Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Wilross Kerhul

Wilross Kerhul


NAME: Wilross Kerhul


RANK: Medical Doctor


AGE: 52

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'0"

WEIGHT: 190lbs

EYES: Light Green

HAIR: Grey/White

SKIN: Pale White


+Battlefield Surgery:
Decades of experience on countless battlefields across the galaxy have give Wilross a deeper understanding of medical techniques that one simply does not learn in medical school, this allows him to treat the most serious of wounds given the proper equipment and time.

+To Help and Heal: Medicine isn't simply medication and complicated surgery, no one knows this better then Wilross. At heart, he is an empathetic man and will aid those who suffer however he can, even if all he can do is provide some comfort while his patient dies. Though his face hides it, Wilross does all he can to always be kind and diffuse tension before it spirals into violence.

+Medical Neutrality: As a Doctor, Wilross can travel the galaxy without much trouble and even enter combat zone's without encountering to much resistance from either side of the conflict. This mainly applies to most systems controlled by governments who happen to have some kind of conscience.

-Suffering Over Survival:
Wilross feels that his duty it to help all sentient beings, no matter their allegiance or crimes. This does tend to lead him into borderline suicidal situations where he could get himself killed in the sometimes vain attempt to save a life.

-No Good Deed Unpunished: Since Wilross has spent nearly three decades on some of the worst battlefields across the galaxy, he's developed quite a few nasty conditions after breathing in unknown chemicals. This has made him weak, making him rather easy to overpower should a fight come as well as giving him a cough that at times can be debilitating and force him to stop his work.

-Do No Harm: While not the first to take this vow, Wilross is a vocal prepotent of nonviolence. This means he will do all he can to not kill anyone, even if someone was actively not trying to kill him. The most Wilross will do is stun or render his enemy unconscious, both of which are not always possible.

-Distrust of Force-Wielders: While not outright opposed to hostile to force-wielders, Wilross has seen just what the effect the force has on those who are blessed (or cursed) with its power. Mad Sith Lords and Overzealous Jedi have caused untold suffering, often never thinking about or forgetting those who have been harmed by their power. This being said, Wilross would help such an individual if they were injured just as he would anyone else.

Men of medicine are known for their traditional attire, robes of white that have been perfectly sanitized and ready for a lengthy surgery. Wilross Kerhul no longer has time for such a thing and he hardly looks like a doctor, his sharp chin and the long scar that travels down the right side of his face make him seem as if he were some sort of war veteran. His battered and further scarred body is hidden behind a dark clothes that easily hide blood stains, all of this further covered by an overcoat and a pair of black gloves which can easily and quickly be sanitized for an emergency surgery on the battlefield. Wilross is growing old and it has begun to show, his grey hair slowly whitening after watching so much suffering. Though not entirely necessary, Wilross has begun to have some trouble seeing and has equipped a simple pair of glasses to correct such an issue.

Born to poor parents on Dasoor, Wilross did not have an enjoyable childhood. Growing up on a world ruled by thieves and slavers, there truly was no prospects for a young boy outside of crime or being captured in a slave raid. Yet fortunes shifted for the young man as a traveling healer came to WIlross's small village to do what he could for the many sick and starving inhabitants. That is when the young boy became utterly enraptured with medicine. It was often a dirty, thankless job, yet seeing just how much good one man could do for a whole community simply by learning the basics of hygiene and medical treatment were incredible to a boy who had only been a witness to suffering. After a good amount of begging and bargaining, the healer took young Wilross under his wing and away from his village to continue to learn medicine, vowing to one day return and save the people of his home. Yet he was gone for years, traveling from the Outer Rim to the Core World to learn and practice his trade, though only staring out as a humble family doctor.

Until the day he learned of slaver war on Dasoor, at only twenty three he returned home to do what he could to aid the suffering and the innocent, but also to see just what befell his village.

Yet it was far to late.

When he returned home, gangs and sacked and burned his whole village. Many had been killed, others had be left to die in the street after suffering severe torture. Wilross was horrified, for a time he could hardly move and could only look upon the destruction the slaver gangs had caused. Eventually he came to his senses and tended to those few who remained and for a time he was able to ease their suffering. But years of frailty and starvation had left their bodies weak, the torture had been enough to lead to slow deaths as organs failed. All the young doctor could do was comfort the dying in their final days, burying them all one by one until he was all that was left, a man who had failed to help those who needed it the most. After this, Wilross once again departs his homeworld to continue his training, yet after seeing all this suffering he chose to become a field medic, traveling to battlefields across the galaxy to learn from men and women who saw the utter depravity of war, how the dead and dying were so often just cast aside as dead weight as armies pushed forward to throw more men into the meatgrinder to die for governments and leaders who would claim all the glory for their hard-won victories. Only Wilross would stay behind and ease pain, only he would worry about those who would always carry the scars that they never should have gotten.

It didn't matter if they were human or otherwise.

It didn't matter if they served a Republic or a Dark Lord

They suffered. They bled. They just wanted to go home.

Wilross would do whatever he could to help them all.

MT-42 Medical Shuttle




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