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Faction Witchcraft and Wizardry - A Class on Force Cultures (Open to Jedi/LS FU)

Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Ichor Sword, Nightsister energy bow
Tag: Open to all Jedi/Light Side FU

Dreidi had decided to give a class on the differing Force cultures that existed in the galaxy, she was far from a perfect expert on the subject and she was sure there would be cultures she would either miss or forget about during the class but she felt it would be important to provide a class on them. Especially since she was a Dathomiri Witch and knew that witches like herself and the Jedi hadn't always gotten along.

She had been tempted to wear her more traditional Dathomiri attire, but she forewent it and stuck with her Jedi attire, figuring that it would be far more appropriate for the class. She did bring Grisial and her Dathomiri weapons, thinking that they could provide some intrigue since for her, seeing the weapons and tools of other cultures was something of a great interest. Especially since they were sometimes effective against a Lightsaber, she did set a table and placed her sword and energy bow upon the table as well as a few other Dathomiri cultural tools and pottery. Just in case there were people more interested in the artistic side of things.

Grisial looked up at Dreidi as she breathed out slowly, "hey, look, it has been a long time since I taught an open class and this is something important to me so I don't want to mess it up." She stated as she looked down at the Vulptex, shaking her head and letting out a deep sigh. "Just hope that someone comes and takes something positive away from the class." Dreidi confessed as she tapped away at the table.

Curious to see who would turn up.
Current Outfit

Voli jogged through the hallway nearly tripping on her robes in the process. Another painful reminder that she really needed to get these robes hemmed. Voli was so used to having perfect fitting clothes as a kid, that she assumed that every clothing she got will be tailor made to her size. Then again, Jedi love to wear loose fitting robes. "I used to have a Protocol Droid who hemmed my clothing," Voli muttered her brown eyes darting around searching for the classroom. "She never judged my taste, she just did took my measurements and began sewing."

Though Voli had an unfortunate habit of arriving late to her classes, she was excited for this one in particular. For one, the class is about the Dathormorian Culture a subject that Voli had been vociferously studying even before she arrived at the temple. She even self-taught basic Magick spells, though she didn't tell anyone about it except for Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr her only friend so far in the Temple. The best part of the class was that it was being taught by Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic her Master. Voli was eager to learn under Dreidi because of her connection with witchcraft and sorcery. It felt great to see the Jedi embracing all cultures, there was nothing wrong with utilizing different powers to serve the Force.

"Except for the Dark Side," Voli muttered. Despite Dreidi's warnings about the Dark Side, Voli was still curious about its power. Wouldn't be better to use for the greater good? Was the Dark Side really a point of no return? So many questions..... and it was all implanted into Voli thanks to Dreidi's teachings.

Voli entered the classroom where she saw her Master and Grisal waiting for students. "Master," Voli out of breath nonetheless stood straight and bowed to Dreidi. "Good to see you again, looking forward to another lesson." Voli began to fiddle with her training saber that was clipped on her belt. "This time in a classroom environment," Voli chuckled. "Let's see if others come."
in the footsteps of a stranger

It had been slotted to be another busy day of working on the stone carvings meant to replace those lost during the invasion before Efret had learned about the class that Dreidi was offering. Then, it got only slightly less busy when she penciled in an hour or so break to attend. Though Efret was a Jedi researcher who knew much about archeology, anthropology, and geology, she knew that there was—and would always be—much that she both didn't know and didn't know she didn't know. Thus, learning was not beneath her. It was always a joy to encounter something unknown and, hopefully, come to understand at least so aspect of it.

That is what she hoped today held in store for her.

For all of the tours and expeditions she had been on, she had never visited Dathomir and had learned very little about her witches. She had, however, seen artistic depictions of burial pods in cave art on one occasion. Ever since, she had been intrigued by the Dathomiri hand-braiding technique used in funerary rites specifically, but was also interested in knowing the other ways they wove fiber.

"Good day," Efret began as she stepped into the classroom, addressing both teacher and student. Nirrah, on her shoulder, glanced quickly at Grisial. The master rose a hand to pet her, hoping to impart some calm, but knew Nirrah couldn't help it. Self-trained as a service animal or not, nothing could totally override her natural prey instincts.

