Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wingman Duties


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn


Wearing an interesting blue-and-red combo, Makai sighed as he took in the crowd. This was a charity event for the museum to acquire some Jedi artifacts and other culturally important pieces for an planned, extended exhibit set to debut at the end of the year. The crowd was filled with wealthy backers, academic types, government officials, and he noted,a few Jedi. He supposed that made sense, given the exhibit would have some pieces from their....culture? Religion? Makai was never quite sure what to call it. Either way, this type of event was important for him to attend. Arceneaus or Dashiells were expected at such things and his number was up. He was the one who drew the short straw to show his face, donate some credits to the cause of preservation.

Yet he didn't come alone. Makai had drug Corek Junior out from hiding and to the charity event. His reasoning? Corek Junior wasn't a boy anymore and Makai thought he was skirting his duties. Not that he saw Corek Senior around, but the point remained it was time for his friend to grow up and join them in the corporate sector.

Hand came down on Corek Junior's shoulder, drink in the other. Makai did this well. He played wingman all during his fraternity years.

"Jay-R, listen. I love love. I'm a romantic, I can't help it. I'm just trying to get you on the road to being a happily married man. That won't happen if you sulk in this corner, scared of them. I can hype you up in advance and talk to them but really, you gotta show some confidence. If you manage to nab a date I'll even pay for it."

A little shake of Junior's shoulder.

"Challenge accepted?"


Cerys Dyn

to keep the oaths of old
With her master’s passing, Cerys had lost her connection to the precious grapevine-type contacts that made up the Order of the Old Oaths. So when rumours had crossed her datapad about a holocron from one of the ancient teachers of her Order, there was no question regarding whether she would attend. The only problem had been how.

Fortunately for her, a few people in the planning committee had been of a weaker mental disposition. A wave of a hand here, and imprinting of thoughts there, and Cerys found herself on the invited list. Sure, she walked among the upper crust of society with a pang of guilt in her stomach. What she had done felt a little self-serving, but it was for a greater good surely? No other Jedi had yet been willing to finish her training. None had been of adequate resolve in their personal life to qualify. She felt…alone…unwanted…other.

This holocron was her ticket to becoming a Jedi Knight. Then she could take on an apprentice and continue the legacy of Maser Vaas. Only, how to acquire the holocron was still beyond her.

She had forgone the usual uniform of her Order. The teal and copper colours, modest dresses and leather belts had been replaced with a snug white outfit that seemed like something an aristocrat would wear. She had saved for over a month to purchase this one outfit, and then gone through the ignominy of it being tailored to fit her. She felt comfortable so far as the fabric and how the garment sat on her shoulders, chest and hips, but if it weren’t for the cream coloured cloak she might just have felt exposed.

Approaching the secure glass display, Cerys found herself staring almost longingly at the ornate cube that rotated slowly on one of is eight points. The lights of the display caused her blue eyes to sparkle. Yet the frown that seemed ever present these days, did not abate.

”What secrets you must hold…”

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell - Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn


Makai Dashiell was Junior’s oldest and dearest friend in the galaxy. He had been there to help Junior when he was down and there to share in his joys whenever he was up. Currently? He wanted to punch his friend in the jaw. He had been delivering cargo aboard his ship to Alderaan when said ship, and his personal space, was suddenly invaded by his good friend who all but shoved a tailored suit, how Makky got his measurements was a topic for another day, into his arms and told him they were going to a charity event.

He had grumbled and groaned but Makky was nothing if not relentless and so he had found himself dressed in the suit and ushered off to the event. That was where he currently found himself in the corner of the room, simply observing the people around him while sipping at his drink. His quiet contemplation was rudely interrupted by the man who had dragged him to this event in the first place.

Half listening to his friends words and half watching the people in the room he turned to face his friend and raised an eyebrow. “Let's get a few things straight, Makky. Firstly, I am in no hurry to get married. I love what you and Myra have but I’ll have you know my father didn’t marry till his forties and is currently very happy. Secondly, I am not scared of anyone or anything in this room because if push came to shove I could beat the chit out of any of them. Lastly, you’re on…I’ll even let you pick the girl…”

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn

“Wait, your father is like sixty years old?”

