Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Within the Hill Cumorah

Among the Forests

Landing the shuttle down, I drew the Wan-Shen out from the rack of weapons upon the vessel. Holding it aloft in one hand, while the other pulled a SM-10a. Checking down to my left thigh with the Service Knife, and some grenades. The little zap on the small of my back in a holster on it's own. I was prepared for conflict should it be necessary. Even more so since Tarre Priest Tarre Priest had specifically sent me along with Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt to search for some assumptions of old artifacts related to the force. Part of it was to be an escort, and the other was to actually discover force related artifacts that Tarre could either use for himself, gift to the mandalorians, or destroyed so that these weapons could not be used against them.

The planet was just barely outside of the Galactic Alliance Space. Even more reason for us to search for these. Wanting no Jedi to get a hand on these artifacts. Some would say that us taking them would lessen the impact of their "darkness" if there was such, or prevent their destruction under the iron grip that would be the Sith. Our expedition was to benefit many people. Maybe, just maybe I could also claim something for myself.

The visor turning to the man. Nodding and speaking directly too him.

"Ready to go when you are."

The ramp lowered down. With haste I exited to make sure that the area was secured. While of course the shuttle showed that there were not any signatures of individuals in the area, there were many things that could hide one's self from signals of the electronic kind. So I sought to use my prowess within the force to sense for others. Currently, I felt naught but the creatures of the forest, and the flow of life of the forest. The Dark of night kept us hidden for now, even with my bright white armor. Lowering the polearm to just be held aloft, I turned to the man again.

"You know where we are headed."


Tags: Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest


"You know where we are headed."

"Nothing more than was provided in the briefing," Zel relayed. "I believe your senses will be most important for navigation."

Ah, but a chance to document rare force artifacts was a once-in-a-blue-moon type occurance, one which the scribe was eager to see through. It was not every day he had the chance to document such things. Cularin was a unique world in and of itself. A strong force sensitive planet with a force sensitive people, the reptilian Tarasin. Some rumors even circulated the idea that they sheltered Jedi during that ancient purge when the Republic fell so long ago. There was no doubt a rich history to uncover in this place.

To that end it was no surprise that a dangerous force artifact found its way to Cularin. It was only natural.

"One can only wonder what knowledge lies burried on a world like this," the Blubreen mused. "It is not uncommon that one discovery leads in the direction of another. Sometimes the most rewarding pray is the one which draws no breath. I'm eager to see the fruit this hunt bares."

The essentially Librarian, did speak true with his words. Being Force Sensitive would allow me a better chance of finding where these items were located. However, it was his investigation that led us here in the first place. We were not that far from the supposed location. Just a very short walk. From there, we would have to find out whatever we needed to do to get inside.

While we walked along, the man spoke. pontificating about how the discovery of many things in the galaxy, came about from the discovery of something else before it. The way of his words sounded more like a poem, or the lead in to a legend about the discovery of some kind of philosophical ideal. A reluctant smile came to my lips before a light shake of the head. He sounded like Tarre. Always wanting to use bigger and more complicated phrases or words to get his point across.

"Well hopefully this kind of hunt doesn't have people shooting back at you, or want to eat you."

There was always a chance of something like that happening. So I wouldn't put it behind me. Keep the enemy in front of me where I can see them. Makes them much easier to kill that way too.

"Do you have any idea what might be here Mando-Bauble?"

Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt


Tags: Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest


"It's hard to say," Zel remarked, crossing his arms. "My intel leads me to believe that it may be a weapon of some sort. Talks of power, but not phrased in the same manner as would be expected of an ancient ritual. Force traditions are very specific about how they speak about power. My guess would be that some kind of item of value was laid to rest in this place."

It was a good theory. Perhaps it was a force sword, like those used by the ancient Je'daii. It was not uncommon for their warriors to be interned alongside their blades. Whatever the case was, Zel was fairly certain that something was in the ground. What exactly? They were sure to find out in time.

"And your senses, brother?" the Blubreen inquired. "Have you latched onto anything of interest?"

Intel speaking of a weapon. Even the speaking of what the Aquanaut spoke of where it was a power that was kept here. At very least something by that idea. Nodding my head, I decided to expand it. There were many ways in which power could be spoken of.

"Power can mean many things just as a weapon. There are many turns of phrase where knowledge, or guile could be used as a weapon. Power can be personal, or military might. It could be anything from a holocron showing you how to use the Dark side of the force, a simple battle rifle of a named great warrior, or even a superweapon. However, I doubt such superweapons like portions of a Star Forge, or Planet buster weapon would be found in a little hill."

I let go of the conversation for now. Letting my mind expand. Using the force to freely sense the life of the area. What perplexed me, was that I couldn't directly feel the force changing. More so the absence of it. Life seemed to almost be directly avoiding the area. Avian creatures flying around the space, grounded creatures doing the same or stopping directly in front of it. Focusing my sense of life, I couldn't even find insects, or bugs within the ground. It was as if the place was devoid of life other than the natural ground.

"Give me a second."

I heard Zel ask a question. Yet I didn't quite hear it. Hence the words I spoke. I dipped my head. Stopping my walk entirely to focus on this expanding sensory forces. Changing my senses to not just life, but spectrums of heat, air flow, sound. Finally the force itself.

