Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Will Chain

Will Chain

Legitimate Independent Freighter

NAME: Will Chain
FACTION: Neutral
RANK: --
SPECIES: Wroonian
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.83 m
WEIGHT: 75 kg
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black with a brown tint
SKIN: Blue


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):

- Star Ship Mechanics: Will possesses an incredible knowledge of starships and how they work. It’s almost like he learned it at a university…
- Pilot: Will almost believes he was born to do it. Ever since he got into a speeder as a kid few things can get him away from the wheel. He's moved on to starships now but flying is what he loves and what he does best.
- Charismatic: Will seems to have an air about him. He can talk the talk and walk the walk and the few instants where he brushes with the upper class he somehow manage to keep up with them. He has a way with words and has been known to talk himself out of sticky situations.
- Swordsman: When he draws his trusty vibrorapier, Will receives many strange looks from strangers. His response is always a smug smile. Many ask why? That’s what the Jedi do, run around with lightsabers. What’s the point in fighting with melee weapons? He replies with the same response. Afterward he displays why melee combat isn’t outdated.


- Secret Past: When asked about his family and past, a look of pain hits him for just a moment before he quickly deflects the question. For those persistent enough or simply there at the right moment, they would know that he doesn’t like his family. He also seems to avoid Alderaan like the plague.
- Lousy Shot: One story he divulged that his father was an expert shot, champion of sport shooting. He wanted his son Will to take up after him but his hatred of his father drove him away and took up sword fighting in spite of him. Rarely is he seen with a blaster but if you know what’s good for you, you would rather have it that way.
- Lust for Adventure! His only goal in life is to travel the galaxy, see the stars, and live a life of excitement and adventure! This has made him a little reckless and more often than not gets him into so sort of trouble. However he has no regrets: it's the life he chose and he enjoys it!

Average build, Will is usually seen flying around in a white flightsuit with a brown duster and fedora. Hidden in his duster he holds his vibrorapier along with a data pad, a knife, hydrospanner for emergency.

There is little known about the man known as Will Chain. As far as anyone knew he just appeared with an old ship that no one is sure they even still make anymore. He refuses to talk about his past, instead deflecting the question with such charm most forget. What little there is known about him is that he enjoys traveling the galaxy, the dream he’s had since he could look into the stars. All he cares about is the thrill of adventure, discovering new sights, and enough credits to keep it going. He started relatively young in the independent freighter business and though he is a little inexperienced, he shows a lot of potential. He’s done a few jobs but he’s been to many star and systems. He is always up for an adventure.

Knife (simple)
Data pad
Com Link

Will Chain pilots an old XS Stock Light Freighter. Named the Intangible, it possess blue markings on the top and bottom along with a blue ion trail. Besides its age, there isn't anything too special about it other than the fact that it still manages to run after so many years. It's Will's pride and joy, bragging about fixing her from the ground up. He loves it so much, it makes women jealous.

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Love is blind, good thing this ain't it (Blind Date by Invitation)

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