Willulf Montari

- Name: Willulf Montari
- Alias: Daxter Noth(current legal name), Wil(known nickname, used by Alison), 017(formerly used codename)
- Faction: None
- Rank: Job hopper
- Homeworld: Coruscant
- Marital Status: Single
- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
- Personality: Willulf may have a cute face and look as if he's completely fine, but that's not true. He's a very pessimistic person, thanks to the awful events in his past, and tends to push away people that try to get close.
Wil has a soft spot for small children and orphans, or anyone who's struggling to survive. He knows how it feels to be all alone and tries to help where he can. Regularly, he will visit the slums and give out food. This is the only way he feels redemption is possible after everything that's happened.
- Age: 23 years old
- Species: Human
- Skin: Fair
- Hair: Brown, curly
- Eyes: Blue
- Height: 6'6"
- Weight: 224 pounds
- Physique: Muscular
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Force Alignment: None
- Appearance:
Willulf has a tattoo on his right pec of the numbers "017".
It's the only thing not shown in the picture.
- [+]Marksman - Wil can hit any target in his line of sight depending on the weapon's capabilities.
- [+]Cunning - As a criminal, proficiency in deceiving thy enemy was a must.
- [+]Committed - Willulf is fully prepared to do anything it takes to accomplish his goal, anything.
- [+]Healthy - At the moment he doesn't have any physical or mental abnormalities.
- [+]Force Powers - He is force sensitive but most of his abilities focus on defense.
- [-]Hearing - Years of shooting weapons without ear protection has damaged his hearing(not enough to require a hearing aid
- [-]Loner - Currently he has zero connections so if he find himself trapped, no one will come to his rescue.
- [-]Low Self-esteem - He blames himself for the death of everyone he's ever met, making befriending someone difficult out of fear that they'll die too.
- [-]Short Tempered - Loses patience with people quickly, though he can usually stop himself from saying something rude. The persistent ones get to experience his wrath, Alison being one.
Willulf Montari was the child of Marie and James Montari. His family was wealthy so he never experienced financial struggle, however there was an issue. James Montari was named crime lord a little after Wil's birth. On the surface, he looked like any other man but he ran a crime organization in secret. Marie, his wife, had no idea about her husband's secret occupation. James was a good husband and father although his choice of work said otherwise. Providing for his family came first and the promotion to crime lord guaranteed their survival. Except... it didn't.
James knew there were rival organizations waiting to take out his business and he also knew they'd start with harming his family. The goal in becoming the leader wasn't to endanger his wife and kid. He couldn't avoid the eventual attacks, but he swore to defend them even if it killed him. As he predicted the attacks did come and James protected his family regularly by hiring bodyguards. Willulf continued his education and went to school daily. Children in some cases were the attackers. Luckily, at 10 years old, Willulf was taught how to fight. At some point, the enemy was just too much. The rival organization kept getting stronger. James made his son skip school for awhile until things calmed down. It wouldn't go that way though, and the enemy proved it by taking his wife.
The carefree life Willulf had been living vanished, almost as if it never existed. James noticed the change in his son and he decided now was the time to tell the truth. Willulf learned about father's real job and that the kids at school weren't bullies, but assassins. Most importantly, father was the reason for mother's disappearance. He started crying after hearing everything. What else could the 10 year old do? Willulf started to resent his father, now calling him James. He hated James. Marie Montari's body was found in an alley way by the law enforcement four days after her kidnapping. Willulf changed a lot when he had to bury his mother, his hate for James only got worse.
One rainy night, the rival organization broke into the Montari home. Willulf woke up as five men busted into his room. They were skilled to have taken down all of father's guards. He attempted to fight back but they knocked him out with ease. James wasn't home at the time so he found out the next day. News of his son's disappearance dealt the final blow. He lost not only a wife but his only son too. James's power as a crime lord faltered. A ten year old boy's body was found in an alley way four days after the kidnapping, he was later identified as Willulf Montari. The son was legally dead at 10 years of age. James slowly lost the power that he once had but kept his business running. The news was terrible and he blamed himself for everything.
His father's organization was now weaker than ever. Due to James believing his family was no more, but that was only half correct. Marie was really the corpse in the alley but Willulf didn't share the same fate. In fact, the worst thing his kidnappers did was knock him out and that was to transport him quietly. Killing the boy would've been wasteful anyways, they noticed how much he hated his father and planned to use it to their advantage. If Willulf didn't comply however... he'd seriously be killed. He agreed almost immediately.
Willulf received training to become an assassin. He knew nothing about the crime world so everything surprised him. An innocent child is what he was, though the training made him a completely different person... a criminal. The title bothered him at first but as time passed, it didn't matter. Over the next decade, Willulf would become a cold-blooded killer and one of the best assassins in the organization. He became a skilled marksman and was known for his deadly accuracy. While a majority of his training focused on ranged weapons, he became skilled with blades as well in the event that his position is compromised. Willulf was showed how to lie or act without blowing his cover, and the ability to be stealthy was mandatory.
