Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Will The Real Senate Please Stand Up? | Collective v.s. CSA

Senate Hall [x]

A lovely afternoon.

The CSA government is particularly busy. First Order, Ruusan, Kwenn Station. All are to keep plenty eyes peeled away from the humble halls of big government.

Oh, and an inside man. How could anyone forget [member="The Slave"]? Sure, he wasn't exactly the perfect fit for a shadow organization like the Collective. But he shared a symptom in common with most sentient life in the galaxy; greed. He had wants, needs, desires. Some to be expected, others far from it, but all of them were possible to some degree within the Collective. Using the organization's resources and agents.

That is what brought the Collective here to Commenor. Greed. The Slave's greed. His willingness to allow the organization to supplant itself within the Systems Alliance, and begin the spread of subtle takeover. All to serve his interests just as well as the Collective's.

"Tourism isn't my style." Janeth wasn't part of the infiltration team. She sat inside a cargo shuttle with the rest of the diversion crew. Armed to the teeth, and ready to be dropped in once The Slave dealt with security and allowed the infiltrators access into the secure areas of the senate hall.

Their objective split into four stages.
1.) A Collective-backed delegation from Carida will meet with CSA diplomats, The Slave will be unfortunately late of course.
2.) During the meeting, The Slave will carelessly allow a small infiltration unit from the public access into the secured access without drawing unwanted attention.
3.) The diversion team will begin its terrorist assault on the Senate Hall, buying time for and drawing attention away from the infiltration team.
4.) The infiltration team will slice into the Senate Hall's security and communications systems, installing override access that can be controlled remotely.

Time to begin...

This is thread two of a storyline started between the Collective and CSA. The Collective's overall objective is to successfully infiltrate and hack into the Senate Hall's network, as well as cement the Slave's heroism and bring Carida and Commenor closer diplomatically. The CSA's overall objective is to obviously suppress the supposed terrorist attack and defend the Senate Hall and civilians.

Beyond that weave within the story however you'd like with your character. Just keep in mind that we're all here to enjoy ourselves and the story.

I posted an OOC discussion thread here if you have any questions or feel the need to raise a point.

[member="Lady Kay"]
High in an executive office now abandoned, there The Slave sat with feet on the desk and cigar on his lips. A grin was wide as his hands cradled his head, letting the full pleasure of luxury draw him in and hold tight; something he wasn’t used to for some time considering his less than perfect working conditions. Afterall, where Lorrd catered to his every whim, and The Dominion let him simply do as he pleased being the leader; this was annoying.

To be the underling once more. Disgusting.

As a few careless thoughts soured his mood somewhat, The Slave set the cigar in the ashtray next to him before clicking a few buttons on a secured datapad on the desk. It sprang to life with a few buttons and options for him to choose; and after a few dexterous clicks on the screen a familiar voice came to light;

Yes, master?

Master? When did that start?

Just now. What do you want?”, the waif of an AI responded coyly.

Unlock the ‘back door’ as planned. You sent that holomail, right?

Of course. It’ll be done in only a moment.

The Slave let his grin come back as he moved to lean back in the seat once more. While The Collective was here to stage a terrorist attack, Cybele was to open the door for the infiltration team to allow free reign amongst the facility. Simple, effective, and in all purposes would lead to his eventual coup he intended.

In time, it would seem. In time.

Smoke wafted into the air as he sat, idly watching the door for the first signs of the attack. In due time...

[member="Janeth Farr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's shuttle had brought her from the Royal Palace to the Senate Hall. A meeting was to take place with a delegation from Carida to establish trade between the two worlds and other agreements therein. Those usually consisted of education, art and non-aggression pacts. In a matter of months, she was going to be unable to see to such meetings herself, due tothe coming birth of her first child, so for now she took them when she could. Her new assistant [member="The Slave"] (otherwise known to her as Mas Antilles) had arranged the meeting. With [member="Kirie Ito"] recovering after the attack on Kwenn Station, Kay was forced to hire someone to take up the position. Now that Kirie was recovered, she was given her own office at the Palace to help handle the affairs there.

The newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, [member="Silfe Sosuri"] was called to the Senate Hall for this meeting, as well as her Minister of Trade [member="Darben Skirae"] . Silfe was new to this particular game, so it was good for them to work together on what should be a simple negotiation.

Kay wore a gown as she walked by the security, datapad cradled under one arm, and Sapir tea in a specialized tea cup in one of her hands. Her Force Signature was already shrunken down to that of a small tree nut before her arrival. It was a habit of hers that she hoped to never break. She headed straight to the Council Chambers for the meeting, knowing that she'd be the first.

Of course she expected Mas to be there to greet her, but for some reason he wasn't. So the moment after Kay sat herself down at the head of the table, she pulled out her commlink and set it for Mas' channel.

~Mas, it's Kay. I'm here in the Council Chambers. Where are you? Aren't you supposed to be down here already with some notes to debrief me on?~ The man had been punctual before, and had seemed pretty eager. So the fact that he wasn't already there with her made her wonder if he was ill.

[member="Janeth Farr"]
Location: Senate Hall, 3rd floor.
Allies: CSA
Interacting With: N/A

With a resigned sigh, Kirie fished the keys from her bag and pushed open the door into her office on the 3rd floor of the Senate building. The room was stuffy, and when the door swung open it kicked dust from the wooden floor and into the air. The room was small, tucked into the corner of the building at the end of the corridor. It was about half the size of what the other staff had, but she didn't mind that. Despite it's small size, it was by far the nicest thing Kirie had ever called her own. Inside, one wall was lined with a number of books, some for official business, others filled with volumes on Commenor's history. When it was late, Kirie liked to run her hands along the cracked leather spines, enjoying the soft scent of the old papers. The furniture was expensive, and many of the adornments were heavy and gilded. Kirie avoided touching them if she could help it. They would difficult, even impossible to replace if broken.

Crossing the room, Kirie undid the latch on the window, lifting it and leaning on the broad sill as the familiar Chasin South-Westerly rolled in, playing with her hair. "Nice day. Shame you're such a miserable sod." remarked the voice. It liked to chat, the dreaded thing. In the quieter moments, when she was alone. The sinister presence would creep from its hiding hole, from whatever crevice deep in her mind it chose to hide itself in. Each night, as her head hit the pillow, it began to whisper, wearing her down. There had been no other hallucinations since the ball, only intense nightmares, night after night, without fail. Each morning she would wake up and stare at herself in the mirror. She was getting thinner, each day she looked more tired. The rings under her eyes were large and dark. She turned away from the window, ignoring the voice's comment, and took a seat at her desk, placing a thick sheaf of papers in front of her, and working through them one by one.

It was her first day back at the palace, and at first she'd recieved warm greetings and looks of concern, but eventually the day moved on, and everyone left her alone with her work. She liked it better that way, or she had. The peace of isolation she had once loved so much had been sullied by the intrusion of the dark presence into her physche. She now preferred the aspects of her time spent with others, be that trailing behind the Queen, or running errands around the palace. The voice seemed to behave itself more when she was busy. "You're very boring, you know that right?" it said snarkily from somewhere behind her. It always seemed to come from somewhere in the room, just out of her sight, but after its first appearance in the ball she'd realised that whatever it was it was contained entirely within her own mind.

"Leave me alone, I'm working." She mouthed, keeping the words in her mind. The voice never responded when she'd sign in reply. Kirie knew it understood, perhaps it was purely out of spite. "Unfortunately for the both of us, I have nowhere else to go." The voice spoke no longer, however, and Kirie refocused on her work. Reading papers, signing documents, and endless holovid calls arranging appointments, each with a 5 second delay as software translated her signs into words.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="The Slave"] | [member="Janeth Farr"]​

Atlas Kane

On the way to the Senate Hall
Diversion Team

It was the first time Atlas entered Commenori space. He'd been informed about their government, the Commenor Systems Alliance, a lovely confederation of planets and smaller governments rallied under one banner, much like the Republics that have come before it, with their own alliance to the Jedi, too. In a strange way, he'd felt as though he was coming home after many years of absence, finding that his room had been changed to accommodate some new purpose, that his family had redecorated the house, parents adopting a new look, siblings grown older. Though he himself had changed much as well, he was no longer an idealistic Jedi, looking to change the world with a glowstick, he'd turned out to be a proud Sith, capable, driven, successful in transforming his idealistic dream into a mission to be achieved with far more than just a glowstick. With the power of the Force at his side, he would remake the galaxy in his image one day, twist it to bend to his will, not jump through hoops at the beck and call of an incapable government.

