Xevek Nekonis
From The Shadows
Coruscant. Formerly the sprawling city planet had been the seat of the One Sith Empire's power, the superpower's thrown and its cradle. However, when the rot had begun to infest the One Sith, weakening and killing it from the inside out, Coruscant had fallen to the hands of the Galactic Alliance - a hypocritical group that proclaimed peace through conflict; peace was nothing more than stagnation while conflict was evolution, the two could not mix. However, despite the fact that it was no longer within Sith hands, that did not mean that Lykos found much difficulty infiltrating the supposed security of the Alliance. After all, in the depths of the city where shadows and a quick word and even quicker hand ruled over order and control, it was easy for one to blend in, find themselves hidden from notice of those that patrolled the upper levels.
The fact that it was so easy for him to find his way into obscurity upon the planet - a fact that was only helped by the fact that he did not require anything more than the Force to arrive planet-side let alone a ship that could be tracked - did not mean, however, that he was happy to be back on the planet. For him, an Iridonian, who had an already naturally sensitive sense of smell let along one that had been honed to as to be able to utilise it in tracking prey, the scents natural to the city planet, scents that worsened the deeper you dove, were foul and disgusting. Overwhelming in the presence, the pungent, ever present scent of sweat, grime, soot and something that could only be described as metal.
Only one had been able to call Lykos back to the foul planet and that had been duty. For, above being Darth Lykos, he was the White Assassin and Aspect of Conquest. Such titles were titles awarded to him due to his position of authority within the Sith Assassins and, one day, they would be awarded to another, but, for the Iridonian, they were more than titles. For him, they were purpose and life in equal measure. He was Oblivion and Conquest, a Shadow for the rest of the Galaxy only to glance at. And, even within that glace, it would be uncertain as to whether or not they were seeing the truth of him. And that was how he liked it.
So, when his duties as an Assassin had required him to come to Coruscant, he came to Coruscant. When his duties required him to eliminate a group of thugs who had, by pure chance, stumbled across a Sith artifact left over from the Sith's time on the planet, so as to ensure that the secret of the Artifact did not reach the Alliance despite the bragging of the thugs, then he left behind slowly cooling bodies. Such was the Lykos' life; an agent of Nath.
However, despite his duties as an Assassin, that did not mean that Lykos never needed to rest. Compounding the fact was that his ability to see into the Force to compensate for the loss of his right eye and the strain it was placing upon his left eye could not be kept up continuously. As such, these two facts meant that, his hands - one cybernetic, the other flesh and blood - wrapped around the handle of a self-carved wooden cane concealing a hidden blade, Lykos slowly made his way through the crowds of one of the more middle levels to a bar he recalled from his time stations on Coruscant as an Acolyte. Dressed in simple clothes, it was only the malicious gleam of his amber hued left eye, the wrappings covering the right side of his face and the cane he held, that caused him to stand out from the crows. But, even then, his skills at disappearing from sight meant that the unfocused eye would skip over him despite his oddities.
But, despite the fact he was taking the time to rest did not mean that he forgot the fact he was, technically, within enemy territory. Quey'tek Meditation and Force Stealth, along with a small inclusion of Art of the Small, had been a part of the Iridonian's morning ritual for years, their effects constantly renewed every day so as to leave himself with the smallest and most obscured Presence within the Force as he could accomplish.
It was by pure chance that, as Lykos settled himself into one of the chairs lining the back wall of the bar - "The Halfway Retreat" - that he had chosen to peer through the Force to search for any potential threats. As such, it was by pure chance that he gleamed a soul that was marked in a way that roused his fascination. Wounded and not whole, the soul rested within a female whom the Dark clung to. But, most fascinating to him, was the tethered bond that seemed to leech upon the remnants of the soul, a bond that stunk of the scent of a wonder that he had found himself studying with fascination in recent times. The Netherworld.
Reaching out, Lykos brushed a tendril of his Presence across the woman's mind, enough to draw her attention and nothing more and awaited her response; amber gaze locked upon her.
[member="Irajah Ven"]
The fact that it was so easy for him to find his way into obscurity upon the planet - a fact that was only helped by the fact that he did not require anything more than the Force to arrive planet-side let alone a ship that could be tracked - did not mean, however, that he was happy to be back on the planet. For him, an Iridonian, who had an already naturally sensitive sense of smell let along one that had been honed to as to be able to utilise it in tracking prey, the scents natural to the city planet, scents that worsened the deeper you dove, were foul and disgusting. Overwhelming in the presence, the pungent, ever present scent of sweat, grime, soot and something that could only be described as metal.
Only one had been able to call Lykos back to the foul planet and that had been duty. For, above being Darth Lykos, he was the White Assassin and Aspect of Conquest. Such titles were titles awarded to him due to his position of authority within the Sith Assassins and, one day, they would be awarded to another, but, for the Iridonian, they were more than titles. For him, they were purpose and life in equal measure. He was Oblivion and Conquest, a Shadow for the rest of the Galaxy only to glance at. And, even within that glace, it would be uncertain as to whether or not they were seeing the truth of him. And that was how he liked it.
So, when his duties as an Assassin had required him to come to Coruscant, he came to Coruscant. When his duties required him to eliminate a group of thugs who had, by pure chance, stumbled across a Sith artifact left over from the Sith's time on the planet, so as to ensure that the secret of the Artifact did not reach the Alliance despite the bragging of the thugs, then he left behind slowly cooling bodies. Such was the Lykos' life; an agent of Nath.
However, despite his duties as an Assassin, that did not mean that Lykos never needed to rest. Compounding the fact was that his ability to see into the Force to compensate for the loss of his right eye and the strain it was placing upon his left eye could not be kept up continuously. As such, these two facts meant that, his hands - one cybernetic, the other flesh and blood - wrapped around the handle of a self-carved wooden cane concealing a hidden blade, Lykos slowly made his way through the crowds of one of the more middle levels to a bar he recalled from his time stations on Coruscant as an Acolyte. Dressed in simple clothes, it was only the malicious gleam of his amber hued left eye, the wrappings covering the right side of his face and the cane he held, that caused him to stand out from the crows. But, even then, his skills at disappearing from sight meant that the unfocused eye would skip over him despite his oddities.
But, despite the fact he was taking the time to rest did not mean that he forgot the fact he was, technically, within enemy territory. Quey'tek Meditation and Force Stealth, along with a small inclusion of Art of the Small, had been a part of the Iridonian's morning ritual for years, their effects constantly renewed every day so as to leave himself with the smallest and most obscured Presence within the Force as he could accomplish.
It was by pure chance that, as Lykos settled himself into one of the chairs lining the back wall of the bar - "The Halfway Retreat" - that he had chosen to peer through the Force to search for any potential threats. As such, it was by pure chance that he gleamed a soul that was marked in a way that roused his fascination. Wounded and not whole, the soul rested within a female whom the Dark clung to. But, most fascinating to him, was the tethered bond that seemed to leech upon the remnants of the soul, a bond that stunk of the scent of a wonder that he had found himself studying with fascination in recent times. The Netherworld.
Reaching out, Lykos brushed a tendril of his Presence across the woman's mind, enough to draw her attention and nothing more and awaited her response; amber gaze locked upon her.
[member="Irajah Ven"]