"Villain Behind Glasses"
"Villain Behind Glasses"
Faction: The Fromco Group
Rank: Group Conference President
Species: Human
Age: 82 Years Old
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight 170lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: White
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: No
Appearance: Old and Sturdy, Professor Wolfgang Ruprecht Strassmann is the President of the Fromco Group Conference. Most describe him as a kind soul who is trying to use the corporate system to help those that really need it. Portraying this front allows him to pick up on several details that he can use later down the road which earned him the name "Villain Behind Glasses" mainly due to his round reflective glasses which don't allow anyone to see his eyes. He is 6'0 in height and weighing 170 ibs make him a not so rounded figure. His skin is pale which compliments his white hair from his age. As the leader of a group of companies, he is always looking for ways to generate revenue throughout the "Fromco Industrial Sector" which he controls through his shares in the companies.
Small & Important Details
- Former Professor at The Chandrilan Academy of Sciences
- Master's Degree in Genetics
- Master's Degree in Bioengineering
- Former Regional Manager at the Bank of the Core
- Business Management
- Accounting & Finance
- Genetics & Bioengineering
- Observant
- Reserved
- Profit Driven
- Old Age
- Stubbornness
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File: President Strassmann
Wolfgang Ruprecht Strassmann was born on Chandrila to Franz P. Strassmann and Victoria M. Dabravna. His father worked as the general manager for a dockyard on the world, checking cargo vessels for abnormalities which would cost the dockyard its reputation should one of them break down. Franz was a hard working man who supported his family through several jobs and that reflected in the upbringing of his son who later followed in his footsteps. Since he was always working his father never had time to spend with his son and the lack of a parental connection affected the young wolfgang. His mother had become a drunk due to her husband never spending enough time with them.
Although his family life wasn't the easiest to deal with. Wolfgang survived his early childhood through sheer will and smarts which allowed himself to be accepted into the Chandrilan Academy of Sciences with passing the entrance examination. Quickly becoming the top student among his peers due to a need to show his worth for his father...
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