Today he was taking one more step towards that goal. He'd recently fallen in with the unsavoury ilk of the Collective, slowly warming to their ruthless ambition. They'd promised him much, and he promised them equally in return. His service would be rendered only for compensation, at least for now. This time he was promised something he'd sought after for a long, long while, information. In return, he would accompany one of the important figures within the Collective on a distraction mission to the Commenor Systems Alliance's Senate Hall. He was there to cause as big of a distraction as possible, to divert as many eyes from the true actors. Janeth and he would be the soaring melodic lead singers in this symphony of bloodshed, while The Slave and the team he was allowing access would be the almost unnoticed Bass that truly brought the piece together by accomplishing their true goal, to gain access to Commenor's security and communications systems. It was a simple plan, on paper, but most elaborate in practice.

He waited within the cargo shuttle, amongst those who'd serve as the distraction. The usually black robes were left at home this time, instead opting to go for the bright white ones, though torn and burned at several points, they still gave the Sith an elegant look, especially when paired with the brazen plates and mask. He sat opposite the woman, deep in meditation, though masking his presence within the Force, a useful trick he'd picked up while hunting. There was no reason to reveal his presence too early, lest any potential Jedi suspect them too early.

"It appears I've judged you correctly. Tourism is for those privileged enough with blissful ignorance and blinding peace, not those seeking power." He grumbled in response, though they were dying down, his headaches still remained. He at least attempted to socialise, despite his rather grumpy mood.

[member="Janeth Farr"], [member="The Slave"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Kirie Ito"].


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Three Days Earlier. . .

The call echoed through the house from the upstairs, behind the closed door. Deborah Roice looked up from her oven where she was baking cookies, clad in a flowery blouse and a bright pink apron. She chuckled to herself, and made her way upstairs, softly opening the door to her daughter's room. The room was kept dark, and the woman had to wade through empty containers of junk food and used energy drink cans as she made her way to the bed, where Kitten Roice hunched behind her terminal screen, vaguely looking up to examine her mother.
"Mom, I'm gonna go spend some time with a friend on Commenor."
"Oh, Kitty, I'm glad to see you getting out! How long are you going to have this sleep-over?"
Kitten scowled.
"Mom, it's not a sleep over. It's really important stuff. And I told you to call me Whisper."
Debby chuckled, shaking her head.
"You kids and your silly nick-names. Okay, sweetie, you can go. Do you need me to drop you off?"
"No, mom, I'm not a kid. I have a ride. I'll be gone for a few days."

Present Day. . .

This place was stupid. Whisper kept her hands in her hoodie pockets, scowling. She was in the public part of the senate hall or whatever, pretending to be a tourist. Her blue eyes examined the hall with complete and utter boredom as she leaned against the wall, away from all of these normies. This place sucked, she hated it here, and if [member="Janeth Farr"] hadn't asked her to come here to do some stupid chit, she wouldn't be here. Ugh.
"Stupid Commenor, stupid Collective, stupid Janeth, stupid mom."
Mythos did not know if the public was aware, he indeed hoped they were not. Commenori security teams were lead from the shadows of the bright and bustling cities by a Sith Lord who was a former Sith Assassin and a good one at that. Kay had instructed him to train and maintain the royal guards and general palace security but when the Queen decided to move outside the palace they needed to be flexible. Mythos was not visibly in command of the security forces who he instructed to dress like civilians and librarians and senators and the like to throw off those more keen eyed to the presence of an armed and very lethal security force. Commenor was peaceful but it had jaws that Kwenn would attest could bite down very hard. Mythos was the teeth of those jaws, the jagged blades that would rip and tear and the beast who would give hunt until prey was caught. He was drinking tea a full two miles from where Kay was, looking at a very nice datapad that showed him an overview of every single agent he had deployed as well as the security cameras inside the senate halls, the drone droids flying overhead and the videocall with the very attractive Chiss hacker [member="Mara Rockwell"]... so far she had not picked up the call. He was nothing if not stubborn.

