Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Winds of Change

Camp Spyridon, Erakhis

Electricity was down in half the camp—again. Though she hadn’t come there to play electrician, Inanna found herself down on her hands and knees, a tool in her hand, setting up an ancient emergency generator to ensure nobody froze to death.

Erakhis was a wet, watery world with brutal winters, especially for a species whose native climate was a hot, humid jungle. They needed heating. Their attempts at calling for help had been met with delays. The technician droid was broken, they couldn’t send anybody down there until next week, and the extent of the damage indicated it had been deliberately sabotaged, which meant it would cost more and take longer to complete the repairs. In the end, hooking up a backup generator made more sense on such short notice.

Beside Inanna, a tall, thin man crouched down. Enkidu was the latest in a long line of camp security chiefs. A former general in the resistance, he had decided not to enlist in the army of a faction government to continue the fight against the Maw, instead devoting his efforts to protecting his people.

What was left of them, anyway.

“Thanks for your help,” Enkidu said. “Between all the politics and press, I never would’ve guessed you could do this stuff too.”

It’s just one of many skills I picked up over the years,” Inanna muttered, connecting the last wire. At the flick of a switch, the generator rumbled to life. “I don’t know how long this thing will last, but at least it’s working now.” Rising to her feet, she turned to Enkidu and asked, “So, is everything ready for our visitor?

His expression tightened into a grimace. “Well, we want to look like we’re desperate and living in dangerous conditions, right?”

You are desperate and living in dangerous conditions,” Inanna replied. “When I first petitioned the Erakhians about taking in refugees, I never thought it would last this long. But if everything works out, we may finally be able to get everyone out of this dump.

“And move to Alderaan? Let’s hope it doesn’t get blown up again.”

Inanna snorted. “Just leave it to me.

“Of course. You’re the resident diplomat, I’m the guy who shoots troublemakers.” He paused. “You did a great thing by getting us this far, even if we have, ah, overstayed our welcome. Your father would be proud of you.”

I sure hope so.



The nobility had forced Alicio to bring along an armed escort for this meeting.

He hadn't wanted it. He'd argued with Sanctuary City's council, said that it would send the wrong message. It would only prove that Alderaan didn't trust the Shi'ido.

Upon further reflection, maybe that was the point the council was trying to make. That they didn't trust the shapeshifters, and would be watching them closely. Alicio thought it was a counterproductive point to make, but he couldn't talk them out of it.

The Count's personal shuttle touched down in an overcrowded landing zone, full of tents and strewn crates. The exit ramp lowered with a puff of steam, and Alicio stepped off, accompanied by four helmeted Alderaanian guards, each toting blaster rifles on their backs. The nobleman himself didn't appear to have any weapons on him, instead wearing a well-assembled dark coat and cloak, and toting a black cane, which rested loosely in his hand.

One of his guards, a young woman with blonde hair and a worried face whispered hushedly into Alicio's ear. "Count Organa, we really should have a code word."

Alicio seemed mildly annoyed, as if they'd already had this conversation a few times. He turned her direction, shaking his head. "We won't need a code word."

The guard crossed her arms. "If you get separated from us, you'll need a way to trust us. And we'll need a way to trust you."

"I trust that the people of Lao-mon are refugees, not kidnappers or spies." He kept his voice down, but the new ship and strange visitors had already begun to attract attention. "They need our help. Not our suspicions."

"As you say." The guard didn't sound convinced. Alicio could taste her worry.

Alicio examined her face for a moment, before sighing, defeated. "If there's ever a question, ask about Alderaanian winters. I'll say they're a bit biting."

"Now, let's go. I don't want to keep their diplomat waiting."

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

Inanna glanced up as she heard a starship engine roar overhead. Their visitor had arrived. She went through all that she knew about him in her head: Count Alicio Organa of Alderaan, Sanctuary City. A young man of a famous noble house, related to royalty, designs cities for refugees…

"I would've said something to you about this earlier if you hadn't been working on the generator," Enkidu's whispering voice broke her train of thought. "But I received a tip about your Alderaanian this morning. A trusted source said he wasn't who he says he is."

Inanna blinked at him with wide eyes. "You mean... ?"

