Morning had come and gone. Lunch had been skipped, well missed entirely. He was actually too excited to eat, it was the the first time in a long time that he had dedicated a whole day to saber sword arts. The Padawan had spent a majority of the day in the training room. Saber training and tactics with it as well were the cause for his rather intense session. He had his lessons from Master
Solenne Abraxas
that he kept up with daily and even extra lesson that she had pressed him to complete. While there was whispers from his peers that he was ready for the trials.
Aiden knew in his heart he was not. While he knew there was a time to have fun with he though of his lessons with Aris, Roman and the others. There was a time as well to be serious and work as hard as you can. That's what he was doing today, several remote droids had come to life, one at first, then increasing to two and so forth until the number reached four. The Padawan's blue blade twirled around quickly as he deflected the bolts that were shot by the training remote droids. Obviously they weren't real bolts, they did leave a lasting sting upon impact.
While he had been struck several time in the past, he hadn't been hit today. Which meant he was improving, by his standards anyway. Good against the remote was one thing, however against a real blaster pistol or even rifle was a completely different story. So he trained, as much as he could. However he had also put a notice in the main hall for a contender to face him in lightsaber combat. The more training he got, the better he would grow. The more beat up he got in training, would lessen his injuries out in the field. However this was a good spar, he was no means a lightsaber expert. However he wanted to learn more, and that required more challenges.
Unbeknownst to him his opponent today would be the grandmaster.
Valery Noble
Morning had come and gone. Lunch had been skipped, well missed entirely. He was actually too excited to eat, it was the the first time in a long time that he had dedicated a whole day to saber sword arts. The Padawan had spent a majority of the day in the training room. Saber training and tactics with it as well were the cause for his rather intense session. He had his lessons from Master

Aiden knew in his heart he was not. While he knew there was a time to have fun with he though of his lessons with Aris, Roman and the others. There was a time as well to be serious and work as hard as you can. That's what he was doing today, several remote droids had come to life, one at first, then increasing to two and so forth until the number reached four. The Padawan's blue blade twirled around quickly as he deflected the bolts that were shot by the training remote droids. Obviously they weren't real bolts, they did leave a lasting sting upon impact.
While he had been struck several time in the past, he hadn't been hit today. Which meant he was improving, by his standards anyway. Good against the remote was one thing, however against a real blaster pistol or even rifle was a completely different story. So he trained, as much as he could. However he had also put a notice in the main hall for a contender to face him in lightsaber combat. The more training he got, the better he would grow. The more beat up he got in training, would lessen his injuries out in the field. However this was a good spar, he was no means a lightsaber expert. However he wanted to learn more, and that required more challenges.
Unbeknownst to him his opponent today would be the grandmaster.