The Amorphous Astronaut
(Outside of suit "Humanoid Form")
NAME: BoGacc "Bo"
RANK: Scavenger
AGE: 70s
SEX: Masculine
HEIGHT: Varies (1.5 meter diameter in blob form)
WEIGHT: 300 lbs
EYES: Dark
"SKIN": Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Amorphous - Bo is a Ugor, which are unicellular protozoans, and can have the ability to shape change their bodies at will. Be that adding additional sensory organs like eyes or ears, and can even form up to 30 pseudopods at will like most of his kind.
"The Blob that ate everything" - Like all of his kin, Bo can eat just about anything, be it food to toxic waste. Not much of a strength, but still cool.
"No brain, no problem" - Lastly, like all other Ugors Bo doesn't have a brain in the conventional sense. It is decentralized throughout his entire body. Allowing him to understand and organize a surprising amount of information at once especially if he spouts out a bunch of pseudopods. Which can not only manipulate his environment, but collected information as well. Making him an excellent multitasker.
Hoarder - Bo finds it pretty hard to part with many of the trinkets and junk he has collected throughout his time.
Uncharismatic - It's a little hard to tell if Bo is truly ugly or not. It's a pretty subjective thing. Even more so when he can shape change into a more appealing form. But that doesn't mean he's very good with words or body language. Being such an alien alien, most could easily find him off putting.
Extreme Temperatures - Be it the cold or heat, the extremes of either are pretty problematic for Bo. Since he his body only really has a thin membrane keeping it safe from things like fire and freezing temperatures. Easily being able to burn away or be frozen solid like a ice.
Bo is a Ugor, thus is appearance is very simple, yet also boundlessly complex. There are some constants though. He is green, and his outer membrane is slimy. When out of his suit and in a more relaxed environment he takes on a more globular form as it's far less complex and easy to maintain. His other main form is that of a rather bulky humanoid male. With arms, legs, hands feet and fingers. But no toes. Often times he stays hidden under his environmental suit as to keep from offending others with his appearance.
BoGacc, or Bo, was born in the paradise system some 70ish years ago. It wasn't hard for him to be swept up in the greater Ugor society and culture. Often being taught lessons in trash collecting, Squib hating, and worshiping of trash, haggling, gambling, and con jobs. Such is the way any Ugor worth their salt in the galaxy. It wasn't too long until he landed a prestigious job at HUTCA (Holy Ugor Taxation Collection Agency). A job which brought great joy to him and his family.
For much of his time in The Agency Bo was a devout, pious individual. Who was on a righteous mission to collect as much trash and garbage for the greater Ugor society at whole. However, the deadly sin of greed and gluttony made short work of that one fateful day. After many hours of negotiations, wheeling and dealing. Bo had scored the mother load for his people. It was a pristine, glorious, pre-clone wars GS-100 Salvage Ship. But for better or for worse Bo questioned whether or not the HUTCA deserved the spoils of his hard work. After all it was him that socred the deal, nobody else.
Great malice overtook Bo, he could just imagine the trash he could collect on his own with a ship like that. No need to hand it over to any of those no good bureaucrats. He finally decided that he would take the ship for himself. He knew this would make him an outcast, maybe even an outlaw. But the gamble was just to great to pass up.
Leaving the greater Ugor society, Bo never looked back. However, this came with a crisis of faith. Without other Ugors around him all the time he sort of learned the hard way just how valueless trash really was to the rest of the galaxy. Was it really worth leaving everything behind in pursuit of something rest of the greater galaxy didn't see much use in? Well, the promise of wealth he told himself may not have been as grand as he imagined. But there were plenty other people in the galaxy that saw value in what others discarded. Thus Bo spent a great deal of time with Jawas around the galaxy. Learning their ways, how they repurposed junk they found and swindled buyers, it was very Ugor he found.
Now in days Bo sees himself as something of an independent collector of fine arts, and holy relics. (That just being cool trash he finds.) Often getting paid to get some good meals off of others toxic waste. They have no need for it, and Bo can eat it, which they happily pay him for with completive prices. Sure Bo might not be the coolest, or the most dashing spacer in the galaxy, but that's okay with him. After all, he's not going to hell for throwing away an old broken data pad like some people....
