Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Within the Once Mighty Jungle

The Jungle of Gallos. Such a beautiful planet. What a horrid species.​
Heol never felt any sort of attraction towards their kind. Hideous, perhaps interesting, however savage. It seemed as if they were loyal in the past to another person.. Yet they are stuck once more in a primitive state.

His wandering and illegal boarding of stock ships brought him to this colorful world. Instantly, he could tell there would be both beauty and danger within the fungi forests he would encounter.

It wasn't as if it was completely unknown to him, after all.

He came here a long, time that passed. He remembered the memory clearly. Septor brought him here a few years back, even took down a rancor in front of Heol. Of course, they never approached the sarlac, knowing they would immediately be caught.

Reminiscing memories, he imagined the burning fire that blazed every night between apprentice and master.

'Good times'.

Now he was alone. Unexpecting any sort of surprise, Heol paced down a rough path.

The staff of the stock ship? Well, there was no staff anymore.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio cleaned his slick, razor-edged vibroblade with cold calculating eyes. It was a rare day he got to kill a rancor, and even rarer he got to kill one in its sleep. A job with perks, of course. Few could deny that.

Akio sheathed his weapon behind himself and reminded himself of the mission. Not a mission, a purpose, Akio chided himself. "Big game hunting" was what it was called. The price that some would pay for a hunter animal's skin or horns was the same as if it were sentient. Since they didnt shoot back, it made it well worth the effort.
Akio straightened his back and looked down at the path. Someone was walking by. He was curious, Ally? Foe? Or a recourse? He wondered/
Nothing more, but the flesh of dead creatures.
That's all he saw as he walked down the path of red. Even the giant fungi were being painted in blood. Someone had been hunting.

He heard the sheathing of a sword, and instantly turned. He noticed a man, older than him. Probably the hunter that turned the road rocky brown to bright red.

Identifying the man's weaponry, he knew there would be a slight chance of winning if he fought. A vibroblade, armor, and even the dead rancor beside him, proved his fiercness. Heol had never attempted to take down a rancor yet, but didnt want to try.

However, prepared to evade in case the man attacked, Heol pulled out both sabers he held, and activated them. Instantly, sharp, thin blades or green and red burst out. His palm began to sweat, and his anticipation began to twitch.

[member=Akio Diachi]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio watched with a distant, cold expression, trying to hide his curiosity. Not many people are insane enough to journey into this world alone. And the few who are are the type you fear. Or that make valuable allies.

Akio decided to make the bold step and walked towards the stranger down hill. The prized teeth and claws of his freshly killed rancor dangled from his belt. Akio knew the risk he was talking, approaching this stranger unarmed, but he was willing to take it. His paranoid mind had already gone through several scenarios that this could go down, and was prepared for every one. It was a risk, but a risk that could be worth it.

Stopping at the stranger, Akio gave a slight bow. Drops of sweat from the humidity fell off his angular nose to the dirt, "Akio Diachi."
The man was not hostile.​
Heol sighed, in relief. Deactivating his sabers, he bowed in the same manner,
Heol Wraith.

This hunter seemed to know respect, in a Korean manner. But he couldn't be sure, he could have been Japanese or Chinese. Heol did not find out which culture began bowing to others in respect, first.

The hunter did not arm himself, yet approached Heol with such a bold stature. Heol was quickly impressed, he must have plenty of confidence.

Relaxed, Heol fell back into a sturdy fungus, and made use of it as a seat. He lifted his hood, an unusual move, however the planet itself, Gallos, was very hot. There was nothing else he could do.

He looked towards the man, and then back to the dead rancor. The teeth dangling from the hunter's belt made an intimidating image. What ferocity!

So, what's your usual business? Any goods available?

Heol did not know what else to say.

[member=Akio Diachi]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio felt a murmur of pleasure; the gamble had paid off. A soft words goes a long way in making allies.

He noted Heol's distinguishing features, committing them to memory. It was odd for sure to notice that the man sat, but Akio decided to join him, sitting back gracefully on his heels, hands on his knees.

"It is an honor to meet you, Heol Wraith," Akio said, "As I understand it some of the people in this galaxy will pay nicely for a set of trophies. I prefer a different set of challenges but for the right price, anything is possible, is it not?" Akio paused, grateful for the moment. "It helps me to stay sharp as well. I am what you would call an "assassin." And yourself?"