Adjacent to this fairly large datapad and holoprojector was another smaller datapad. This one he was working on more intently. Kwenn had dropped on his lap not only a court case that would probably lead to his arrest and incarceration but a titanic load of paperwork he needed to fill out, process and forward to their respective agencies and departments of Commenori law. No stranger to bureaucracy Mythos filled them one by one meticulously and professionally.

Mythos was always armed to the teeth but this time he also dressed sharp. Under his suit he carried his lightsabers, blaster pistol, sawnoff shatter gun, Rudis, hidden blade of the Sith Assassins and a laser trip wire. His briefcase carried lunch which consisted of a fried prog sandwich with spring water and snacks, and four experimental thermal detonators. The diner he was in was pricey, he had the credit to spend as well as the desire to eat a bit more healthy. It was built of sturdy glass ceiling and pristine white stone floors, the waiters were droids that served also as the plates. The chef behind the magic was a re-purposed HK droid. 'from slaughtering jedi to slaughtering the meaning of portioned meals' Mythos thought, his only complaint being that a twenty credit meal was the size of his fist. Preposterous. How could one crush the enemies of Commenor and keep the queen safe with insufficient portions of protein and carbs?

This Mythos could never understand, no wonder the police forces looked so underfed, they ate like vegetarians. So far nothing important came through his desk in terms of surveillance, some agents reported shady activity but he and them brushed it off as paranoia after Kwenn. His shades were a HUD but they also served as magnifying glasses and a communicator to Kay herself and the officers of security. "Kay protecting you is by far the single most mind numbing boring assignment i have undertaken and mind you I am currently doing Kwenn paperwork for the department of housing affairs"

[member="Atlas Kane"] [member="Kirie Ito"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="The Slave"] [member="Janeth Farr"] [member="Whisper"]​
Usually, Kodryl disliked infiltration missions unless he was assassinating someone and bring their life to Death. That's the only time he did, but times change. With the shadow organization of the Collective, there was a bridge between the Bando Gora and the Collective.

And right now the Death Cult needed the assassin to cooperate and do what needed to be done. Even if it meant dressing up as a tourist and being part of the infiltration team, and give them protection. He was an assassin, but he was no slicer that could do what needed to be done.

The man was with [member="Whisper"] who was part of the infiltration team and a slicer. Apparently she was one of the people he had to protect along with other Collective agents that didn't know how to throw a punch for their own life. Easy pickings if he wasn't allied to them, but there was no need for that. Right now he was waiting for [member="The Slave"] top open up the backdoor.

He was dressed all casual with no weapons at all. Just a simple civilian tourist with deceiving looks that he was an assassin with his body as his own weapon.
@Mythos @Atlas Kane [member="Kirie Ito"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Janeth Farr"]
Dressing up was a strange side hobby for Faceless. Whilst the assassin most of the time dressed in his typical bodysuit carrying a large slugthrower rifle with the intent to murder without a trail leading back to him, the Collective had a different job for him this time around, something that allowed him to play around with the odd little things like dressing for the part and spending credits on buying fancy suits and going out to look decent, even if the shapeshifter underneath looked nightmarish without his guise; in a way it helped in situations like it, as if it gave him an excuse to toy around with outfits and faces to find which one fitted the situation. Some might see this as weird, perhaps on the side of a complete nutcase but the assassin despite his cold, ruthless job, loved every moment of the hobby made out of a vital part of his work.

In truth, Faceless had never heard of Commenor, nor had he ever had dealings with the Commenor System's Alliance. The Board obviously had their reasons for picking the center of the Alliance's territory, right in the heart of the ruling body, to stage a plan that was body crafty and downright dirty. Infiltrating the back rooms whilst a terrorist attack kept everyone else's heads down? It was crafty, conniving and at least on one half stealthy. He had toyed around with playing the act of a terrorist before but with his natural talents of infiltration, blending in with the crowd and slipping in once everything was in place was more suited for the Collective, even if he did want to crack a few skulls and leave a hollow name filled with infamy behind. The assassin loved a little chaos, especially with the talents like his to cause it and leave no trace or connections between the guise and the real him.