Efret drew her hand back to sign with both again. Her question was for Dreidi. "Is there a Dathomiri title that you prefer being called or does Knight Xeraic do?"

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The last time Maiev had been on Coruscant, it had been to deal with a personal matter that had; much to her surprise at the time, involved the Pyke Syndicate. It had happened sometime before the Dark Empire had launched their invasion of the now former Alliance capital.

And as much as the witch had wanted to help, other matters had kept her away from the Core Worlds until recently. For the time being, Maiev’s investigations within the criminal Underworld had dried up. With not much else on her plate, the witch decided to pay the Jedi a visit.

In part to see how they had gotten along with the reconstruction efforts.

Only to catch wind that one of their Knights, and fellow witch; Dreidi Xeraic, was leading a class on the different Force cultures in the galaxy. Maiev could only assume that Dathomirian was going to be a significant one. It had been a while since the witch had the pleasure to be amongst other witches in an education setting.

So Maiev made short work of teleporting over to the Jedi Temple, strolling through the halls until she found the designated classroom. The witch was dressed in her usual garb, which was more of a traditional robe for the Dathomirian Clans.

One of the few good things that had come from hers.

Maiev stepped in the room, not too long after Efret Farr had made her entrance. Her gaze lingered across briefly, settling upon the appointed teacher.

Hope you don’t mind if a fellow witch sits in?” Maiev smiled, offering a hand towards Dreidi to shake. “I’m Maiev.

Cora slipped into the classroom, balancing a precariously high stack of tomes with both hands. Her latest trip to the archives had been fruitful. A borderline obsessive student when it came to classroom learning, she'd done a bit of pre-reading in preparation for Dreidi's lesson.

There were many, many cultures spread across the galaxy. A sheltered upbringing had given her little knowledge of customs outside of Ukatis, leading to several embarrassing social faux paus during her apprentice days.

The turning point had come when she'd mistaken poor Ko Vuto Ko Vuto for a Bothan.

Finding her way to a seat, Cora set down her books and began to sort through them. She'd only managed to peruse a few so far, skimming them for general themes. A Padawan rushed into the room and breathlessly addressed Dreidi as Master. The blonde arched a brow, hoping to catch her friend's eye as a slow smile spread across her face. It had felt like only a short while ago that they were Padawans themselves, learning to navigate the galaxy in their new role as Jedi.

Now, they were learning to guide the next generation.

After her reading material had been satisfactorily sorted, Cora drifted toward the table that had been set up for the lesson, eyeing the energy bow on display. Efret Farr Efret Farr was another familiar face, to whom she offered a warm smile, and then a polite nod in greeting to Maiev Maiev as she approached their teacher.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass
Huh. Learning about different cultures wasn't something Lestra planned on doing but it was a good way to stretch his legs. Meandering his way over towards the classroom, stretching his staff behind his back. It was something he never left his room without. Some people treated their lightsabers as an extension of themselves but for Lestra his staff was like another limb.

Case in point as he used it to rest his chin upon once he arrived in the classroom. Of course he could have taken a seat but sitting wasn't something Lestra ever enjoyed. It was always best to be on your feet. It let you react to anything at a quick notice whereas being sat down would cause precious seconds to hop back up.

None of the faces in the classroom seemed familiar to him. But that was fine! Strangers were just friends you hadn't met after all. At least...that was his belief about it. Though now that he thought about it, that wasn't necessarily true. There were probably plenty of criminals who were strangers to him...Eh. That wasn't important. Thinking about that kind of thing was making his head hurt and Lestra didn't like to think about things too hard.

For now the only thing his mind should be focused on was the class. Open his eyes and ears to new things. So whilst he waited to listen to Dreidi speak, he let his eyes travel across the room taking in the sights of tools and pottery...Letting his mind wander to how they must have been made before shaking his head to bring himself back to reality.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Efret Farr Efret Farr Maiev Maiev Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Padawan Roman stepped into the dimly lit classroom, his heart racing with excitement. The air was thick with anticipation, and the sight that greeted him filled him with a sense of awe. A diverse array of attendees filled the seats, each one embodying the vibrant tapestry of cultures found throughout the galaxy. The soft murmurs of conversation faded into silence as Dreidi, the Dathomiri Witch, prepared to share her knowledge.

