Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Withdrawals (The Underground)

The Alliance was no more.

The thin agreements and pacts that had once held together the entire Outer Rim were in shambles.

The Empress had made a tough decision in the wake of the news: bring her troops home.

Bases were shutting down, naval groups gathering for the trip, and a lot of former friends were now being left to fend for themselves. It was not an easy, nor a popular move to make, but recent events would leave their world vulnerable. They had word of growing support for less savory groups now operating openly and unheeded in former Alliance space. The Empress did not want to bring herself and her people into conflict with any of these groups.

Above the planet of Demonsgate, the Sakuran forces were gathering and taking count. Prior to the orders, they had brought several experimental craft for show to several of the allied governments, ships which were now sitting in an orbital dock...and woefully under guarded...

Veino Garn Veino Garn | @Any other Undergrounders
The time had finally come. The "experimental" ships designed for the Underground were ready and the dissolution of the Outer Planet's Alliance created the perfect opportunity to facilitate the transfer. Transfer, of course, meant a semi-staged heist. Twelve advanced freighters perfect for their needs and roles, left in the orbital dock. Veino had assembled a team of raiders from the various Underground cells and movements to ensure the ships were efficiently and effectively dispersed through the galaxy to where they could be put to the best use.

For now, they gathered in the cargo bay of a bulk freighter not far from the orbital dock housing the freighters. Plans had been sketched out, the crews assembled, and the equipment dispersed. No heavy mining lasers for this job. They needed the ships undamaged and fully functional. Stun weapons only. But plenty of electronic security gear to bypass the locks and computer-driven security. This was a delicate mission. He'd reached out to the Vagrant Fleet as well, to make sure they had access to a ship capable of running through hostile space.

Now it was time to hear the plans.


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