Infiltration would have to do and for this? Faceless could go as all out as he wanted.

Dressed in a three-piece black suit, shoes that picked up both natural light and the lighting within the building itself to give that fantastic shine, the assassin wore his mask like a man of action and with a look that showed that he was a man of figures and statistics. Carrying a suitcase that was checked, his A180 pistol hidden among files and various other metallic objects that gave him the very high chance to get the weapon into the lobby without much issue. The assassin was no longer himself, he was a businessman, having called in a couple of favors to get himself the legitimacy that he wanted, the suited and booted figure stood in the lines, tapping his foot impatiently, looking like a man on a mission that needed to be dealt with before an entire species was wiped out. Of course, his constant shuffling, grumbling and tapping off his foot garnered some looks from those around him, probably wondering why the businessman was in such a hurry despite the busy crowd hoping to reach the reception desk. It wasn't like the line was getting any shorter any quicker with his impatience.

Why go through all the trouble of sneaking in when you can enter clear as day with a less-than-honest intention behind the reason? As long as he got the access he needed, all would be well.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Still no reply from [member="The Slave"] . Kay frowned as she took another sip of her tea. No sign of the delegation either, or of [member="Silfe Sosuri"] or [member="Darben Skirae"] . It was almost as though she had gone to the wrong building. Surely she wasn't mistaken? Ever since it's construction, this was where most meetings were held with the representatives for potential allies. Most people were punctual, yet here she was, alone in the Council Chambers. The massive room made her feel quite small and the decor cast strange shadows along the walls. She wondered why she had never picked up on that before.

Her commlink came to life, almost causing her to jump, yet she retained her composure. Her heart sank slightly as instead of being one of her staff that she was expecting, it had turned out to be [member="Mythos"] . Kay smirked at his words and made her reply, ~Perhaps this is just the lull before the storm. Don't you remember? I'm a magnet for trouble. And if it's as quiet as you say, then you must be doing a great job at keeping the harmful ones at bay.~ After a monent's pause she added; ~Some of my staff are supposed to be here; Mas Antilles, Minister Skirae and Minister Sosuri. Have you seen them? Normally they aren't late.~ Whatever their reasons, she was starting to get a bad feeling about this. Or it could just be paranoia.

[member="Janeth Farr"] [member="Kirie Ito"] [member="Atlas Kane"] [member="Whisper"] [member="Kodryl Grar"] [member="Faceless"]
There had been much to do in the last few weeks. Silfe had hired a great deal of staff and started implementing an actual routine. Her staff had been diligent, but she had wanted to read the last two paragraphs of the summary she had been given for the upcoming meeting and it was making her a touch late. The new Minister of Foreign Affairs stepped into the Council Chambers with her own datapad and assistant. She had dressed in a pretty gown with a draping cape. Her hair was back in a long low ponytail of curls with lace matching the dress pinned in her hair.

She smiled warmly at [member="Lady Kay"]. "Your Majesty. You look lovely today." Personally, Silfe was quite happy having Lady Kay here for her first real negotiations. There was still so much to learn. She wanted to make sure that she could do the job and prove to all of Commenor that her appointment had been no mistake.

Then she noticed the rather empty Council Chambers as she walked up to the table and took her seat. "Are we early? I could of sworn we were just a touch late." She turned to her assistant. "Do we have confirmation that the delegation has arrived?"
Mara was busy. Her fingers danced across the keyboard of her computer with a furious, dizzying speed. If it could have caught on fire, it would have. All around her in a 360 view there were holographic projections of windows that were open. Across most ran lines and lines of code of various firewalls she was breaking down. Some the girl was cutting away with a scalpel. Others she was hacking through with a screaming chain saw. Some could wonder what would merit such a massive amount of work--and the answer was pretty simple. Just a little fun.

Her dirty room was filled with the blasting sound of brutal dubstep. Her mind was buzzing, flying faster than most beings could understand. She was high, the crackling rocks fueling her glitterstim induced highlly illegal rampage waited for her net hit nearby on the table, right by her half eaten chick and cheese sliders and four empty beer cans.