"I don't know for sure. But be careful. I don't want a repeat of last time." He was referring to an incident in which a younger and far less experienced Inanna had been lured and kidnapped by an agent of the Maw posing as a philanthropist. It certainly wasn't a situation she wanted to revisit.

"All right. I'll be careful." With a deep breath, Inanna straightened up from the wall she had been leaning against and headed for the landing pad. Enkidu accompanied her, along with two other Shi’ido who at the very least looked the part of well-disciplined guards. Inanna was grateful for their presence. She’d survived not only abduction, but brainwashing, torture, poisoning, and bombings, and had no more desire to tempt fate.

She soon spied the Count and his entourage. His security detail consisted of four skittish-looking soldiers. She stopped at a reasonable distance away from them, focusing mainly on Alicio. If only she could peer into his eyes and read his mind to discern if he was who he claimed to be...

Hello.” She greeted him with an amicable smile, betraying none of her suspicions. “You’ll have to forgive me, but I don’t know the exact protocol for these meetings. My name is Inanna Yomin, of Clan Hoole. I'll be showing you the camp and answering any questions you may have.

Offsetting her honest admission, she was dressed very casually for a diplomat, looking for the most part like an ordinary civilian. With her skills as a shapeshifter, she could have easily molded her flesh into something grander. But they were in a refugee camp, not at a dinner party. The only item of interest in her outfit was the pendant hanging around her neck. Suspended on a cord, the blue gem practically vibrated with the Force.

Glancing at Alicio’s guards, she added, “Will you require an armed escort at all times? I ask because some areas of the camp may have to be skipped in order to avoid… upsetting the peace.

If he was alone, it would also give her an opportunity to test him and make sure he wasn't an impostor.

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As the group of Alderaanians were approached by a small gathering of Shi'ido, the guards tensed. Alicio cast side glances to his escort, two taking half-steps forward to alert the four refugees of their presence.

Alicio walked in front of them, apparently not holding any of the fear they did, bowing at the waist as Inanna introduced herself. "My name is Alicio Organa. Thank you for receiving me."

The darkly-dressed nobleman caught the shoulder of his cloak with a hand, and pulled it a bit closer around his form. "And no need to worry about protocol, Ms. Yomin. I'm here to help, not quibble about formalities."

At Inanna's comment about his protection, the head guard frowned, stepping a bit closer to her charge. Alicio noticed the caution, and smiled comfortingly at his entourage. "I'm afraid my people are concerned for my safety. But I would hate to make your people uncomfortable with our presence, so I see no issue with it."

Alicio stepped next to Inanna, casting a curious glance at her jewelry and clutching his cane a bit tighter, before gesturing ahead. "Show away."

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

The Count, at least, wasn’t as on edge as his security team. Nor did he care about formalities. She wasn’t sure yet if that meant he was all business, or if it came from a place of sincerity.

Time to get this show on the road.

If you would follow me, please…

Inanna led the way, taking them through the camp. They passed one densely populated sector after the other, each area filled to the brim with groups of refugees huddled together around portable heaters, tents worn ragged by rain and wind, and empty storage containers that were being used to shelter multiple families simultaneously. There seemed to be an abundance of children running around, though some had a strangely formless look to them, with gray skin, deep-set eyes, and a wide slit of a mouth, while others had distinct features and coloring. This was no accident—juvenile Shi’ido had little control over their ability to shapeshift, only able to alter minor aspects of their appearance. The “children” who did not suffer from this problem were in fact not children at all, but adults who had considerably reduced their size in order to take up less space. Quite the solution to overcrowding.

Despite the apparent misery of their circumstances, it was not a joyless place. The children still ran and played, stomping their feet in puddles, and somewhere a voice sang in Shi’idese a melody which mimicked the trilling calls of certain Lao-mon birds.

Inanna hadn’t been out among the refugees at Camp Spyridon in quite a while, not since the death of her family had set her adrift in self-exile. She’d taken the beautiful starship which her late husband had been so fond of, and traveled through space wherever the hyperspace routes would send her. But eventually she was drawn back to Erakhis, back to the camp, back to her people—and found that hope still lived, despite the fragility of their circumstances.

