Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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With the Mind....

[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

Location: The Raxis Homestead, West of Keldabe, Mandalore

Telekinesis. It was something Jack had always possessed as a skill. Minor tweaks here and there with his mind, and in distress he was able to move large objects. After a visit to Yinchor he'd been initiated into the Zeison Sha, whom were masters of the skill. Still he was young to the whole notion of the force, and not very overly skilled at controlling the when and why of when TK happened.

So he'd invited a fellow Mando'ade. A warrior that had shown great promise at Roche. His aim? To perfect his skills and possibly learn what he could. every ability gave an edge in combat, no matter what it was. what the alignment of said folks was Jack didn't much care. The Resol'nare came before all else for him.

Politics be damned, He thought.

He was leaning against a pole on his deck at the homestead. Watching the barren fields where he'd just harvested his crops and waiting for her.
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Sabine had come to this homestead to teach a man she met at the battle of Roche, the basics in the ways of the force. She was still little unsure how she could teach him without referring to the sith code, as to her that was the galactic truth. Though she would find away, as it was she did want to get in trouble for being sith. She landed her gunship in a field, near by his home, but in area not to damage his crops. If she was training a sith how ever she would deliberately done that to annoy him, as that would be used later in the lesson. As her ship was put down by her droid pilot, she stepped of her ship wearing her first set armour, a piece of phrik weave. She also had a present for her student, a lightsaber from the battle of Roche. It was one of [member="Vulpesen"], he had thrown four at her, and she later retrieved two of them as mementoes of the battle.

She put on a small back pack on with some lean clothes, and had a droid walk with her to his homestead. As she approached his homestead she saw her student, leaning against a post obviously waiting for her. He was only a little taller than her, though much heavier due to his muscle mass. He was dressed casually which was useful for this, as it would help put him at ease, as heavy armour did put restrictions on you. She waved at him as she opened his gate, and walked down the path to his home. She was trying to sense his mood form service thoughts, as she came down his drive, this was more to figure out his state of mind. She then approached him, with her practice droid following behind, and said Su cuy'gar me'vaar ti gar burc'ya? which roughly translated meant hello how are you my friend. Her mandalorian was a good enough to pass a native, in military situation. Though not in casual conversation, as some words where missing from her. She learnt it back in her youth, in attempt to form an alliance that was not to be, between the one sith and the Mandalorians, back when the one sith was just a fledgling empire, when she was a fanatic for them. She since realised the errors of ways, and why the Mandalorians did not like them. She only realised after they slaughtered people on zeltros for no reason, other than for the fun of it.
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]


Jack gave her a warm smile and invited her to sit in a wooden rocking chair. He had two pairs of them near the door, resting on the deck. From the rafters of the covered deck herbs and trinkets were hanging. Jack took his own seat and offered the woman a cup of stimcaf. He had been saving it for just such an occasion.

He was finally going to get some proper training, and it would be good too. Unbeknownst to Sabine she wasn't the only one Jack had dabbled with. In an effort to expand his skillset he had been working with a Silver Jedi as well, learning the lighter arts of the force.

But the woman? He could sense she was powerful, and dark. But that was no consequence to Jack, whom simply smiled and took another Sip.

"Your Journey was well then?"
[member="Jack Raxis"]

He showed her on to his porch, and offered her a rocking chair to sit on. She simply accepted his offer and sat down on the wooden chair, and did the obligatory rock on it, otherwise what was the point of a rocking chair. Then jack offered a drink, she smiled politely and nodded as to say yes. She then took a sip of her drink, as he asked her how her journey was, she replied ​Uneventful fortunately. ​She knew he had has some training already in the force, but how much she was unsure on. So she figured the best way to start was simply to ask ​So who have you trained under before, and what have they taught you? ​These where simple questions, more to see if she had to make some boundaries, more than what she was going to teach him.
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

There it was. She was a cut to the chase kinda Gal, and Jack could respect that. He grunted and let his mind wander for a few moments. He didn't know much about her, and her about him so the questions were justified. How much he knew? Not a whole lot, but enough.

"I understand the basic philosophy of the Jedi vs Sith thing. I understand how to meditate, and I have a pretty good grasp on TK and some other abilities. Reading minds, tricking folks, navigating with only the force. A lot of it is passive stuff. I paid a trip to Yinchor and learned under a few Zeison Sha Masters. They focus on the neutral aspect of the force."