"It's just dead."

Opening my eyes, I looked towards him. A much more serious tone in my voice.

"The area is just dead. No life. No creature goes there. They actively refuse to go near it. Its like they know what is there. They feel it in some way other than the Force. Its... I have heard of people being force dead. Even seeing them, even others that just seem to not exist within the force. But this is different. Its like the location just died and the corpse lays there for eternity."

I began walking again. Picking up my pace. Akin to a light jog as the boots left prints in their wake. Thuds in the ground as I closed the distance. Slipping past tree branches, using the haft of my Wan-Shen to push away others. I then came to a clearing. A single mount of dirt, withered plants struggling to survive, and formations of old technology I had no knowledge of. Older technology.

Turning around, I saw he had caught up with me. Considering I had just left him.

"I think I found it."

Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt


Tags: Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest


"I think I found it."

"Splendid!" Zel exclaimed, peering at the mound. "This certainly looks unnatural."

Zel plucked up a bit of plant life, examining it.

"Peculiar," he noted. "It seems withered... but not naturally. Dark side corruption I presume. It seems this artifact is inherently tainted in it's presence. We should proceed with caution. It is not uncommon for these items to drive the unprepared to madness."

The Mandalorian discarded the plant and procured a spade, beginnin to proad the soil where the item was supposedly burried. It was certainly a thrilling prospect to think about what could be lying within. Less about the weapon itself, but moreso the idea of what data could be within. Perhaps there was a databank stored with it that kept track of the history of the artifact.

Thrilling indeed.

Fascination drew Zel here. Of course the idea of such would be tantalizing for anyone. Even as he dug out a spade, and began to dig at the center of the hill, It was supposed to be near where he was searching. While he focused on such, I took my time. Looking. Searching of my own to see if there was such of anything else. Would there be anything else to find? Anything else to procure for our clans?

The butt of the Wan-shen was used akin to a walking stick. Placing it upon the decayed flora around us. My visor pointed directly down to the ground. Looking for anything that could have been. Searching, feeling if there was anything that I could have missed. I sore there was something else. The sound of metal striking the dirt was ever so playing in my ear as Zel continued to work and dig.

Something called to me. I knew not what it was. Were it voice, the force, or my gut. It just was... there. Sitting in my mind as if there was more for me to look for. My boots scuffing the surface. Causing the grass to whisp away into ashes as I walked. Not really paying attention, I looked up to see other creatures staring at us. Yet well outside of the area. Curious as to how we walked within. Without thinking, I walked towards them. Wishing to see their reaction. They took steps back. As if a beast were staring them down. Then I fell flat on my face.

The creatures ran as I just started to chuckle at myself.

"Don't worry Im... good?"

Turning over, I saw a small box. One that barely had a corner peaking over the dirt. My boot had removed some of the ash and ground from where it had been hidden. It was only now I felt the calling growing louder. Stronger. It was here.

"You uh, keep digging, I found something else."

Pulling out the Utility knife, I started to dig myself.

Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt


Tags: Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest


"You uh, keep digging, I found something else."

"Oh?" Zel reacted, tilting his helmet back. "What is it?"

He continued to dig, until his shovel too made contact with something different. A clunk of metal rather than a patch of soil. Zel turned back, grinning beneath his unusual helmet. What luck that they both seemed to hit something of value. The scribe began to clear the dirt from on top of whatever it was he had hit.

"It seems I've hit something as well!" the Blubreen announced. "What good fortune!"

But what was it?

The utility knife dug into the dirt. Pealing it away slowly but surely. Revealing the box. Metallic in structure. it was kept in such a way. Almost revered. Moving to sit down like a child playing in the dirt. Pulling the box into my lap. I elected to ignore Zel. Just focusing on this. Whatever it was, it was drawing me. Coaxing me to pull whatever it was. At first, I couldn't figure out to open it. Like a box with no opening. A room without a door.

My first instinct was to delve deep within the force. Focusing upon the box. Feeling, searching for something. It was calling to me. A voice vying for its freedom. Looking, searching. Its when I found the key. It was the darkness. It consumed life. it consumed power. And so I fed it. Letting it drink from me. Letting it take from me. The drain was strong. yet also so addictive. I could feel a cycle, a loop start to form. As if there was so much more to this box. So much more.

Hearing a click, I opened my eyes. Seeing the box was barely hanging open now. It was opening from the side. A cylinder internal structure showed me what it was. I saw a hilt of a Lightsaber. Pulling it from within, exposing the Dragon's Maw. I could feel what was happening. Yet, I dared not activate it here. Instead, keeping it hidden. to myself. I found what I needed.

Grabbing a hold of the box, I threw the lightsaber into my integrated armor slots. Taking it and hiding within the armor components. Closing the distance to Zel as he continued to dig and look for what he was doing, I set the box down on the ground.

"Nothing in side. it looks like it was supposed to hold something small at some point. Lightsaber, crystals, keys. something like that."

Looking over the man's shoulder, I could barely catch a glimpse of what he was looking at.

"What do you have there?"

Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt

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