They only needed an advocate to speak for them, someone who could cross the barrier between languages and cultures and walk the precarious tightrope of faction politics, petty prejudices, and the all-too-common tendency to turn a blind eye to the problems of others.

The Erakhian government provided a certain amount of space, including underwater facilities, to house approximately one million refugees. We don’t have exact numbers, but the actual estimated population in this camp is at least twice that. There are many more Shi’ido refugees scattered across the galaxy, ever since Lao-mon was rendered inhospitable to Shi’ido xenobiology.

She paused, glancing over at Alicio. “The most crowded sections are up ahead. There is a high crime rate there, so I suggest removing any valuables or weapons from your person. If you have nothing worth taking, you should be left alone.

The shapeshifting nature of the Shi’ido meant that appearances didn’t matter; fine clothes could be imitated down to the last detail, for instance, but belongings—especially useful tools—were always in demand.


Alicio found a walking tempo astride Inanna as they and their entourages began their walk through the refugee camp. As they traveled along, Alicio's calm was slowly eroded away by the dismal living conditions.

He was a bleeding heart, he knew it. He'd never met any of the refugees, wasn't even officially working with them yet. But Alicio wanted, more than anything, to give them what they needed to thrive. He knew it was childish and unrealistic. But knowing that didn't change his feelings on the subject.

He didn't miss the hope in the air, either. Alicio smiled a bit as he tasted music on the air, and paused mid-stride to let a trio of grey-skinned children cut through his path, watching them run off and splash each other with water.

"I'm... glad that there can still be happiness in a place like this." Alicio cast a frown at the Shi'ido. "Not to downplay the generosity of Erakhis, of course, but in these kinds of conditions, it's a miracle there's any joy to spare." He supposed people found purpose where they could.

The most crowded sections are up ahead. There is a high crime rate there, so I suggest removing any valuables or weapons from your person. If you have nothing worth taking, you should be left alone.

Almost imperceptibly, Alicio tightened his grip on his cane. But his face hardened. "I see." He removed two datapads from his person, and gave them to a guard. "Could you take these back to the ship?"

"Don't you need these?" the man said, clipping them to his own belt.

"I can manage," Alicio responded. He'd already memorized all the information he needed. He then turned to Inanna. "Are you worried about your..." his eyes trailed down to the enormous gem, the taste of the Force overwhelming his palate. Interesting. "...Necklace?"

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

"The vast majority of the Shi'ido here don't have a choice, so they make the most of it," she replied. "Things used to be a lot worse.

"As for the generosity of Erakhis, I have plenty to say about that. It's a miracle I was able to convince them to take any refugees in at all, and when we were let in, they kept us separate from the rest of the population. Not to mention they picked a site close to the ruins of Freehold Arctrius, which are tainted by the Dark—" She broke off, not sure how Alicio would react to hear her talking about the Dark Side as a real... thing. "I mean, the ruins have been used as a hideout for cultists and Mawite agents who prey on refugees, but the Erakhian government, being reluctant to believe in 'superstitions', has been slow to respond to my requests for something to be done about it."

"Are you worried about your..."

Inanna’s eyebrows rose questioningly, wondering what he was looking at.


"...Oh. Thanks, I completely forgot I was wearing it." Which wasn't too surprising, as she normally never took it off. The pendant promptly disappeared, drawn into the malleable flesh of her body as easily as if she were flexing a muscle. She looked a little embarrassed, both because she had forgotten its presence, and because she didn't particularly enjoy shifting in front of non-Shi'ido. (At least, she hoped Alicio wasn't a Shi'ido...) While the gemstone was no longer visible to the eye, its presence in the Force remained noticeable.

"Right, nothing else?" She gave Alicio a brief once-over, then shrugged. "Let's go, then."

Once again she took the lead, though this time she walked almost alongside Alicio. She had a chance to observe him, and couldn't help but notice the look on his face as he took in the sights around him. It looked like the sincere desire to help she had been hoping to find. But still, a test was needed.

The moment they were free of his guards, she turned to him and reached for his hand. There were a couple different ways she could go about making sure he wasn't an impostor; for now, she elected the tried-and-true 'pretend that you have a history together' method, mainly because it was simple, safe, and played to her strengths—she was quite a good actress.