Jack was a cut to the chase kinda guy himself and shot her a sidelong look.

"So where do we start Vod?"
[member="Jack Raxis"]

She knew of zeison sha masters, though it was just that they did exist other than that she knew nothing more. She would be curious about that later, and after he had completed his first lesson, she might asking over a drink later what they believe in. That how ever was for later time, for know she had begin his lesson, the first lesson of any student should always be philosophy. What do the codes mean, and how does he interpret them, on this their was never a wrong answer. She pushed back in hair chair and then asked him, ​"Can you recite the Jedi code to me, and give me line per line what you think it means?" ​She decide to start with the Jedi code rather than the sith code, as it would show she did favour the Sith code even though she did. Though she hoped the lesson would just be between the two of them, and not reach ears of others. As there are many Mandalorians who despise the sith, and she did not want to give up her chance to join them easily.
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

Jack grumbled. She was asking him to recite a code he had absolutely zero interest in. The Jettii to him were loathsome. Self righteous warriors he associated with the Republic. About as equally worthless as the Dar'Jettii, the legions of doom that laid waste to any world the came upon. Still she was the teacher and so begrudgingly he accepted that fact and began to recite.

"There is no emotion there is peace. I expect a pathetic attempt at limitng a human fundemental. Removing emotion helps them focus and keep them from passion, which lead down the oath of darkness.

The is no ignorance, there is knowledge. They seek to learn not be blinded by ingnorance and stupidity. Just about the only thing I agree with. Ignorance is a dnagerous thing, leading folks to ill concieved decisions and rash actions. I suspect the Jettii would frown upon that.

There is no passion there is serenity. another lie to me. Passion gives a warrior his strength. The Resol'Nare is built around the passion to protect and serve family and Mandalore. I would gander they seek to stay away from the darker side of things, so skip out on passion and try and be all flowers and roses.

There is no chaos, there is harmony. They don't like chaos. They are bad at managing it. In their eyes harmony makes more senses, unifying the two halves of whole rather than an internal conflict.

There is no death, there is the force. They have a point on that one. Mando'ade ascend to the Manda when they die. It's an privilege given to honourable warriors. I suspect the Jettii do not fear death because to them ascension to the force is like ascension to the Manda for us."

Jack took another sip of his stimcaf and grunted again. He hated reciting that.

"Satisfied Master Kurtass?"

Though in all honesty, he doubted she'd approve of his blatant attack on the code. Still opinions were opinions. He'd seen enough of dogmas and hokey traditions to last a lifetime.
[member="Jack Raxis"]

There is no right or wrong answer, their is only your answer. This was the first part of her lessons, to think for yourself, not just agree with what others think.
​She then took another sip of her drink, and proceed to tell him , what she thought it meant.
​There is no emotion, there is peace. Well the first part is a lie, we all feel even the Jedi, so it can`t mean that. So it means they need to guard from it, so not react emotionally to a situation, so they need to be peaceful in their own mind.
​There is ignorance, there is knowledge. Well obviously there is ignorance, we can't know everything, but I think it means they should strive to know as much as possible, before making a decision.
​There is no passion, there is serenity. Well passion is emotion again, and serenity is peace, so it is reinforcing it first message not to make hasty judgment, also reinforcing the last line.
​There is no chaos, there is harmony. To be honest I feel it just reinforcing how the Jedi should think, not to act rashly and leave chaos, but strive to keep harmony.
​There is no death, there is only the force. Well we know the neather world exists for force users, so it saying don`t fear death.
She then paused, and with a smile said ​Your answer is as valid as mine, as it is your opinion.
Then with a glint in her eye, she asked Now could you do same with the sith code?
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

Jack grunted again. She was asking a lot about codes and such. If he were here to be a Dar'Jettii or Jettii he'd have said son. Anyhow he raised the canteen again and took another sip of the silky smooth stimcaf. The stuff was good, real good.

"The Dar'Jettii code,

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. A big lie to me. There are other things beside blind passion.

Through passion I gain strength. Strength can come from any source, passion, resolve, determination. Not simply juts passion alone.

