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Character Kal Kalaad

Kal Kalaad

Kal Kalaad's imposing figure dominates any room he enters. He stands tall and is muscular. On the rare occasion when Kal removes his helmet, one can catch a glimpse of his striking features. His face features a distinctive burn mark that covers the majority of the right side of his face. Despite the mark, Kal's chiselled chin remains one of his most striking features.

His Beskar'gam has been expertly crafted to fit his build and has a distinctive color combination of dark-red with black. His clan's signet, a Watch-Beast, is intricately etched into the shoulder plates of his armor.

Underneath Kal's helmet, his hair is a deep shade of brown, which complements the tanned, weathered complexion of his face. As for his facial hair, Kal sports a light, neatly trimmed stubble.


Kal was born on Concord Dawn, a renowned Mandalorian stronghold that has produced some of the galaxy's most ferocious warriors. As the youngest son of Ghes Kalaad and his wife Mirta, Kal grew up in the shadow of his father's infamous reputation as a warrior and a mercenary. Kal's world took a tragic turn a couple of cycles after the completion of his verd'goten. His father, Ghes Kalaad, passed away unexpectedly on a mission where he was hired with other Clan Kalaad members to provide security for a merchant ship passing through the New Kleyman system. The sudden loss of his father hit Kal hard when he discovered the news from a family member who was on the same mission as his father. Ghes was not only Kal's father but he had been his mentor, role model, and the person he looked up to the most in the entire galaxy.

Many cycles after his father's death, Kal was in business as a mercenary for hire which would typically be combat-related tasks such as providing security, escorting wealthy clients through pirate-infested star systems or engaging in ongoing battles, His work was often through private individuals, however, corporations, and even governments sought for Kal Kalaad's employment.


  • Highly skilled in combat: Growing up on Concord Dawn and completing the trial of passage to the culture of Mandalorians has instilled in Kal a formidable skill set in combat, making him a deadly warrior.

  • Resourceful: Being a Mandalorian, Kal has been trained to survive in harsh environments and to improvise when necessary. He is adept at making the most of the tools and resources available to him.


  • Closed-off: Having grown up in the shadow of his father's reputation, Kal may be reluctant to show vulnerability or weakness, and as a result, he can come across as closed-off or distant to others.

  • Stubborn: Kal's determination to prove himself and his independence can sometimes lead him to be stubborn and unwilling to listen to the advice of others.

AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'5"
WEIGHT: 110kg
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Tanned

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