"All personnel, make your way to the escape pods. I repeat, all personnel make your way to the escape pods! This is not a drill...!"
The cruiser was shaking, rocking so violently that people were thrown to the ground only to become stepping stones for other terrified passengers. As they ran, a mob gripped by fear, they could see the cracks forming on the corridor walls. Thin spindly signs that whatever held the ship in a death grip would soon rip it apart. A relay exploded further up the corridor, the sparking explosion killed dozens before that whole section opened up into space with the planet spinning innocently below them, drawing the ship into its atmosphere and there was little they could do to stop it.
Several Days Later
"The last communication we received from the Renegade put her position in the Lyran System, that was three days ago. We haven't heard anything since." The Admiral stood before Norongachi's desk, as prim and as proper as you might expect for a career man.
"Why were they so far beyond our borders?" He asked, looking up from the report.
"Merchant ships passing through the system had been disappearing, they were checking into it. We thought pirates..."
"There isn't a pirate group out there that could take down a Contention, well...not anymore at least." It brought a smile to his lips when he recalled Mertaal and his band from a lifetime ago. "It certainly isn't the Protectorates doing..." He'd had constant reports on their movements, as best their scouts and spies could ascertain they hadn't ventured that far along. "I'll look into it, Admiral."
"Will you be taking the Hand of Fate?" He looked almost concerned at the prospect.
"I shouldn't think so. She's the most powerful ship in the fleet, besides the Jupitus, and far more useful here, coordinating the fleets." That seemed to appease the man, his face practically shone relief.
"I'll send a team. We'll find out what happened." The man saluted and turned on his heel.
The Widow Maker
Enroute to the Lyran System
Eighteen Hours Later
"And that's why we're here, any questions?" Norongachi asked the group of 'volunteers' he had assembled for this little outing. Most, if not all, seemed either annoyed at having been selected or wondered just why the Lord Marshall himself was leading what was basically a search and rescue mission.
He was bored. Was the answer.
[member="Rhoujen"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Subject: Gyossait"] [member="Gravesen Conclave"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Neskar A'toll"]
The cruiser was shaking, rocking so violently that people were thrown to the ground only to become stepping stones for other terrified passengers. As they ran, a mob gripped by fear, they could see the cracks forming on the corridor walls. Thin spindly signs that whatever held the ship in a death grip would soon rip it apart. A relay exploded further up the corridor, the sparking explosion killed dozens before that whole section opened up into space with the planet spinning innocently below them, drawing the ship into its atmosphere and there was little they could do to stop it.
Several Days Later
"The last communication we received from the Renegade put her position in the Lyran System, that was three days ago. We haven't heard anything since." The Admiral stood before Norongachi's desk, as prim and as proper as you might expect for a career man.
"Why were they so far beyond our borders?" He asked, looking up from the report.
"Merchant ships passing through the system had been disappearing, they were checking into it. We thought pirates..."
"There isn't a pirate group out there that could take down a Contention, well...not anymore at least." It brought a smile to his lips when he recalled Mertaal and his band from a lifetime ago. "It certainly isn't the Protectorates doing..." He'd had constant reports on their movements, as best their scouts and spies could ascertain they hadn't ventured that far along. "I'll look into it, Admiral."
"Will you be taking the Hand of Fate?" He looked almost concerned at the prospect.
"I shouldn't think so. She's the most powerful ship in the fleet, besides the Jupitus, and far more useful here, coordinating the fleets." That seemed to appease the man, his face practically shone relief.
"I'll send a team. We'll find out what happened." The man saluted and turned on his heel.
The Widow Maker
Enroute to the Lyran System
Eighteen Hours Later
"And that's why we're here, any questions?" Norongachi asked the group of 'volunteers' he had assembled for this little outing. Most, if not all, seemed either annoyed at having been selected or wondered just why the Lord Marshall himself was leading what was basically a search and rescue mission.
He was bored. Was the answer.
[member="Rhoujen"] [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"] [member="Subject: Gyossait"] [member="Gravesen Conclave"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Neskar A'toll"]