The Strength I gain power. another blatant lie. Power is complex and has many variables. Simple brute strength is not power, think of Arcenau, she has power. Political power built via many agreements and trades, not brute force alone.

Through power I gain victory. Not always. The underdog can be weak and come up to whoop some Shebs. It's all in strategy and proper planning.

Through Victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free. I have no idea, and I think the entire thing is full of contradictions and mockery. Ridiculous if you ask me."

Jack took a deep breath, brows still furrowed. He raised the cup again and drained the last drops, casting a sidelong glance at the woman.

"Tea? Stim Caf?"
[member="Jack Raxis"]

A broad smile came onto Sabine face, he was good at this. She may not agree with him, but that was the point. She did not want anyone she trained to be stuck with dogma, she wanted to be able to think for themselves. As if they could not do that, they not worth her time, he had passed his first test. She then answered question Tea please. as she rocked back on her chair, she did like this chair. She then rather than give her idea on sith code, as she knew that was not sit happily with the mandalorian yet. She was however was intrigued by the possible code of another set of force users, the zeison sha people she never had the pleasure of meeting them. So tell me do the zeison sha have a code, and do the mandalorians have code? She knew of somethings the mandalorians, as she studied them in her previous life, but they never trusted her enough to get to close. Well all accept [member="Ordo"], but he was no longer with them.
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

Jack disappeared for a moment and returned with a Tea pot. It was old and dusty, and he set it down and a cup next to her. With his fislt he crumbled some bark into the scalding water and poured her a cup, setting it on a side table by her. Then he returned to his chair, own cup in hand and drank deeply.

"That's a certain bark from Endor, calms the mind, soothes the nerves. Helps my stress levels."

when she asked about the Sha and the Mando'ade Jack shot an eyebrow up. The Sha were one thing, but the Mando'ade? He was curious to know why a Master living among them had no knowledge of the Resol'Nare. Instead of rejecting her Jack smiled and cast a sidelong look her way.

"The Mando'ade believe in the Resol'Nare, the six actions of honour that make up the very fabric of what it means to be a Mandalorian. We are not a race or a simple society. We are a people, bred to be warriors.Those that follow the Resol'Nare can ascend the the after life, the Manda. Not much unlike the Jettii but very different.

The sic actions are simple. Wear your armour proudly, Speak the Mando'a language, Teach and Raise your children as Mandalorians, Defend yourself and your kin with zeal, Contribute to the welfare of your Clan and always answer the Call of the Mandalore. That's how things are done by us. Family first is a big part of it."

Jack paused again sipping the tea and kicking his feet off the deck to rock the chair.

"The Zeison Sha operate much the same way. They were Jettii colonists, abandoned by the Jettii almost thousands of years ago. Now they have cast aside useless codes. They believe in family and tribe, and defending oneself by any means.

Their primary means is the force. They use disc blades as their common weapon, and their Telekinetic abilities are legendary. That's how they utilize their blades and survive the harsh landscape of Yinchor."
[member="Jack Raxis"]

She ponder for a moment a bit using a mind trick, to make him forget the question she had asked. She decide against, as if he was strong enough to resist it, he might make question her more. She decide to give him a simple explanation, as she followed to where he was making the tea. I will be honest, if you promises on your word of honour not to tell others, of what I say. She figured a part truth would be best way of explaining herself, rather than full truth, or a complete lie. She then sit and talk about other things than force for rest of day, but he would be up early, as training began in true form tomorrow. She was going take some of lesson from [member="Rexus Drath"], to start with and make him run faster than he knew was possible. Then she see how his endurance truly held up.
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

Jack smirked, giving her a look.

Masters had mental defences and all manner of things. But Jack was rather astute at reading minds, or at least emotions through the force and then correlating that with body language. He was very aware that something was bothering her. What it was he suspected was a darkness. Nonetheless he let her speak and nodded.

"On my honor, my lips are sealed. Speak."
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Head dropped for moment to try word this correctly, she then raised it. ​My former master was a member of the one sith for a time, she trained me after leaving. She became disillusioned with them, after they attacked the zeltrons, and killed them for sport. She left after that joined a group called the vitae to seek redemption, it failed her. She decide she was always of dark side, but in truth thought the best piece came from an enlightened sith code. I shall tel you how she put it to me, through a working example. She used that attack and it went like this.