GS-100 Salvage Ship
NAME: BoGacc "Bo"
RANK: Scavenger
AGE: 70s
SEX: Masculine
HEIGHT: Varies (1.5 meter diameter in blob form)
WEIGHT: 300 lbs
EYES: Dark
"SKIN": Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Amorphous - Bo is a Ugor, which are unicellular protozoans, and can have the ability to shape change their bodies at will. Be that adding additional sensory organs like eyes or ears, and can even form up to 30 pseudopods at will like most of his kind.
"The Blob that ate everything" - Like all of his kin, Bo can eat just about anything, be it food to toxic waste. Not much of a strength, but still cool.
"No brain, no problem" - Lastly, like all other Ugors Bo doesn't have a brain in the conventional sense. It is decentralized throughout his entire body. Allowing him to understand and organize a surprising amount of information at once especially if he spouts out a bunch of pseudopods. Which can not only manipulate his environment, but collected information as well. Making him an excellent multitasker.
Hoarder - Bo finds it pretty hard to part with many of the trinkets and junk he has collected throughout his time.
Uncharismatic - It's a little hard to tell if Bo is truly ugly or not. It's a pretty subjective thing. Even more so when he can shape change into a more appealing form. But that doesn't mean he's very good with words or body language. Being such an alien alien, most could easily find him off putting.
Extreme Temperatures - Be it the cold or heat, the extremes of either are pretty problematic for Bo. Since he his body only really has a thin membrane keeping it safe from things like fire and freezing temperatures. Easily being able to burn away or be frozen solid like a ice.
Bo is a Ugor, thus is appearance is very simple, yet also boundlessly complex. There are some constants though. He is green, and his outer membrane is slimy. When out of his suit and in a more relaxed environment he takes on a more globular form as it's far less complex and easy to maintain. His other main form is that of a rather bulky humanoid male. With arms, legs, hands feet and fingers. But no toes. Often times he stays hidden under his environmental suit as to keep from offending others with his appearance.
BoGacc, or Bo, was born in the paradise system some 70ish years ago. It wasn't hard for him to be swept up in the greater Ugor society and culture. Often being taught lessons in trash collecting, Squib hating, and worshiping of trash, haggling, gambling, and con jobs. Such is the way any Ugor worth their salt in the galaxy. It wasn't too long until he landed a prestigious job at HUTCA (Holy Ugor Taxation Collection Agency). A job which brought great joy to him and his family.
For much of his time in The Agency Bo was a devout, pious individual. Who was on a righteous mission to collect as much trash and garbage for the greater Ugor society at whole. However, the deadly sin of greed and gluttony made short work of that one fateful day. After many hours of negotiations, wheeling and dealing. Bo had scored the mother load for his people. It was a pristine, glorious, pre-clone wars GS-100 Salvage Ship. But for better or for worse Bo questioned whether or not the HUTCA deserved the spoils of his hard work. After all it was him that socred the deal, nobody else.
Great malice overtook Bo, he could just imagine the trash he could collect on his own with a ship like that. No need to hand it over to any of those no good bureaucrats. He finally decided that he would take the ship for himself. He knew this would make him an outcast, maybe even an outlaw. But the gamble was just to great to pass up.
Leaving the greater Ugor society, Bo never looked back. However, this came with a crisis of faith. Without other Ugors around him all the time he sort of learned the hard way just how valueless trash really was to the rest of the galaxy. Was it really worth leaving everything behind in pursuit of something rest of the greater galaxy didn't see much use in? Well, the promise of wealth he told himself may not have been as grand as he imagined. But there were plenty other people in the galaxy that saw value in what others discarded. Thus Bo spent a great deal of time with Jawas around the galaxy. Learning their ways, how they repurposed junk they found and swindled buyers, it was very Ugor he found.
Now in days Bo sees himself as something of an independent collector of fine arts, and holy relics. (That just being cool trash he finds.) Often getting paid to get some good meals off of others toxic waste. They have no need for it, and Bo can eat it, which they happily pay him for with completive prices. Sure Bo might not be the coolest, or the most dashing spacer in the galaxy, but that's okay with him. After all, he's not going to hell for throwing away an old broken data pad like some people....
GS-100 Salvage Ship