Roman's gaze was immediately drawn to the intriguing display upon the table in front of Dreidi. The sleek, glimmering surface of the energy bow contrasted vividly with the ornate craftsmanship of the Dathomiri sword. Around them, the pottery was adorned with swirling designs that hinted at stories untold. He could feel the weight of their histories and the power they held.

As he took a seat, Roman admired Dreidi's determination. The Padawan leaned forward, eager to absorb every word she would speak. This was not just an ordinary lesson, it was a chance to learn about perspectives he had never considered. The intricacies of the Force, woven through different cultures, danced in his mind like the colors of a swirling galaxy. He recalled his training and how each encounter with a new culture deepened his understanding of the Force, enriching his own connection to it.

As Dreidi began her class, Roman felt a sense of belonging among the random gathering. He was ready to listen, to question, and to discover how the ancient wisdom of the Dathomiri could resonate within his own Jedi path. The excitement buzzed in the air around him, and he knew, without a doubt, that this would be a lesson unlike any other.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Interacting with: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Efret Farr Efret Farr Maiev Maiev Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Zaiya had been in the room a little earlier but had been too distracted with reading her data pad on what she could find out about the Witches of Dathomir in preparation that the girl didn’t notice who else had joined yet.

She sat quietly, the patterns of mottled spots over her rosy golden skin slowly swirling through thoughtful hues of burnished amber, curious tawny ochre, with flecks of dove grey in mild confusion. The culture from reading was vastly different than what she was used to, so it was fascinating.

For now, she kept reading until the class would start, writing down all the questions she already was thinking to ask so she didn’t forget.

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Can i just..." Tuli sighed. Naviagting the halls at eak times was alwasy her worst nightmare, expecially when so many people were going the same way she was. It seemed that Master Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic 's class was attracting more than just the padawans. Little legs and too many tall people to weave around was going to make her late and she knew it.

A small sigh of frustration blew out of her nose, eyes drifting up the the rafters in the templease vast celings. Needs must, right? With a little aid from the force she leapt at the wall, using it as a spring board to launch her into the rafters, before leaping from on the the next towards the classroom. No one paid any mind to the pale blue and white blur as she passed above their heads.

It was far hardder for them to not notice her as she dropped fromm the rafters before the classroom door, stacked the landing and tumbled into the classroom itself. She gave a slow blink, wondering where she'd put her foot wrong as she got to her feet and dusted herself off. The class didn't seem to have started just yet, so it could have been worse. If she said nothing, no one would make a deal out of it.

Tuli kept her head down and scurried between the rows and pulled herself into a seat next to some whose focus was on their datapad. A quick peak over their shoulder made her realise she had done no preperation for this class. What if there was a test?!

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Maiev Maiev Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass Efret Farr Efret Farr
Location: Coruscant
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Ichor Sword, Nightsister energy bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass | Efret Farr Efret Farr | Maiev Maiev | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk | Roman Vossari Roman Vossari | Tuli Tuli | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

As students began to arrive, she greeted them politely, nodding her head to Voli, her own Padawan. Looking to Efret, Dreidi smiled, "there are Dathomiri titles but feel free to call me Dreidi." She wasn't big on formal titles in general, and she wasn't looking to have a strict or formal class. She wanted to do something less standard and allow people experience what she had to offer without the need for tests or quizzes on what they knew. Seeing Corazona, Dreidi gave a smile, she nodded her head since she had already informed her friend that she had taken on a Padawan, so she was just confirming that Voli was in fact that student.

There were some who were clearly eager studies and were either making notes or waiting patiently for the class to begin. Just as she was able to start her opening introduction, a small ball of blue fur tumbled into the classroom having unfortunately not stuck their landing it seemed. Dreidi avoided any comments since she knew exactly what it was like to be nervous and not wishing to stand out too much in a class. "Greetings everyone, I am Dreidi Xeraic, Jedi Knight and Dathomiri Witch."