Her gaze softening, she asked in a low voice, "Why did you leave without saying goodbye? I thought I'd never see you again."

Not knowing it was a trick, an impostor might feel compelled to play along, but the real Alicio would be utterly confused.


"That's why I'm here," the Count said, staring soberly at the gathering of young Shi'ido as Inanna listed their woes. "To do something."

Alicio nodded to his guards, abandoning them for the moment to continue on with the diplomat. They seemed hesitant to part, but the Alderaanian's assistance and complete ease seemed to rub off on them, and they left him to his devices. Besides, there was little on him to steal.

He didn't carry credits, didn't have jewelry, didn't tote visible weapons. A terrible mark, were a thief looking for one.

The next series of interactions between the two of them were strange, to say the least. Inanna caught his hand.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye? I thought I'd never see you again."

The nobleman's eyes narrowed in confusion, as he focused on the woman's face. His brow furrowed, and his head tilted ever so slightly to the side. "I apologize. Have we met before?" He racked his brain. Had they spoken at one of the galas on Coruscant? Did they speak over holo?

Alicio seemed lost. Either he was a terribly good liar, or he was terribly confused.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

Alicio looked bewildered. That was a good sign.

No, we haven’t,” she said, releasing his hand. “Someone gave us a tip this morning that you might be a Fleshtaker. In other words, a brainwashed Shi’ido double agent of the Maw. So to figure out whether you were an impostor or not, I’d either have to find out what color your blood is, or risk embarrassing you by pretending we’d met before.

“The Fleshtaker could still be someone else aboard his ship,” Enkidu pointed out. “Maybe a crewmate, or a guard… Count Alicio, have you noticed any strange or unusual behaviors among your associates lately?”


Alicio privately scolded himself. So there was a security risk. He hadn't taken his guards as seriously as he should have, chalking up their hesitance as some misplaced prejudice towards the Shi'ido.

"You think there might be an imposter among us?" Alicio thought back to his people. "I met my security detail for the first time on this mission. If one of these Maw agents impersonated one of them on Alderaan, I would have no way of knowing."

They all had their quirks. Lea was cautious to a fault. Kings got sick in hyperspace. Minerva enjoyed heavy metal. Prestor was looking forward to tea back on the shuttle.

"Frankly, the best way of sussing them out might be pricking their fingers." Or he could use his Gift. He'd never intentionally peeked at another's mind, but he might have to.

"I sent them back to my ship. We should meet them there, before a potential spy can do anything."

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

Supposedly, there are several impostors in positions of power within the Galactic Alliance,” Inanna replied, recalling the intel she had heard towards the beginning of the war. “But of course, there’s no real way of finding them all, unless you get into the habit of pricking the finger of every employee every day they clock in.

At further talk of pricking fingers to discover the impostor, Enkidu shook his head. “That would be the most surefire method, but getting close enough to draw blood is dangerous—to say nothing of how they would react upon being exposed.”

"If I were a better telepath, I could use the Force to search their thoughts and feelings..."

Regardless, Alicio suggested they make haste. “Right, let’s go then,” Inanna said, only to hesitate. “Wait, how do we explain why we’re going back there so early?

“I should think the Count wouldn’t have to explain himself, though it might look suspicious.”

Inanna shrugged exasperatedly. "Where are they going to run inside a ship, anyway?"

"Secret passages, hidden compartments—"

"Oh, shut up!"

The group of Shi'ido headed back to the landing pad, Count Alicio in tow. Once they arrived, however, Alicio was expected to take the lead. It was his ship, after all, and his crew they would be dealing with.


Wait, how do we explain why we’re going back there so early?

Alicio stared at the ground for a moment. "Oh, I forgot. I needed to capture some pictures of the camp, to convince the Alderaanian nobility." His eyes grew a cunning edge. "I need a datapad for that."

They began to walk back, Alicio leading the way with a clipped pace, tucking his cane under an arm for speed's sake. He'd heard Inanna mention her Force abilities, but had pointedly not responded. It was still a secret, after all.