The training process was over, Willulf now 20 years old. Ten years had passed since the worst time in his life. James's organization was barely surviving. Taking him out would be the end of it. Other organizations sent assassins to try and kill him but none succeeded. Willulf was next in line to attempt the mission. He had been waiting patiently for this day. The location of James was confirmed, he'd walk out of a specific building soon. He got into position with his sniper rifle and waited. Willulf recognized him as soon as he stepped outside of the building. A lone tear ran down his face. Without hesitation, he took the shot and James Montari was pronounced dead the next day.
After the death of James Montari the rival organization rose to the top. Willulf was offered a promotion as a reward for eliminating an enemy ring leader, but he declined and instead asked for freedom. Surprisingly, they allowed him to leave without any problems. He could do whatever he wanted to do now. For starters, he didn't have to kill people at the command of another person. A normal job would work just fine.
He discovered a seemingly easy job by seeing an ad on the net, an orphanage needed staff. He didn't really mind caring for children but it definitely wasn't one of his specialties. Deciding to give it a shot, Willulf started working at the orphanage. Willulf Montari was dead so he used the new ID that the organization gave him. The background check was no issue at all thanks to it. If they found out about his past it'd cause trouble for everyone.
While he worked at the orphanage, Willulf took care of many kids varying in age. One of the kids, a 17 year old girl, liked something about him and tried to become his friend. He pushed her away almost everytime, knowing it wasn't safe for someone innocent to be around him. Willulf didn't desire friendship at the time in the first place. Somehow though... the girl, who went by Alison, penetrated his emotional defenses and he started to develop feelings for her. Not in a romantic way but in a protective way, he promised to always be by her side. A Montari was bad when it came to keeping promises, maybe it was a curse. No, it was a curse. 6 months after Alison and Willulf became friends, tragedy struck.
Willulf left the orphanage for an hour to get some groceries, as it was his turn to do so. Each worker took turns in keeping the kitchen stocked, he came back as soon as possible. That's when a group of cloaked men were seen running out of the front gates and smoke rolled above the building. Willulf hurried into the orphanage and checked for survivors, he was sure some had died. He feared Alison got caught in the fire along with the others. The death of the other children didn't sound pleasant but Alison was his top priority. He ran into the blazing mess without a second thought, he assumed saving the ones that are left was better than going after the ones who started it.
Something seemed off from the very moment that he stepped inside. There wasn't any screaming, crying, or anything indicating the children were alive. That didn't feel right to him. He searched the entire building quickly but found not even one person. Panicking, Willulf ran outside and entered the courtyard to see... Alison? And many other bodies around hers. He quickly moved to her body to see she was still breathing, thank god. Wait... blood, no, lots of blood. Willulf realized that she didn't have much time left before the inevitable end. Alison sparked a conversation even though she was on the brink of death. He held her weak body close so he could hear better.
"Ali, Ali, c'mon, stay with me!"
"Wil, is that you?"
"Yes. Keep those eyes open Ali, don't let them shut or I'll never forgive you."
Blood spewed out of Alison's mouth but she continued to talk.
"Sleep is nice. I think I'll rest my eyes for a bit."
"No! Keep them open no matter what."
"Okay, you win. I don't know what's happening to me right now but if someth-"
"Nothing will happen!"
"Listen, I'm your only friend. You should make more since I won't always be here."
More blood.
"Stop talking Ali. Don't waste a breath on me."
"I think this is what they call death. It's a little scary."
"Don't fear it. I'll come with you!"
"Come with me? You can't do that, silly. I've earned the right to die but it's different for you."
"Please, Alison, don't go."
"Wil, don't be greedy. My turn to leave has come, you will meet many great people in your future. Move on, don't allow an orphan's death hold you back."
"You are more than an orphan to me, Ali. Please!"
"Prove it."
Willulf went down for a kiss and moments later... she was gone.
The life could be felt leaving Alison's body as she passed. For the first time in 11 years, Willulf cried and didn't stop until he could accept her fate. He had finally lost everything in his life that he cared about, a family, a normal life, and a true friend. Living without Alison would be hard and he didn't want to spend anymore time without her than he had to, since she knew him more than anyone. She knew Willulf would lose his sanity being all alone and want to join her in death, having lost everything. It was weird though, someone might guess these things if they had knowledge of his past but he didn't tell her anything. Alison just... knew.
Innocent orphans were killed by an unknown group of people. Willulf's anger exceeded its normal limit, he snapped. Punching and banging his head on walls until he bled, he did this for awhile. Eventually, he would stop and realize only one thing could be done. Willulf would hunt the attackers from earlier and kill them in the most terrible ways, it seemed fair to him. It wasn't easy and he definitely lost patience along the way but after a few years, he completed his mission. The last one.
He wasn't proud of what he'd done but he could only move forward. Willulf attempted to get another normal job and hopefully not lose anyone this time for starters. Jumping from job to job, he never found the right one for him. Whether he admitted it or not, Willulf Montari was good at being a criminal. Deep down... he might've liked criminal work too. Now was different though, he wanted to leave his past behind and forget all about it.