Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Wolffe Rendar

Wolffe Rendar

Age: 14
Species: Kel Dor
Gender: Male
Height: 1.88 M
Weight: 80 kg
Force Sensitive: Yes they are force sensitive


Orange skin with a breathing mask and eye covers. Looks like plo koon from star wars revenge of the sith.


Lightsaber(blue) DC 14 blaster, a holocron, 15,000 republic credits, 4 ration bars, 2 wolfpack arm armor)


He is a wise and very patient person, Believes in keeping identity after death and deeply believes in the force and the jedi order, he thinks that jedi should be allowed to marry and that war is only needed when there is no other option.


Force judgement, Strong will(mind)


Those he is close to, Gets very anxious easily


What is your character's backstory? What are their origins? What did they do before they started being RP'ed? Feel free to edit this later to recount their further adventures.

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