has a strong hatred of the Force, and has embraced His Mother's devotion to the Magicks, believing that he is the Witchking, a prophecy that every thousand years one male of the Nightsister's Tribe is given the ability to use the magicks, and since he can use the power of the Dathomiri, it seems he is indeed that king. He has sadistic side, where he derives pleasure in tormenting people, particularly his Father, Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus , whom he has great ill will towards.



The only known male that can use the Magicks of the Dathomiri. It is believed that because he is not a true Zabrak, and his parents, one of which was Nightsister and the other a vergene in the Force, that he has been able to possess this power and become the Witchking.

Force Sensitivity:
He has incredible Force sensitivity, but he refuses to hone his skills out of spite towards his Father.

Has the ability to teleport as any true conjurer of the Ichor.

Able to create three to six copies of himself, shades that he uses sparingly.


He has deep seeded hatred of his Father and this has made him neglect his nature or unnatural connection to the dark side, limiting his powers to the Magicks for the time being.

His belief he is the Witchking has given him a very high opinion of self, and this pride makes him prone to taunting others, and baiting them.

Since he was born in another galaxy, he has not fully adapted to the Galaxy Far and is susceptible to viruses that others have an immunity to.


Wight was born from the consummation of his Father Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus , a Sith Lord, and his Mother Anastarsia Anastarsia a Nightsister's love. He was born on Peridea, the Witchkingdom of the Dathomiri. He was raised by Ana on that world in another galaxy, never knowing his Father till he decided to come to A Galaxy Far. Wight developed a great resentment of his Father, feeling abandoned, and hearing that Hemorpheus had cheated on his Mother, for that alone he has sworn to kill The Lord of Life. It is for this reason he hopes to seek out one of his own colleagues, The Lord of Death, to learn his Father's weakness, some necromancy to add to his powers, and finish what his Mother should have started. His growth is explained by that the two galaxies operate in different timelines, and that while a visit from A Galaxy Far to a Galaxy Near will not age one, staying on Peridea for a long period, and then heading to a Galaxy Far ages the individual as they cross over the threshold of the two galaxies. When Wight left Peridea he was only thirteen, and now is twenty-two.




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