Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Within The Halls Of Onderon's Temple (TJO/Social)


Pillars jested up high, into the ceiling that seemed to be apart of the heavens. Zaden knew nothing else, but the halls of the Onderon Jedi Temple, and was always curious as to what was beyond them. Wondered what the people were like on other planets, and what true adventure tasted like.​
But he knew better to want such a thing, and resisted the idea of heading outside the doors of the temple to go see what he could get his hands on.​
The training saber on his belt swayed slowly with each movement of his legs as he walked, the blue blade was nothing more but a hot energy beam that would bruise, and burn you. One day he would have one of his own, maybe, if he could pass all his training, and tests.​
He was beginning his fourteenth year of living, taken to the temple by the Jedi after being weened from his mother, whoever she was. He never asked about his parents, his curiosity didn't stretch out to his life, but to what he could learn about life itself in general, and whatever else the galaxy held for him.​
In his mind, he thought it was time to head to the library, do some reading, meditate afterwards, then probably grab something to snack on, and then head to bed. Wasn't like he could do much more as he was stuck here, curfews, and rules, he didn't like them, but he obeyed them, most of them. He did so, because he knew it was right, and even though he didn't like them, he knew they were there to keep him safe, and they themselves were tests alone.​


The library was but only a few hallways away, among the many hallways that turned, and cornered about the temple. Zaden had always wondered if they did this so to see which Padawans would get lost, who would learn their way through the many halls. It was crazy to think they did this, but in a way it made sense too. The Jedi always had tests hidden in the things they made, or did. He sighed, and slumped his shoulders in that thought, he wasn't ready, and he knew it, but he would get to that point where he would be ready. Ever since he had begun to read on the Jedi more, and listen to masters give small lessons here, and there, he had become infatuated with them.​
He loved every member of the Order, whether he knew them, or not, and he didn't know any of them. He wasn't a loner, or disliked, he just did a lot of work to try, and reach his goals. He moved closer to the walls in his walk, sliding his hand across the wall as he strode next to it. The cool touch shifted his thoughts to the idea that the walls held secrets within themselves, and they could hear his thoughts.​
That was, till something came to mind.​
What if he searched for the possible secrets the Temple held, what could he find? How much trouble would he get in? He started to weigh this idea in his mind, thinking that maybe this was not the best idea he had ever had.​
Could be worse I guess, are we not taught to better ourselves?
He thought to himself.​
That was his plan for the day, secret hunting.​


His legs moved faster with the excitement that he could uncover some great secret here at the temple, and that maybe it would help him advance in his training as a Jedi. Maybe he would be the only Jedi Learner who would know about said unknown secret. EVEN BETTER! Maybe he would be the only Jedi to know about it.​
Thinking back on what the planet itself held as history, Zaden knew this, Onderon had always been a place of war.​
War...they were at war now...the One Sith seemed to be everywhere now. He remembered reading that at one point the Jedi thought the Sith extinct...but how did an idea, a thought, an ideology die out?​
Would not the Jedi themselves have to die out for the Sith to die out? Would the force have to die..he shook his head. These were thoughts that lead to the darkside, questioning such things lead to no where. He stopped in his tracks, and cleared his mind like the group of younglings he had been in had been taught to do. To remove questions that shouldnt be there.​
Taking in deep breaths, and focusing on his goal to search the Temple for anything worth venturing forth into became, again, his main focus.​


Zaden began to continue his walk, wondering where he might find a secret within the temple of Onderon.​
They could, if they existed, be anywhere.​
Did he have to literally crash through walls to find them? Was there an area in the library that held things he shouldn't read, or see?​
The library, it had to have secrets.​

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