"Hell yes!" Mara yelled in victorious triumph as she finally reached her goal. Through the dozens of fire walls, hacking, and counter hacking she had committed after the past 20 minutes, she had finally breached the mainframe of some happless business named Jabiim Planetary Mining. It was just their unluckly day to catch her eye, she was bored, and high. They had exactly 20 seconds before their shares dropped to next to zero.

"Hello moneys," she greeted the massive line of zeros, "Please meet my dear friends, the orphans of Ruusan," with a trio of button presses, the credits in the highly secure acount trickled away. Mara giggled with glee as she watched the number slowly go away. It would take months, if not years to track down. And by the time it was found, the orphan recipients would have already made bank with the new building they needed. And this time it would be something with all the bells and whistles that there could be.

The glowing frames that had encompassed Mara vanished one by one, until she was left there by herself in the barely lit room, spinning in her office chair with joy. After several minutes of it, she fell on the floor and puked up most of the beer and sliders she had consumed. She marked that down under hacks she would have to not try and beat. It was so not worth it. As Mara pulled herself up on her feet, she saw her personal datapad blinking with an indication. She tapped the screen live. She had missed... five video calls? All from the Durin guy? Wow, he was persistent.

"Damn it," Mara shouted as she quickly stripped her puke-tainted shirt off and tossing it on the pile of similarly dirty shirts in the corner. Off the top of her dresser, she grabbed a cute gray halter top that looked good on her, and was frankly more truth than most realized about her. She flicked the lights on and ran her fingers through her hair, giving it a messy-but cute look that worked to her curls and natural waves.

She looked around her small apartment for a clean pair of pants. Sadly, there were none to be found. She sighed, she would have to just be careful where she placed the camera then. Her arms scooped the clothes off her mattress and dumped them at the foot. She plopped herself on the bed and dialed her playlist down to an after thought before pulling her knees up so she could sit up and rest her datapad against her knees.

"Oh, hey there, Durin right?" Mara asked as the call went live, "Hey, sorry I missed your calls. I was out at the gym. All of this doesn't just happen over night, ya know. What's up?"

Darben had been walking down the side walk on his way to the meeting. He had stayed behind for a moment, and had sent Mute ahead while he gathered some things. She knew her way around, and wanted her to let [member="Lady Kay"] know that he would be late. On his way, he caught a glance of a familiar face, and thought 'How much more late can I be?'. Besides, he was hungry. So he went into the diner that he saw @Mythos. He recalled hi, having helped Skirae when he had gotten very drunk.

Darben walked in, waving toward the man. Darben had been saved from stumbling back home when he had gotten him to a safe place. The Minister could not remember much else of that night, as he had been very drunk. "Hey there...I forgot your name. Not sure if you remember me, got real drunk." He looked to the other seats, then back to Mythos. "You don't mind, do you? I missed breakfast and-" He went quiet when Mythos received a call. Quickly he used his own datapad to send a quick message to Mute, letting her know he would be a bit more late...and that he would be bringing her a bite.

[member="Mara Rockwell"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Faceless"] [member="Kodryl Grar"] [member="Whisper"] [member="Atlas Kane"] [member="Kirie Ito"] [member="The Slave"] [member="Janeth Farr"]
The diner was quiet, unusual for a busy weekday for work and especially at lunch time. Perhaps it was the several layers of visible security Mythos had outside the door, the owner did not mind. Mythos had just finished his meal but as always in this diner, healthy as the food might be the portions were not his style. He was used to eating a full three pounds of meat with bread and fruits in Midvinter four times a day just to keep his size the way it was. It was necessary... Midvinter was civilized but it's wilds were colder than Hoth and more deadly than Korriban by quite a lot. The Valkiry of Midvinter survived because they were naturally gifted with incredible strength, Mythos needed to compensate for his lack of ability in the force when he was there and his small stature. Mythos went from a scrawny person of little over one hundred and forty pounds to what he was now, two hundred and twenty five pounds of well toned muscle. His power in the force was only rivaled by his sheer might and martial prowess. Before his small size was good for Juyo and Atraru, now he used Jar'Kai and Juyo as his main fighting styles. Life was... tolerable here. He was still very much hungry and already on his table were three empty plates.