[member="Heol Wraith"]
Akio did not look like a human.​

So it would be reasonable to guess that he came from a different race.

Realizing a moment later that Akio asked his job, he lifted his head, and spoke.

Just a lone padawan. I am nothing more than in search of masters who can aid me with my fulfillment of mastering all sword techniques.

Looking at how corny that sounded, Heol did not bother expecting and strange or impressed answer from the man. Either way, it was pretty corny.
However, it was his hope in his heart. Master everything, and become one of the deadliest duelists.

He rose from his spot, then looked at the man, after he had given an answer.

Want to show me any spots where I can get lightsaber material?

[member=Akio Diachi]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio nodded, "It is an honorable thing to desire to become skilled at the blade. Even the greatest of masters show their skill by remaining willing to learn."

He stood up, and got his bearings. He had never used a lightsaber, but had heard of their cunningness and effectiveness. Even once he had witnessed it during training and knew how the could scorch and burn. It was a weapon to be respected and to be feared. He took a moment to wonder, this youngling didnt even react at hearing my line of work, he must we well-traveled indeed, or custom to sitting in the den of thieves.

His eyes wandered across the horizon. This jungle world was dangerous, and filled with opportunity. It appeared one had just fallen into his lap. He remembered ages of stories where the wars had taken place on this lethal planet. Surely at least one of them would have dropped what [member="Heol Wraith"] was looking for. And if Akio played his cards right, he was willing to wager that he would gain a fair amount from it too.

"I might be able to help you, but I need to know it will result in a form of compensation." Akio paused, "Is this agreeable to you?"

Heol raised a brow.
What sort of compensation, are we talking about?

He couldn't possibly guess what form of compensation the hunter would want. And Heol certainly didn't want to end on the wrong note.
Thus, he had to make sure.

Well, I'm looking for an ore called cortosis. It's for armory purposes. My goal is to wear no large armor, but strong durable pieces of armor, little bits around vital areas. They, I assure you, will be used very often.

He hoped the hunter knew what cortosis was. Of course the hunter would, he hunts and gets money for resources, right? Either way, he heard cortosis was found in the undergrounds of Felucia, but didn't know an entrance.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio felt a nudge of confirmation.
This youngling could make a viable ally in due time. More than that this metal could be extremely helpful. Akio gave his best diplomatic smile, fully aware that it most likely looked out of place.

"I am not interested in money, sir. I prefer favors for favors and viable, tangable trade offs," Akio explained patiently. "If you are willing to supply transport and split what we find, I feel we both would have a great deal to gain from this venture." He paused. "Do we have an understanding, sir?"
The hunter wanted to split materials.​

Well, it was fine for Heol. He only wished for a limited amount.

Very well.

It wouldn't be of harm if he split the findings. They would get what they both want, fifty fifty.

Standing back up, he patted the dirt off his pants, and asked,

So, where to now? Know an entrance to the undergrounds?

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio felt a sigh of relief. At least [member="Heol Wraith"] was not greedy.

He tucked the name in his hat to use as an ally later on.

"Let me get in contact with an informant," Akio said as he stepped a few feet away. A moment later Akio returned. He flipped a holomap of the planet from a displayer on his datapad.

"The good new is there is an entrance a half a mile to the east," Akio said pointing it out on the map, "However the bad news is its in a valley. The last people to try to get there said they reported a scarlacc pit at the entrance---they her radioed back." Akio carefully monitored the teen's face for his reaction, "if it is too dangerous for you we can call this off. I would understand."
A sarlacc pit.​

The last thing Heol ever wanted to face on this planet. But if it was for this material..

Let's take the risk.

Heol was poor. He had no money, all he would do was sneak into a stock ship, steal belongings, and live that way. For a sarlacc to be an obstacle, surely, that wasn't his own luck.

Yet he wanted to try.

Any info on the sarlacc for now?, Heol asked.

He would need time to prepare. Especially since he did not have his guard shoto completely built, yet.

[member=Akio Diachi]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
He is braver than I reckoned, Akio thought. His admiration for this teen was growing quickly. Even if it was faked.