"Today, I will be teaching you all about different Force Cultures, primarily this will be a class on Dathomiri culture. If this goes well, who knows, I might end up doing a follow up class focusing on another culture." She smiled a little at her comment, "feel free to raise a hand and ask a question at any point during the class. I want us to all freely talk and I will provide some demonstrations of Magick as well as some history I know of Dathomir, her witches and potential mysteries that still need to be solved."

Gesturing to Grisial, who was sat upright and staring intently at everyone, "this is my animal familiar, Grisial, he is bonded to me through the Force so don't be alarmed if you hear his voice in your head, that is just how he communicates. Also means he's meant to a lot better behaved than a normal Vulptex, though he sometimes struggles to show that." Grisial huffed at the comment.

"For now, lets start with introducing yourselves to myself and the class with a comment about what interested you about the class today." She figured a simple icebreaker would help kick things off and give her an idea of what expectations were for the class. "Feel free to stand and introduce yourself. If you aren't comfortable or too anxious to do, please don't feel that you have to." She didn't want to force anyone into doing something they weren't happy doing.
Wulrenkit's eyes darted around the room as it filled with more and more jedi , all of whom were apparently eager to learn about another force tradition. He couldn't help but smile at the massive turnout. His archon had done similar things in the past, attempting to reconcile the wilders with the jedi order and bring about something of an alliance. It was that meeting which had led to to him joining the order as a padawan. Perhaps that's why he had come to this class, not only as a student, but as another view point, and perhaps a culture that knight Xeriac could talk about on a future date.

Clearing his throat, he stood form his seat in the back, and lifted his voice for the room to hear. "I'm Padawan Wulrenkit Claymus. I've heard a little about the witches but not much. I think they're a little similar to the order I came from. I'm a transfer from the Wilders, but I joined the jedi because I thought they might help me learn some control where back home they encouraged me to let loose." What he didn't add was that for most of wilder arts, he was essentially useless. He had a feeling that learning any dathomiri magicks would be similarly beyond his grasp, but perhaps the culture was something that he could learn from.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass Efret Farr Efret Farr Maiev Maiev Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Tuli Tuli Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
Current Outfit

Voli sat next to Tuli Tuli a small and furry creature, she could sense the person was unsettled, in fact she was one poke away from being an emotional wreck. She was getting better at sensing people's emotions though a small part of her felt a little guilty doing so, it had to be an invasion of privacy or something. But Voli couldn't help herself, it's like discovering a new sense, it felt liberating but like Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic kept telling Voli it comes with a lot of responsibility. "Has Master ever had fun in her life?" Voli thought. "I mean yeah she pranks that dude who allowed her to be stabbed by Carnifex but she always struck me as someone who has a stick up her ass."

Not that Voli will EVER say that to her Master's face.

The young woman sat attentively listening to Dreidi's lesson while she kept sensing the furry one's anxiety levels. "Hey," Voli whispered to the person. "You okay? You look nervous? It's just my Master teaching you, she's not gonna bite..... much."

Voli snickered at her statement before going back to listening to Dreidi speak.

Roman Vossari Roman Vossari Efret Farr Efret Farr Maiev Maiev Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
in the footsteps of a stranger

After Dreidi had informed Efret of what she referred to be called, the master found an empty seat next to Cora. Wherever the desks were in relation to the one at the front, Efret would be able to lipread well as Nirrah's vision was sharp even at distances many times the length of this room.

When it came to be Efret's turn to make an introduction, she stood. "I'm Efret Farr," she began, "Jedi Master and Chief Curator of the NJO's artifact collections." The voice that spoke the interpretation of the signs she made in Galactic Basic Sign Language was not her own—she was effectively often, though not functionally, mute—but a computerized feminine voice one that played from a small vocabulator clipped to her tunic. "We don't have anything Dathomiri on display, and similarly I know very little about the planet and her witch clans." She smiled at Dreidi. "I've come today to begin to fill this gap in my knowledge so that I can be a better anthropologist, and it is best to learn from members of a culture rather than a random book. In my opinion. Thank you for organizing this class, Dreidi."

She sat back down. Nirrah would help her know where to look when the next person stood, especially if they were behind her.


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