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Approved Location Windsor-class Medical Stations

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Fiolette Fortan




  • Intent: To establish the locations of the four Windsor-class Medical Stations.

  • ​Image Credit: Marrekie // Deviantart (x)

  • Canon: Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (x) [Used to help establish a numerical value to the station’s population, with a multipler of 2.45 which is roughly how much bigger the Windsor is than the Imperial II. From there numbers were subtracted, rounded down]

  • Links: Windsor-class, Medical Station (x)

  • Space Station Name: Windsor-class

  • Station Model: FIMS Windsor (x)

  • Classification: Medical Station

  • Location:

    Quesaya [FIMS Kent]

  • Yalara [FIMS Mountbatten]

  • Cerea [FIMS Laurence]

  • Lanteeb [FIMS York]

Affiliation: First Order


  • 88,442 Crew

    46% Medical

  • 18% Engineering and Science

  • 21% Operations and Administration

  • 11% Social Services and Counseling

  • 4% Education and Community Outreach

1,808 Defense Forces

  • 52% Imperial Navy Security Forces

  • 28% Stormtrooper Corps

  • 20% Imperial Army Guard

22,625 Visitors

  • 61% Guests, Relative to Patients

  • 17% Nursing, Temporary Duties

  • 18% Doctors, Teaching in Practicum

  • 4% Commercial / Pharmaceutical

Minimum Population:

  • 34,212 Crew

    59% Medical

  • 12% Engineering and Science

  • 23% Operations and Administration

  • 6% Social Services and Counseling

662 Defense Forces

  • 41% Imperial Navy Security Forces

  • 30% Stormtrooper Corps

  • 29% Imperial Army Guard

8,940 Visitors

  • 58% Guests, Relative to Patients

  • 21% Nurses, Temporary Duties

  • 20% Doctors, Teaching in Practicum

  • 1% Commercial / Pharmaceutical

Cargo Capacity:

  • 86,100 metric tons

Ship Capacity:

  • Ambulatory Cutters x8 (10m-60m)

  • Medical Transports, Large x2 (400m-600m)

  • Medical Transports, Small x4 (200m-300m)

  • Shuttles and Runabouts x12(10m-20m)

Hangar Capacity:

  • 8 First Imperial Starfighter Squadrons


  • The First Imperial Medical Services treats all citizens within the First Order. Including the alien population, which means to say you will find a mix of humans and aliens. Although yes, there will most likely be more humans than aliens.


  • First Order Medical Stations at Lanteeb [FIMS York], at Cerea [FIMS Laurence] and at Yalara [FIMS Mountbatten]. Are accessible through smaller trade routes and will be connected on a singular hyperlane once construction has been completed. Emergency routes have been established from various systems and other stations within the First Order nation to reach any one of the three medical centers. Naval Patrol and All-Surface Guard Border Patrol (for Yalara) work to keep the medical centers (stations) protected.

  • Sacred Lotus Medical Center Haven at Monastery is accessible for those in the area and those visiting by way of the Corellian Run or Mara Corridor. The station is lightly guarded by Lotus Guards but otherwise does not have nearly as much in the way of security or defenses as the First Order does.


  • The Windsor-class Medical Station is nearly 4000m long and is easily discernable by her paint scheme. Reflective silver, white and blue for the First Order and Blue, white and reflective silver with hints of reflective gold for the Order of the Sacred Lotus. The station is comprised of several ‘tower’ units that can be seen as you get closer. Each tower houses different functions and a map is generally provided for each individual tower as for those who are permitted.

The station itself has very low defenses, with only point defense guns, quad cannons and anti-missile octets to defend herself with. Outside of this the station is equipped with gemcutters, an IFF confuser and sensor decoys. The station can deactivate missiles and jam signals but overall, she’s reliant on her squadrons or the hope that help can arrive quickly as she’s not meant to see battle.


  • Main Tower

    Perhaps the most notable feature is the main tower the largest section of the station that houses the primary portion of the hospital aspect of the Windsor-class. From Urgent care and Trauma to childbirth, primary care, neuroscience, imaging, heart and vascular. The main tower also features several patient care services including spiritual care, support groups, patient relations and therapy.

Second Tower

  • Medical research is housed in the second tower and it is the tower off to the right. Various medical and science departments work together here. The administration of the Windsor-class station also takes place from here. Educational departments are also housed in the second tower allowing medical and science students to learn and work from this tower.

  • Pharmaceutical Tower rests between the main and second tower and is where a lot of the pharmaceutical research takes place. This is also where the in-patient pharmacy is housed, as well as rehabilitation services, and billing.

  • Pediatric Center is on the left and one of the foremost towers, while small it is where all pediatric services are held both inpatient and outpatient. It has a direct corridor to emergency room services, and intensive care as well as oncology services enabling doctors and nurses an ease of access to all patients who are in need.

Third Tower Upper

  • Residential hall for doctors, nurses and staff as well as families of patients who are receiving ongoing care. It also serves to house all crew and officers who keep the station running from engineers and operations to command and security.

  • Promenade, market, fitness centre and other facilities take up a good portion of this tower these sections are open to civilians, medical and military personnel.

Third Tower Lower

  • A repair and maintenance, as well as traffic control, are housed here in the lower half of the third tower. All equipment, gear and even small craft that are in need of repair and maintenance are done in this section.

  • Arboretum and the aquatic centre are housed in this section, as well as alternative forms of therapy.

  • Emergency Medical Services training and certification are also conducted here.

When Commodore Rashad and Admiral Yvarro sat down to discuss the creation of the station, they did not think that someone would petition the government for resources. At least not these kinds of resources, but then came Counselor Korrado. A graduated of the Victoria Imperial Military Academy’s Medical School and FIMS programme. Counselor Korrado had gone with several Imperials to Monastery. There they began to assist an organization known as the Order of the Sacred Lotus.

After learning of the Order’s mission, Counselor Korrado petitioned the First Order government for assistance. Resources in the way of ships, and the First Order discreetly sent over nine vessels. Then they did something no one expected, they built a station over Monastery and then trained crew members on the station’s operations and security.

SLMC Haven now orbits Monastery, it is owned and operated by the Order of the Sacred Lotus. Counselor Korrado wrote both the Commodore and Admiral a note of gratitude. In the meantime, Yvarro and Rashad got to work on the First Order’s own Windsor-class stations. Mountbatten, York and Laurence were set up to operate as sector-regional medical and trauma centers.

The planning and construction of these stations went in before the Conflict of Kaeshana and afterward. The stations were also set up as training and educational facilities for the First Order’s numerous medical groups as well as places for community outreach. With the implementation of these stations, the First Order has seen an overall improvement in healthcare.

Due to the war between the First Order and Galactic Alliance, and the recent news regarding an alliance between the GA and the Order of the Sacred Lotus. Counselor Elisea Korrado, and all First Order staff/technology were withdrawn back to First Order space until hostilities between the two nations ceased. The SLMC Haven was then transferred back to First Imperial Medical Service and First Imperial Military Control. It's since been rebranded as the FIMS Kent and will now be located in orbit of Quesaya, in the New Balosar Sector.

NOTE: Hyperlane submissions will be done later.
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