"Judging by the Intel gathered it sounds middle aged," Akio said after a moment, "the valley isn't too deep, only a few dozen feet or so down and across."

Even though he knew this monster could easily fill the space described. Their lives were about to become dangled between worse than death and life itself. Akio had dealt with death and suffering but this was a whole new set no one would dare go Willingly. He did a gut check before continuing. "Then it is only a few dozen more feet away to the alleged entrance. I doubt this is in use by now, under the circumstances." Akio thought a moment about the solution, "How good are you at climbing?"

[member="Heol Wraith"]
Heol grinned in a dark humour.​
Climbing? Easy. Not much to do, done plenty of that in these forests since youth.

Quickly, Heol packed his light sabers into his bag, and prepped for combat. His mind immediately began processing hardcore plans, and maneuvers against a sarlacc. It was nearly like a simulation.

[member=Akio Diachi]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio tucked his datapad away. This may end up being easier than I thought.

He drew two climbing picks and began briskly walking towards the valley. "Then we haven't a moment to loose."

It wouldn't take more than a few minutes at this pace, he thought.

Then Akio began taking slow deep breaths, letting his mind get to the cool, methodical place it did for assassinations and dangerous missions.
The hunter was fast.​

Nothing unexpected, however simply something to notice.
Heol could barely catch up with the hunter. He knew how to climb in a fast pace, but this hunter was racing up the slopes.

It wouldn't take long to reach the valley. At the speed they were rushing, they could make the village in perhaps ten minutes. They were at haste.

20 Minutes Later

It didn't take long, as Heol expected. Perhaps double what he predicted. They only faced a single enemy back in the jungle, and it was a primitive. The Felucian attempted to attack them with no warning. Though it wasn't much, both companions were prepared.

Quick and easily, Heol pulled out his master's saber, and struck the native down. He sighed. He didn't like killing natives, but if he was forced, he would have to accept the conditions that he must.

Approaching the valley, they arrived to what must have been the middle-aged sarlacc. Except it did not look middle-aged at all.

After a brief pause, Heol turned to [member="Akio Diachi "].

...This is a medium aged sarlacc?

The monster was much larger than a simple, sarlacc in their 10,000's. It's tentacles spanned the lengths where it could even touch the underground entrance, and it's beak, even larger than it's usual size.

An abnormal?, he questioned. It could be that.

He had come so far. It was all up to his speed now.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The double time pace had barely worn Akio out. He was used to the endurance running, but the heat and humidity were extreme, making sweat flow off his body.

When they reached the valley Akio took a swig from a canteen as he surveyed the monster; it was massive, with its long tendrils reaching to the peaks of the valley easily. An unlucky local found himself tangled and pulled into the sarlacc's maw. Akio felt a smile on his lips when he heard the teen's comment. A genuine smile; something he hadn't felt in years. Perhaps I overestimated the young one's experience. Or perhaps he really is just young.

Stowing his canteen, Akio looked at [member="Heol Wraith"], "Intel is as useful as a third nostril, my young friend. Or like looking at the horizon with caf bottles. You get the basic idea, the details are smudged at best." Akio chuckled, "Words to live by."

Summoning all his training and energy, Akio took a deep breath and began stalking towards the monster.
The sarlacc was large.​

Possibly large enough to take them both down. They would have to find some method to either defeat it, or get past it twice. Once in the undergrounds, once out.

However, a sudden realization dawned to him.

Akio. If the sarlacc's body is underground, can't we just take it down in the mines? It could be blocking a pathway, and if luck smiles on us, we could destroy it from there with ease.

It was true. The sarlacc's enormous body was always dug up underground, so it would not be vulnerable. However, in their situation, they had a hole they could crawl through for reality. Another shortcut.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The idea hadn't even dawned on him. A very wise, smart suggestion. The idea of whatever was inside the scarlacc spilling out onto them was disturbing but it beat the possibly of flirting with death twice in one hou . Plus they would be carry supplies. A smart idea to say the least.
Plus the honor of assassinating such an opponent was too irresistible.
Akio nodded, "You are wise beyond your years." He thought for a second as he surveyed the valley, "shall we take separate sides or would you rather follow me?"

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