When the man he met just a few days ago in the bar walked in Mythos raised an eyebrow and smiled. As Kay talked into his ear he reached out with the force to pull the chair in front of him so that [member="Darben Skirae"] could take a seat. He was about to reply to Kay when by divine grace Mara replied to his call. And there went his concentration on security. His eyes went from working on paperwork and keeping an eye on security and the safety of his Queen to the Blue lady in his holopad. He held out a finger to Darben as he switched his attention. Mythos was good at detecting lies but with her all that ability and Sith Lord skill went out the window. She looked wonderful to him, if a bit young, his body was about twenty two years of age but he was closing thirty not counting the years he spent... well dead.

"Nothing much, at dinner over at HK Fried as I am supposed to be working." He said as his pipe with Bota already packed floated by the will of the force into his mouth, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed. With the tip of his finger he let out a small spark that ignited the herb as he methodically puffed away before his next meal came. One particular reason why he liked this diner is that he could smoke while in his desk. "Just wondering if you wanted to get lunch, dinner or catch the opera house tonight. It looks to be like a very boring and uneventful day, i doubt i will have anything happening so i'm free" He skimmed through his datapad that already had her highlighted as a graduate of with seriously high recommendations in the areas of intelligence technician. He had a hook that perhaps Kay herself would approve of. "Also I have a Job offer from the Intelligence department of Commenor if you are even remotely interested." He shrugged, it could't help to try.

[member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Mara Rockwell"] [member="Silfe Sosuri"] [member="Lady Kay"] @Faceless @Kodryl Grar @Whisper @Atlas Kane [member="Kirie Ito"] [member="Janeth Farr"]​
"Coolio," she said. She glanced at her desk a few feet away and off the camera, "Yeah I just got off a little assignment myself."

She was really actually hungry, and the munchies were starting to kick in from her drug fueled workload. All those calories she had burned eating were starting to bite her in the literal butt. She saw him float some sort of pipe to his lips. He must have been one of those people who figured out how to hack the system and move things. They were lucky. She was still trying to figure out how to snag into that part of the base code of this simulation. She wondered what he was smoking, if he had the good stuff she wanted some. But judging by the office-y background, she thought probably not.

Mythos said:
"Just wondering if you wanted to get lunch, dinner or catch the opera house tonight. It looks to be like a very boring and uneventful day, i doubt i will have anything happening so i'm free"
"Well, aren't you thoughtful," she giggled, "If you're buying, then yes. If I'm buying, then--noooope."

Her stomach reminded her that it was certainly time to eat, she didn't really care what it was or where it was at this point. Her ears perked up at the mention of a job offer. She had been hopping from one private hack to another, and frankly it wasn't paying steady for either her habit or her food. She was barely making rent, and most of the cash used to make rent came from her own slicing rather than the work she was getting. At this point, Mara couldn't afford to be a chooser. She was just a few weeks shy of becoming a beggar. And, if there just so happened to be a questioning that led the hacking back to her, an alibi and a job with a government station somewhere would certainly keep her just one step further from prison.

"Sure, honey, we can talk it over dinner, gimme a sec," she set the datapad down, facing upward to the ceiling and slid off her matress. She pulled open her dresser drawers and began scouring for something that she could put on her lower half. She raised her voice slightly so it could be heard clearly on Durin's side, "Just tell me where and what time is good for you."



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay sighed as [member="Mythos"] had yet to answer her. Her commlink was silent, just as silent as the room. She picked up her tea and had a sip. Maybe she had the wrong day?

That question was answered the moment that [member="Silfe Sosuri"] entered with her assistant. Kay sat up straighter, doing her best to not look as though she was worried or stressed. "I haven't heard anything, no. I was starting to worry that I had gotten my days mixed up." She laughed a little, in spite of herself. "But even my new assistant isn't here....Were you at the Palace? You don't suppose that everyone has gone there by mistake, now do you?"

That would be a silly mistake. If that were the case, they'd need to hurry on over there. Plenty of apologizing would need to be made. Where was [member="Darben Skirae"] and [member="The Slave"] ? This whole day was starting to feel like a disaster waiting to happen....

