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Wilhelm Rykal

Wilhelm Rykal


NAME: Wilhelm ''Deaths Head'' Rykal
FACTION: The First Order
RANK: Commander/Imperial Scientist
AGE: 72

SEX: Male
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Bald
SKIN: White, heavily scarred.

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
An experienced field commander formerly in service to The New Order under Darth Vulcanus, Wilhelm had a long career in the Imperial Military, and is known to be a master strategist, genius scientist and inventor, not letting any ''ethics'' get in the way of his military campaigns and scientific research that will aid in the Imperial conquest of the galaxy. Despite this, he isn't very strong physically, and currently relies on a suit of Phase 3 Dark Trooper armor when he does get involved in combat. He's also quite insane!

A late-aged Imperial Commander in his early seventies, Rykal would be heavily scarred, and appears much older than he actually is, and usually wears a standard Imperial Officer uniform, along with a bloodied white apron when preforming his ''experiments'' on various ''test subjects''.

Wilhelm Rykal is a ruthless individual, psychotic perhaps, as he will go to any lengths to achieve his designs, a methodology that had granted him great favour amongst the ranks of the Sith during his former service in the New Order. He has a great fascination in cybernetics, weapons research, biological modification, Sith artifacts and history and many other scientific and scholarly principals. Until recently, Wilhelm had been secluded away with a large group of his scientists and personal militia within a secluded research station near the very edges of the Outer Rim. That all changed when he heard the call for brilliant scientific minds from the ''First Order'' he'd heard whispers of. Sensing a new opportunity, Rykal eagerly offered his services to this fledgling Empire, hoping such an arrangement would give him extra funding for his twisted, yet promising experiments.






Imperial Science (The New Order)

Wilhelm Rykal

Update! Commander Rykal has gone under a heavy retcon due to new inspirations and goals I have for the character!
[member="Darth Vulcanus"]
[member="Vincent Jusik"]

Wilhelm Rykal

Ooh! Aren't you a magnificent specimen.....*Pulls out scalpel*
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Wilhelm Rykal

Ooh, zis one has fire! Take him to my lab......*Two large dark troopers would drag Vornskr away for ''testing''*
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
An unsavory choice of words, [member="Commander Rykal"]. You should see my laboratories, and perhaps I can still find a use for you in the New Order under my command.

*With a simple touch, I'd be able to figure out the intricate workings of the Dark Trooper via Mechu-Deru, and disable them with the Force.*

Wilhelm Rykal

Oooh, zat sounds good! Where do I sign up? And there are no....''ethics'' I need to worry about, are there? *Spits at the mention of ethics.* Science must be unhindered to progress!
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
[member="Invicta Gaultier"]
No ethics at all!

I've experimented quite a lot in my day, but I find my time for that particular pastime to be woefully lacking.

I would love for an experienced fellow to take my place in the labs, one unbound by morality or ethics.

What do you say, friend?

[member="Commander Rykal"]

Wilhelm Rykal

Consider me hired! Just let me fetch the specimens and equipment......*He clapped his hands loudly, two large super-soldiers dragging cages filled with prisoners into his shuttle, and another carrying his super computer*
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

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