The sith attack and kill innocent, according to sith code this means they know hate them.
Hate sith know breeds passion, that passion is going to be aimed at them.
Other star systems, are know going to improve their defenses, making harder to conquer them.
Why because because that hate, has started to make them look for strength to defeat them.
When enough star systems have got that strength to defend against them, they going to ask why not band together to resist.
Why because through that strength, they are beginning to gain power.
After enough got together, they may ask why not attack them before they attack us.
Why because through fear and hate have for the sith, they decide to begin to strike back.
This will eventually though may take time, lead to there victory.
Then those star systems through that victory have freedom, and by force of arms they are set free.

She believed the sith code was universal, and must be applied to all acts, no matter how small as it could be your undoing.

I am not a mandalorian, but she liked mandalorians and I wish to become one.

She stood their waiting for a reaction, she has just admitted she was trained by a former member of the one sith. Though she has never been a member, she said everyone follow sith code regardless of their believe as it universal, but the one sith are to stupid to realize it. His next move would be very telling to her, was she still even welcome. She nt been this nervous for a long time, ever since she began reading a mandalore decree about the one sith whilst on the mandalorian capital.
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

Jack listened passively soaking it all in. another set of Dogmas and rules. God how he hated rules. There was enough law in the galaxy without self imposed law. Smugglers were not a fan of any of that. She seemed very nervous to be admitting this and when she stopped at the end Jack grinned, waving his hand errantly at her. He'd seen plenty of Dar'Jettii, intent on killing and maiming. she was far from the savages of the One Sith.

"I could care less about your background. You want to become a Mando though?"

Jack turned raising an eyebrow and gave her a square look.

"You have to renounce all prior allegiances. There is only room for family and Clan in the Mandalorians. As far as the force and your own personal beliefs, they must come second to the Resol'Nare. That is your main concern and nothing else."

Jack paused again to let it sink in.

"I'm not a part of a Clan yet, but I am a recognized citizen, having served the Mando'ade in battle and my Mother having served with the Red Legion. I can adopt you into my family, which will later become my clan. You can live here, work here and do all manner of things. It's on you, whether to accept the Resol'Nare unconditionally or not."
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Adoption was that not just for orphans, which to be fair the mandalorians. She was in mind old than him, and in body only a little younger. She had perplexed look on her, and said We will talk about that another time, as I want to make sure I fit in first. As being mandalorian might be good for me, but it might not be good for the mandalorians. She did not want to upset her host, but she had lot to learn first. Like this civil war that had erupted, who side would she find herself on, if she joined his clan. Things like this she know fully, before she committed to anything. She then told him, You have passed lesson one, you can think for yourself. Which believe it or not, is the most important skill you will ever have. Know back to your training, tomorrow I am going to take you for a run, know the run will last until I can feel you are tired and exhausted. As that will clear your mind more, and then I see what you know about using the force to push and shove things about. She then took some wine out her bag, and said Forget the tea, I am having a drink before I go to sleep. Do you want one?
[member="Sabine Kurtass"]

Jack nodded, and they drank with a merry rousing!

The Next Day-

The sun was just breaking the skyline of the forests, casting a dim pall upon the fields. Jack was already awake, stripped down to short and his dirty white tank top. There was no sword, no armor no nothing. As he waited he was meditating, lost deep in the currents of the force and storing the energy inside his muscles and bones for the coming trials.

Even with legendary endurance, extra power was never a bad thing. In fact it was welcomed.

He sat in the fields of freshly turned soil, and waited....
[member="Jack Raxis"]

She saw him mediating on the task in hand, better than she was, she was late for this test. She then looked at him, and told him It's time, you will run with me till I know you can run no more. She began to set her mind to increase her physical strength with the force, as otherwise it would be her who gave up first and not him. She then began to run through the forest a full belt, he was expected to keep up. This was not tested of speed nor was it test of endurance it was test how you coped after strengthen had been sapped from him, as this was the time he would lose his fights. She no interest how long the run took, she just wanted to see him collapse in exhaustion. So she see how good his tk abilities where at that point. As anything else was not preparing for a fight, it was just for parlor tricks. If he been sith and she was, she would had him in a few deadly duels to teach him this, but instead she had to try a new method.

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