Makai looked confused, unsure of the timeline with Corek Senior and his marriage. Not that it mattered,something he latched onto in the moment. It made sense though. Perhaps Jay-R’s father was too old to parent him properly. It would explain a lot of things.

Eyebrow raised at the comment,Corellian whisky moving to his lips so he could collect his thoughts and not fly off the cuff. Iced blue eyes looked around the space, wondering why Jay-R’s immediate thoughts were, of all things, fighting. Especially since he was mentioning women. If Corek Junior even raised a hand towards a single being tonight, he was confident their friendship would be over.

“Jay-R, dude, lay off the steroids. Don't you know that stuff takes solid things and makes them deflated. Limp.”

Makai gave a pointed look, hoping his redheaded friend could read between the lines about what he was implying. Given how thick-headed the other man was being, something told him the implication would sail right over his head.

"Listen, maybe dating isn't for you.Not right now. You got to be in the right headspace. Grow up and mature a little. I'm seeing my therapist again. Maybe you see him too, the guy is a miracle worker. Very expensive, eye-watering really. However, a small price to pay for growth and peace of mind. I can put in a good word if you like."

He purposely refrained from continuing this line of thought about a date given what Corek just mentioned. If someone like Jay-R showed up at his and Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell 's door to take their daughter on a date....well, his wife was an excellent shot. If he felt that way about his own friend, there was no way he could unleash the redhead on some poor, unsuspecting woman trying to enjoy her evening.

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Cerys Dyn

to keep the oaths of old
“Exquisite isn’t it.”

Cerys jumped, just a little, and looked to her left. She cursed herself for her inattentiveness. The holocron was just so…exquisite. “Why yes…that is exactly the word for it,” she said with one of the first unforced smiles she had given in months.

”Part of it is the mystery,” said the older gentleman. Yes, he was a gentleman. His hair was not grey, but snow white. His beard long and speckled with just a hint of black. Other than he looked rather jolly. Especially in his fantastic white and red attire. It was very regal looking. Cerys especially liked how the black belt worked to hide what was a rather portly figure.

“Oh yes, sir, what it must say about us…I mean…the Order of the Old Oaths.”

“You seem like a woman of refined sensibilities,”
the older gent said, before he…

…she stiffened. He had put his hand on the small of her back.

“Can I get you a drink my dear?”

His breath stunk. He was old. He hadn’t asked to touch her. She would have said, ‘no’ if he had. Cerys stepped to her right, but his hand followed her. Her cheeks flushed, and eyes darted about the room. This was not the time, nor the place to make a scene. But a scene was about to take place.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell - Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn

Junior let out a snort and little chuckle when Makky showed surprise at just how old Noah Sr. was. Many people were surprised when they found out his fathers age and he couldn’t blame them, he definitely didn’t look to be in his sixties. “Yes Makky my dad is in his sixties. My paternal grandfather was Morellian so my dad’s got a pretty extended lifespan compared to a normal human.”

His eyebrow was raised and his hand tightened on his drink when Makky mentioned his supposed use of steroids. “I don’t take steroids, you osik…It’s called a healthy and protein rich diet combined with exercise. That and my mother’s being Echani and Epicanthix and my father being Mandalorian means I’m predisposed to think with my fists…not that I do so in every circumstance.”

He would admit upon any later question that he almost completely tuned out the other man when his eyes were cast over the rest of the room and fell on a blond haired woman who was currently talking to an older gentleman. The conversation seemed mundane and friendly until he saw the woman tense up when the older man put his hand on her lower back.

Standing the young man was contemplating knocking the older gentleman out but remembered the type of event he was at and that his family did have connections on Alderaan and thought that knocking out an older man at a charity event was probably not a good idea. As he walked towards the pair of people he snagged a pair of champagne flutes from a passing waiter.

“Elise darling is this where you have been? I’ve been looking for you for fifteen minutes my love.” He slid in next to the woman and handed her the glass before leaning to whisper into her ear, or kiss her cheek as the older man might mistake the action. “Just play along if you wanna get him away.”

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