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Approved NPC Wololo

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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before

Wololo wearing his liturgical clothing

  • Age: 48
  • Force Sensitivity: NFU
  • Species: Thyrsian
  • Appearance: Wololo is much like a typical middle-aged Echani, in that he has rather light skin, silver eyes and white hair, about waist-length. Otherwise he is rather skinny for a 5'10" Echani male, often seen wearing a white robe with a blue stole, especially when performing religious rites. His physical profile seems to fit the stereotypical image of the men of the cloth rather than that of starfighter pilots.
  • Name: Misthalin Yugra, better known as Wololo
  • Loyalties: Church of the Force, Outer Rim Coalition
  • Wealth: Limited; he has taken a vow of poverty
  • Notable Possessions: A set of holy scriptures, a flight suit, a set of liturgical robes, a walking stick
  • Skills: Piloting (veteran)
  • History of Force-cults (veteran)
  • Quarterstaff fighting (trained)
  • Personality: Although he is of a subrace of Echani, he is not one to fight until forced to. His religiousness will lead him to perform religious services, and also to observe the dogma of the Church of the Force. He otherwise keeps quiet when not performing combat or religious duties as an ordained cult minister. In a religious service, he will often begin and/or end a sermon with the word Wololo, repeated twice.
  • Weapon of Choice: Quarterstaff
  • Combat Function: Even though Wololo is mostly used as a fighter pilot, if forced to fight away from a cockpit, he will often be using Echani martial arts to fight using a quarterstaff; his skill with a quarterstaff is not the best, as a result of him focusing more on his religious duties than in his other areas.
Born on Eshan, Wololo fled his family home when the pressures of his family became overbearing as a teenager, and was effectively banished from Eshan after he stole a starship from a rental yard, while on the run from his family. Once banished from Eshan, he was forced to change his identity in order to hide his tracks from the authorities and the family; as a result, he will never talk about his teenage years until forced to. That's when he ceased being Misthalin Yugra, and he became known only as Wololo. He then joined the Church of the Force, taking his vows of poverty upon entry into the Church of the Force. He undertook religious studies, where he became rather well-versed in the histories of Force-cults across the galaxy, light or dark, as well as about various uses of the Force, even though he cannot himself use it.

Once his religious studies were completed, he took the holy orders and began practicing as an ordained cult minister, and even ferrying the cult members onboard ships, piloting the cult's ships, and, over the years, he was even taking on flying assignments that most other CotF pilots would not even touch. His duties as an ordained priest led him to serve in Wild Space, where combat flying was common even for civilian pilots, due to the presence of pirates, slavers and other criminal elements. Due to his service in Wild Space, he was approached by the ORC Navy in one of his more dangerous travels, and the Verdict, to whose crew he owed his life after a nasty run-in with the Ta'jar Blood Gang, where he had a near-death experience while en route to another planet to deliver religious services.

And, given the large number of religions practiced onboard the Verdict by its crew, the ORC Navy readily accepted his services, but given the need for pilots to undergo training, he could only fight his first combat sortie as a fighter pilot in ORC service on Dokkalfarsed, under the command of Janick, and, from there, he was confirmed in his duty as the chaplain assigned to the hangar crew of the Verdict, which, for religious puposes, also included the fighter pilots assigned to the Verdict, also serving with distinction on Dagobah. He also had the opportunity to stay among the Utai Magic Circle to observe alchemy as it is being made, even though he couldn't himself take part in the crafting of alchemical items except as a source of blood, as appropriate. Who knows what the future will reserve to him and his cult in the Great Galactic War...
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