"We could ask them something about Alderaan. I believe they're all natives, so not to know something basic would be strange." Inanna's idea about searching their thoughts didn't leave the nobleman, but he didn't even know if he could. Alicio would hate to give false hope.

The group trekked back to the shuttle, finding two of the four guards, Lea and Prestor, waiting outside. Once they got within viewing range, Lea marched forward, bee-lining for the Count. Alicio could taste the nervousness coming from her.

"Count Organa," she said, in a clipped tone. "Alderaanian winters."

"Still biting," Alicio said, smiling. He felt the guard relax. It probably wasn't her, then. No spy would hold so much concern for his wellbeing. He turned to the other. "Prestor, I realized I needed to take some stills of the area, do you know where my datapads are?"

"I put them inside, your Excellency." Prestor nodded to Alicio, casting wary eyes over to the Shi'ido.

"I don't see Kings or Minerva. Did they get lost on the way back?" Alicio seemed disturbingly at ease as he joked around. Perhaps he was a better liar than he let on.

"They're inside as well."

"Lovely. I'll just be in a minute. Entertain our guests for a moment, will you?" Alicio stepped into his shuttle, disappearing from view.

The two guards looked awkwardly between Inanna and Enkidu. Lea coughed.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

Thankfully, Alicio took charge of the situation and didn’t leave them all hanging. Too many times she had dealt with politicians who were cowardly or lacked initiative, revealing themselves to be rather overly reliant on their guards and aides for someone in a leadership position. In this case, Alicio had no choice but to do things himself, and he had stepped up to the plate without hesitation.

She observed him exchanging what was obviously a safe word with one of his guards, then he entered the ship. Inanna couldn’t help but notice how easily he lied. Had she misjudged him? Could it be that he was the impostor? Damn, she really should have pricked his finger while she still had a chance. But she hadn't wanted to risk ruining their chances of receiving his help...

The Shi’ido were left outside with the two guards. Inanna glanced at Enkidu, and sensed that he was on the verge of simply stunning them and taking blood samples by force. She shook her head slightly, hoping he would get the message, then turned toward Lea and Prestor.

I can’t help noticing that you two seem rather tense around us, more than I would expect from a politician’s security team,” she said, in as friendly a tone as possible. “Is there any particular reason for that? Have we made you uncomfortable, or offended you in some way?

She watched their faces, opening herself to the Force. If she could detect even the slightest surge in fear, or some other tell in either of them, that might at least give her something to go off of…


The two guards seemed stunned at the Shi'ido's openness, Lea's eyes widening in surprise, and Prestor setting his jaw.

Prestor spoke first, after a moment, shoulders set with tension. His mind betrayed little. "Apologies if we appear rude, ma'am. It's just..."

"We've been instructed to keep Count Organa safe from harm." Lea had a bit more backbone, and her signature in the Force reflected her spirit. "It is the Count's job to be open, understanding, diplomatic. It's ours to bring him back alive."

"Not that we have anything against your kind," Prestor amended, obviously trying to save face, although his thoughts were guarded. "But you must understand the hesitancy of the Noble Houses to send a member of the royal family into a camp of..." He held his tongue. "Well, you must understand."

Alicio stepped out of the shuttle once more, his final two guards in tow behind him, all blissfully unaware of whatever conversation was being spun outside. Kings, a dark-skinned, bald man, had his face set in a deep scowl, but his thoughts betrayed concern. Sympathy, even. Minerva's thoughts, much like Prestor's were well-guarded, but her blue eyes were sharp behind long grey bangs.

The Count shot a secret, questioning look to Inanna.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -
Under better circumstances, she might’ve been amused by their shocked reaction to her honesty. Instead, she focused on their signatures in the Force. The male, Prestor, seemed pretty sketchy, but it was hard to tell whether he was hiding something or just a snob. The female, Lea, was more prompt and open.

A camp of refugees,” Inanna finished for Prestor. Resting her hands on her hips, she gazed at him sidelong from beneath long eyelashes. “One in which weapons have been banned for several years now…

Before she could say anything more in their defense, one of her bodyguards, a female called Tiamat, muttered a Shi’idese insult aimed at Prestor under her breath.

