Cathul Thuku
Admiral, Therapy Command
Last time she saw Lyth, she was on Mandalore in a hospital attempting to learn Force-healing. When she realized that she is utterly unable to use space magic, Lyth fled that hospital in horror. But why did she came to Azure? Did she not trust that wide array of therapists now available on Mandalore as a result of a recent Crusade? That As-Aki never was without wings ever since she knew Lyth. She would realize that furniture commonly available to people much larger than 2 inches tall, and mature As-Aki are usually 8 inches tall or so. Perhaps being prone would be best for her at this time, for this session. Far from being her normal self, that As-Aki came to that place because, all of a sudden, she underwent a truly major change for an As-Aki: Cathul knew that a wingless As-Aki was vulnerable, not only physically but psychologically. She was about to discover what it really meant. And, in turn, Lyth trusted Cathul on multiple occasions.
"Your Grace, Lyth has arrived"
"Send her in"
[member="Lyth Meran"]
"Your Grace, Lyth has arrived"
"Send her in"
[member="Lyth Meran"]