The redacted files on "William the Bloody"
NAME: William Draclau-Dib
FACTION: self interest
RANK: Knight
Father: human/kiffar
Mother: Shi'ido
AGE: 24
SEX: male
WEIGHT: 180 pounds
EYES: dark blue, red rimmed
HAIR: black
SKIN: Caucasian
+ Strong in the force: due to family lineages on both sides of his parents, William is heir to the force
+ trained soldier: from an early age her learned that the Galaxy was survival of the fittest. Hence he threw himself into training
+ Criminal Mastermind: one didn't just inherit a crime Syndicate. You had to prove yourself
+ shifter: due to being part Shi'ido he's able to shape shift into many different visages
- distrustful: sequestering himself away from the pureblood population he grew to trust only himself
- disdain for authority: he chose to be a rebel. He was born to reject authority. He became a villain
- trouble controlling his emotions: while a level head got him so far, giving into certain base emotions have earned him a reputation. One of which was Bloody
- he yearns for acceptance: choosing to turn his back on his mother's people he searches for those who will accept him for who and what he is
APPEARANCE: tall, lean, and usually impeccably dressed. His dark hair contrasts with his light complexion.
Excerpts from his personal journals
One could say I was an accident. See most people are planned, or at the very least a product of love ... Whatever that is. Me? I'm from a drunken tryst. A product of a curious mother and an inebriated father. Why was I born? Again, curiosity. My mother wanted to know what she would have, what I would be. Not as a person but as a scientific research experiment. So poof, here I am.
In retrospect I was treated as family, but I could never get over the fact that I was a mistake. The wrong time and the wrong place. I should never have existed. And yet here I am. My grandfather raised me. Grimm Draclau was a merciless man. I guess he inherited that from his father Malice, the infamous Sith Lord. But family was bred into the Shi'ido, and they, we, care for one another. So my grandpa Grimm took me under his proverbial and literal wing.
Sh'shuun wasn't a bad home. But I wanted more. I wanted to prove I was better then being a half-breed. So I trained with grampa Grimm. But even then I knew I wanted more. I learned that power was the only true thing that mattered. Power wrote the laws. Power was always right. Power was the thing that made the world and the Galaxy turn. So that was what I wanted. Power.
There were several avenues I could have taken. Being the great grandson of Malice gave me opportunities that wasn't readily available to most Shi'ido, full blood or not. But I didn't want power that way. I wanted to forge my own fate, my own destiny. I didn't want to be beholden to anyone or anything.
So I left the planet of my birth.
I was young. And the Galaxy was a big place. Maybe it would change my mind on how everything worked. Oh it certainly did. I thought power was the most important thing when I left Sh'shuun. You see, that's not true. Power isn't the most important thing. It's the only thing. So that was what I would become.
The old saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely. So in order to not allow the power I was gathering to myself to corrupt me slowly over time, I made a choice. I would corrupt myself by choice, to sink into depravity, to follow my impulses and desires. I would follow the self destruction that power brings first. By knowing how far I would go now, would allow me to know what I would be capable of once power was achieved. To know thyself. And so I went to Nar Shadda and became a criminal.
And I liked it.
I learned I had a flair for the theatrical. I was willing to sacrifice. I could inspire loyalty. And I was not above getting my hands dirty. Actually I enjoyed it. And I was very good at it. So I began joining gangs, little syndicates, pirate raiders, mercenaries. Anywhere I could gain influence and power.
Finally I knew who I was and what I was capable of. Finally it was time to begin, and claim absolute power.