Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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William Trager


NAME: William Trager
RANK: Pilot
AGE: 44
SEX: Male
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (but doesn't want to use the force)


+ Science: William is quite smart, making him good at Science and Engineering.
+ Strength: Usually scientists aren't strong, but William trains physically to keep fit.
+ Ace: William loves flying, and is very good at it.
- 'Genius': Being so smart, he can be rather narcissistic and see himself as above others.
- Curiosity: Naturally, William is extremely curious, which sometimes gets him into bad situations.
- Lost: William lost his Wife and children to Sith, which means he has lost the ability to love, and despises the Sith.

William is around 6 foot tall, built with quite alot of muscle. He has jet black hair that is usually swept back and dark green eyes. When travelling, working or fighting, he wears his white leather outfit which provides him with some decent protection. He also has a bog-standard flight suit. When laying around, training or working out, he simply wears a black T-shirt and jeans. Most of the time, in either of the outfits, he is wearing gloves which cover his thumb and first two fingers on both hands, which have small blue lights on the tips.

William was born and raised on Tatooine as a slave child. He built and repaired droids from a young age, doing so until he earned his freedom by building a ship for his owner. Years later, William had made enough money to buy his own ship, a YT-1210 Light Freighter, and leave Tatooine in search of knowledge. He studied at the Coruscant University of Science and Engineering until he was 21, at which point he became an Engineer for various companies on the planet. For some time he served in the Republic Military, and then worked a few Mercenary contracts until at the age of 37 he quit his job after his wife and daughter were killed by a Sith Lord. Wanting to get out of the place that only brought bad memories, he began travelling around Republic space in search of work. But then, he started to venture outside Republic space, thinking maybe he could work for another faction instead... That was when he found the Silver Jedi. From them he learned he was force sensitive, and so after weeks of self-debating, he decided to train under them. But in the end, it seemed the force wasn't for him just yet, and so he set off once again for a new home.


DC-17 Hand Blaster Pistol
Hologloves (Gloves which display an interactive datapad hologram)


YT-1210 Light Freighter ("The Oblivion") - Modified to have a Science and Engineering lab inside, aswell as sleeping quarters for up to six people including William's own private cabin. It has a standard pair of cannons and a tractor beam. A droid always remains on board: R3-S5 (An R3 Series Astromech Droid) to help with navigation and repairs.



[Silver Jedi] (TLM) Ascension [Complete]

They are with the Silver Jedi Order. A set of Non force users that work with the Jedi as a team. I am with the Silver Jedi. And we may be going major some time soon. If you want to talk more about it, You can PM me so we don't flood your character thread.
[member="William Trager"]

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