It happened right as Alicio returned with the other two guards. Inanna set her mouth in a disapproving frown, but then wondered if she could pick up on whether any of them could comprehend what they were saying. She promptly responded in her native tongue, uttering a lengthy phrase that was not only shockingly crude, but very difficult to translate into Basic. Just in case someone had a translation device on them.

Tiamat gaped at her, then burst into laughter. The other Shi’ido guard looked a bit disgusted. Enkidu shook his head in silence.

Turning to Alicio, Inanna reverted back to Basic as if nothing had occurred. “Did you find your datapad?


"Of course, Ma'am," Prestor said, puckering his lips at the Shi'ido. "As you say."

Alicio returned from inside the ship, his questioning look growing even more puzzled as Inanna shot a quip at her people in Shi'idese. Lea and Kings had similar reactions, each glancing at the other Alderaanians, looking for understanding among them.

Prestor's eye twitched. Minerva quirked her mouth into a small smile. It either could be coincidence, guessing what the shapeshifters were saying, or they understood.

Count Organa nodded an affirmative. "I did, thank you." He walked down the ramp to the ship, datapad cradled under an arm, rejoining the Shi'ido comfortably. "I don't know if it will be enough to convince the Courts, but it might convince Queen Faith. As long as we have her support, I'm sure we can do something substantial."

"Now, let's take some photos around the camp."
Alicio returned his gaze to his guards. "I'd like to take my people with me. Perhaps it will do them some good to see the living conditions here, too."

It might be prudent to test their blood once they were further away from the ships. From escape.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

Prestor and Minerva. Inanna didn’t know the latter’s name, but committed her smirking face to memory. Those two seemed the most likely suspects.

Alicio wanted to bring them all along. “As you wish,” she replied, trying to sound reluctant. It wasn’t hard—any Fleshtaker entering the camp posed a security risk by default. At least this way they would have a chance at apprehending them before they could escape. “But do keep in mind that you’re going to attract unwanted attention.

She led the way back through the settlement, pausing every now and then to let Alicio take pictures of their surroundings. Eventually they reached where they had left off and then went beyond that point, entering the area which she had warned them was dangerous.

But I take it the Courts could do more than the queen?” Inanna murmured as they walked. “What would it take to convince them? Would you have to actually bring them here to witness all this for themselves?

The sector they were strolling through was arguably the worst the camp had to offer, yet this fact wasn’t plainly visible just by looking at it. The structures were stable, though littered with gang graffiti, and the streets were no dirtier than those in other areas despite it being just as overcrowded. But there were no children playing, nor voices singing songs of hope. Save for the sounds of machinery, footsteps, and the occasional hacking cough, it was eerily quiet.

That is, until a strange scratching sound pierced the silence.

A branchlurker skittered out of the shadows. Intellectually Inanna knew this was merely a Shi’ido taking the form of branchlurker—it wasn’t anywhere near as big as a real branchlurker, after all—but her natural instincts screamed at her to find cover and blend in to escape the thing regardless. Or was that just her precognition warning her that they were rapidly being surrounded?

Sure enough, more of the creatures stepped into view. The gangs in this sector mimicked certain native Lao-mon species to show their allegiance. She couldn’t remember which gang represented the branchlurkers, but obviously being penned in by half a dozen of them wasn’t good.

Inanna hid her fear behind cockiness. “Welcome to the jungle, Your Excellency. We must be treading on somebody’s turf. Please advise your men not to use deadly force.” Regardless of what the gang members did, she’d rather not have more Shi’ido die. So many had perished already.

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Walking through the camp, Alicio used the datapad to still his shaking hands. He was a good liar, but the cracks in his facade were starting to show. His face grew more tense as the group walked along, his gait a bit more hurried, despite the leisurely tone he tried to convey.

Still, he got some provocative pictures. Children playing around a puddle. A cluster of three refugees huddled around a small cooking fire. A dilapidated building housing ten people within. He tried to distract himself with the task, only breaking his silence when Inanna asked him about Court Politics.

He fought to suppress a tired sigh. "We would certainly make any negotiations far easier if the more of the Houses were on board. House Organa can only do so much, despite being the current royal family."