[member="Janeth Farr"] [member="Mara Rockwell"] [member="Faceless"] [member="Kodryl Grar"] [member="Whisper"] [member="Atlas Kane"]
Silfe's brow furrowed. "No your highness, I saw no one there. Perhaps something detains them?" Surely they could not be this late without a good reason. The delegation itself was also missing and one look at her timid assistant was enough to tell her that there was no information on their whereabouts. Silfe brought her hands up in a gesture to say "I do not know?" To [member="Lady Kay"].

"Are we to have guards here?"
Silfe walked back to the door, looking for the guards that normally walked the halls and guarded the chamber itself. Where were they? Did [member="Darlyn Excron"] have them elsewhere?
"It's time for us to go." Janeth said to the others in the shuttle.

She then knocked against the door leading into the cockpit, alerting the pilot it's time. The cargo shuttle took off from its small landing pad, moving from position towards the senate hall. Just enough within traffic patterns not to arouse suspicion. That was until the shuttle lowered itself rapidly, and the drop door opened. With only a small distance from there to the ground, Janeth was among the first to leap.

Landing with a spring in her step and gear in hand. Storming the unsuspecting forefront of tourist central and opening fire to draw the crowd and attention. Of course her initial targets would be any obvious guards in position, her mandalorian training--since she was a young girl in fact--came into play here. She had experience in these situations; not terrorism per se but shock tactics. She knew how to eliminate the mobility of her enemy and force them to react rather than attack.

Regardless of where her companions were, she stormed ahead to take position behind a bench.

Diversion team: [member="Atlas Kane"] | [member="Faceless"]
Infiltration team: [member="Whisper"] | [member="Kodryl Grar"] | [member="The Slave"]

CSA: [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Silfe Sosuri"] | [member="Mara Rockwell"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Kirie Ito"]


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
"Come onnnnn, you broken piece of chit!"
The small game pad in her hands was alight with a game. A very stupid game, that she was currently losing. Whatever. She would just activate the cheats on this game later and win anyway. She pocketed the pad in her hoodie, sighing again. She just needed a distraction-

Like [member="Janeth Farr"] opening fire on the crowd. That would certainly work as a distraction. The teenager tried to stay calm, but the flying blaster bolts were freaking her out. She kept her hands in her pockets, and strode to the door. The designated door. The door that their inside guy had made sure was unlocked. And when she opened it, it was indeed: unlocked. Well, geez. The plan was already going off well.

She slipped into the room, putting her back against the wall, pulling her hood back for a moment.
"Holy fething chit people are getting shot out there."
Saying it out loud made it better, almost. She didn't think about it long. She had other things to be doing. Like waiting on the rest of the infiltration team, i.e. the guys protecting her ass while she did the smart person stuff.

[member="Faceless"] [member="Atlas Kane"] @Kodryl Gar [member="The Slave"]
851 ABY - Will The Real Senate Please Stand Up?

The ground shook, people screamed, and blaster bolts whizzed past in different directions. Time seemed to slow for little Juno, and one single thought coursed through her head: "This is Hell."

The Padawan's first instinct was to reach to her belt, to grasp the cold and refreshing taste of her lightsaber - her one companion. Instead however, she dropped down - attempting to avoid any of bolts coming her direction. Although many civilians considered force users, and Jedi more specifically, to be superhuman, Juno was just a lost kid stuck in the middle of a war zone. The girl began to roll, moving behind a nearby trash bin and removing the holo communicator from her belt.

She tried fiddling with the thing, but her hands began to shake - and tears began to form around the padawans eyes. "Hold it together, Juno." The girl repeated to herself, carefully grasping the device and inputting an S.O.S signal through. The second she waited for the device to response with confirmation began to grow longer, until it finally popped up.


Juno smashed the communicator into her lap, and pulled herself into a small ball behind the bin, covering her ears. Although people were dying around her, the little Jedi couldn't do anything but watch.

Opposition: [member="Janeth Farr"] | [member="Faceless"] | [member="Kodryl Grar"] | [member="The Slave"] | [member="Atlas Kane"] | [member="Whisper"]

CSA: [member="Silfe Sosuri"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Kirie Ito"] | [member="Mara Rockwell"]

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