Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wingtiger


The holonet only brought more questions than answers. Aris sat on the couch of his master's ship, though it wasn't even sitting so much as curled up on it, idly scrolling. Which wasn't idly at all. He was rapidly scrolling, his mind quickly processing everything. The questions he'd had for Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti and his own relationship. How to make sure he didn't end up doing something that could hurt her, how he could avoid leaving her needing him around less the bond her species form brought her pain and eventual death.

A lot of very serious questions that didn't have any answers that he could find.

He let out a sigh after a moment, clicking of the datapad to instead stare up at the ceiling. He really didn't know what to do.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

It was lazy days like this that kept Jonyna sane. She wandered into the living room in nothing more than a tank top and gym shorts, idly sipping on a mug filled with orange juice, to the sound of constant tapping. It could only be one of three things.

A. Guffy had gotten a hold of something he shouldn't have.

B. Ko was back.

or C. Aris was bored.

She guessed C, but she really hoped it wasn't A. B would be a nice surprised. And, with a tilt of her head over the couch...

C it was.

"Hey kid. What's eatin' ya?"



Aris blinked a little at the question before he moved to sit up. The tablet stayed in his hands as he mulled it over. He didn't expect anyone to figure out something was wrong with him. He was good at just not seeming bothered, wasn't he? Truthfully, no, he was very obvious, but he wasn't aware of it at least. "How do you make sure you don't hurt a girl you like, Master?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Jonyna blinked. Aris had a crush?

Oh boy. For a moment, she wondered if he had asked Valery Noble Valery Noble the same question. Probably not. Talking to parents about this kinda thing was always awkward.

"Talk to them about it, usually. But I know that's rough, so...what happened? You can tell me your secrets, I promise I won't snitch." She said with a smile, as she walked over and sat down on one of the connecting couches. The ship had been originally designed for a group of seven, so there was plenty of seating space.



"Mm. She's a species that bonds with people over time. Like Force bonds, but, they need to be around them or they get sick. Die, eventually. We've been best friends for years now and I can tell there's something there. But I don't feel the Force. And I'm not her species. It's- complicated. Probably too complicated for us both to be handling."

Aris glanced again to the tablet, frowning at yet another article that didn't really help at all.

"But I like her. It's- .. I dunno what to do."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"Trust me kid, it's not about age. Even adults struggle with this kinda thing." Jonyna said with a calm understanding to her tone. "I don't know what I'm doing half the time with Jenn, but I figure it out as I go. That's all we can do. That, and talk to each other about it. Gotta remember kid, we're never in this world alone. Sit down with the girl, tell her what's going on, and...strategize. Life is like a battle. Don't let emotions get in the way of winning the day, yeah? You're good at fighting, approaching it like a fight. When one battle strategy doesn't work, try another. Improvise." Jonyna smiled, before it quickly faded as she realized the possibility of that wisdom being misunderstood.

"...and that doesn't mean try to actually fight her, yeah? to her."



"That's- pretty on point for Epicanthic combat. I could focus on that." Aris hummed in thought. Him and Zaiya could talk, but, what would they do about the fact he couldn't give her that kind of bond she'd need to not end up sick? Would that happen, if they started to date? .. The realization he was thinking about dating her specifically had his face suddenly brighten red as he covered his mouth.

"But, that doesn't really help the whole she'll die part. What am I supposed to do about that, Master?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"That, unfortunately, isn't something I can give you an easy answer for. It's specific to her species, yeah? Ask her how it works. Figure out the specifics. Every species has their rules, mine certainly does. Once you know the rules, you can figure out how to bend them. Work around them." Jonyna offered. "Things like that aren't gonna be something you can just beat. You gotta work around them, if you really want her."

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