"To sway the rest would be an astronomically difficult endeavor. Possible, but difficult. Even convincing them to allow my attendance today was an uphill battle."
His face turned bitter behind the datapad. "Alderaan should be open to all refugees. Not just the conveniently Alderaanian-looking ones."

Once they entered the dangerous zone, Alicio felt a chill in the air. He looked around, curious, before seeing an enormous insect creature scuttle from the shadows. The Count hefted his cane, gripping the top with white knuckles, as if he were about to pull a sword from a scabbard. The group was surrounded quickly. Alicio's guards raised their weapons threateningly, but all of them already had their weapons on stun. They were peaceful Alderaanians, after all.

That is, except for Prestor. He had his carbine ready to kill, if one were looking close enough.

The nobleman heeded Inanna's warning, planting his cane in the ground once more, and holding a hand out to his entourage to stop them. The observant eye might notice his quivering fingers, but his face betrayed no fear.

He inclined his head respectfully to the gang of Shi'ido, trying his hardest to keep his voice level and calm.

"My name is Alicio. I'm here to help. Who am I addressing?"

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -

And here I thought Alderaanians loved everyone,” Inanna had remarked, her tone faux-shocked. In her experience, xenophobia could be found everywhere, so it was no great surprise that not even Alderaan was safe. “I mean, my great-great uncle Moloch married an Alderaanian woman. Although, I don’t actually know if she or anyone else there knew he was a changeling, and they both got blown up by the Death Star, so maybe times have changed since then…

Any further discourse on the subject ceased upon the arrival of the branchlurker gang. Inanna’s security also drew weapons, though they were strange devices, obviously of alien design. Inanna spun around, trying to figure out which of the branchlurkers was the leader, then felt foolish when one finally stepped forward to respond to Alicio.

“We are Clan Spara. This is our territory. You must leave,” they said in clipped, heavily accented Basic. “Now. Go.”

Inanna replied in Shi’idese, and the ensuing conversation was entirely in their native language. Enkidu was moved to pity the clueless Alderaanians and translated it into Basic for them.

I am Inanna Hoole. You have no authority over us. We’re moving through your territory into the next sector. Let us pass peacefully.

“We have heard that you have a… an impostor among the visitors from Alderaan. If you don’t leave now we will kill you to make sure no agent of the Maw is allowed to come here…”

Even as he translated the words, Enkidu looked to Inanna for a command. She sighed.

We don’t want to bring any Mawites here. So let us prick our guests’ fingers to see the color of their blood. That won’t be very hospitable of us, but it will solve all our problems.

“Do it quickly.” The branchlurker was back to speaking Basic. They raised an insectoid leg to jab toward Alicio. “Starting with you.”

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Alicio's guards were ready to fire at his command. Stun blasts would incapacitate this clan of vile shapeshifters, letting the noble Alderaanian count escape back to his ship, and forget this camp existed. They were ready to fight for the Count's safety, kill for him if they needed to.

But he didn't give the word. Instead, he leaned on one hip, keeping a hand on his cane to still his trembling fingers. He found the eyes of the Shi'ido that addressed him and Inanna, and tried to convey his sincerity, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Inanna suggested their blood be drawn, something the group had decided upon doing anyways, which seemed to satisfy Clan Spara. Alicio tried his best not to look intimidated as an enormous claw was jabbed his way, instead dexterously removing the brooch from his cloak, revealing the needlepoint that kept it clasped, and stabbed it into his thumb.

The Count inhaled sharply, holding up his thumb as if he were hitchhiking. A thin stream of red poured down the digit, but he didn't celebrate. Instead, he looked to his guards. "Do it."

One by one, shocked by the turn of events, the Alderaanians slowly pricked their own fingers, revealing similar red dots. Kings, then Lea, then Minerva...

Prestor eyed the insects, apparently hesitant to remove his focus for a moment. "But Your Excellency..."


There was a cold rage in those words, more than Alicio had ever heard from his own mouth.

Prestor sighed, turned his blaster on Alicio, and fired. A flash of blue and black intercept the blast, turning it aside. Chaos ensued.

- Inanna Harth Inanna Harth -


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