Wolvren Malefactor
Sith Acolyte / Wolvren Malafactor

NAME: Wolvren Malafactor
FACTION:Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Acolyte
AGE: 17
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 6'ft.
WEIGHT: 165lbs.
EYES: Red/Iris color is a golden yellow.
HAIR: Bald,has a crown of small horns that circle his head.
SKIN: Red with traditional Skeletal Zebrak tattoos covering his body.
FORCE SENSITIVE: He is very force sensitive.
Kybar Crystal: Unstable/Red
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weakness 1: Blood Thirsty,if you piss him off to the point he wants to kill you or he simply want to kill you then he will not stop till he has killed you or gotten you near it.
Weakness 2: Deathly Loyal,he has and will put full trust into his master until death if so be it for he was raised and lived and breathed Sith all his life.
Strength 1: Powerful, even at his age he is strong physically and mentally as well as being trained in how to hone the force and bend it to his will.
Strength 2: He is no stranger to pain,he was raised in a Sith temple and taken from his home world he has been trained ever since that includes a couple 40 hour tourtre sessions to get him used to the pain ahead.
Strength 3: Wrathful/Dark heart,He not only rejects the light he wants to destroy it he wants it to fade out and he will die for that cause alone.
Wolv is a tall muscular Zabrak'ian covered in black end skeletal type tattooing over his body and with out his helmet even on his face,he mostly covers this with his helmet.He tends to wear his acolyte issued robes with his Beskarian metal helmet and shoulder pad's that he wears for a little bit of Armour seeing as it is Mandalorian steel.He wears his black sith acolyte boots and hand wraps that have small Beskarian plating on them a chest peice over his robes but normally under his cloak of the Acolyte Armor .His belt has a holster for his saber that he recently acquired from his now deceased master who died in combat recently it is two zero weight type Curved red light sabers {Here} that have a connection point on the bottom of both that can connect making them into a double edged saber {Also Here}.His helmet is quiet special with small slits for him to see through when he need's to but he mainly relies on his high sense of the force to guide himself he dose this to further his training and to hone his ability to become one of the most elite sith's to ever live and rid the galaxy of the light and rebel scum.
Wolvren Malafactor was only a child of maybe two when he was taken from his home world Dathomir a planet run by night sisters he was odd being born a male'ing and as such he was taken by Sith inquisitors who were sent there to kill a Jedi and took the small Zabrak as a trophy and more or less a joke till they found he had a strong connection to the force even as a young child and so as soon as he was old enough he was put into begin his training as a Sith acolyte begin told how Jedi destroyed his home world and being trained into a killing machine his back and body being scarred sometimes going through 40 hour torture sessions with some of the most vicious Inquisitors being forced to learn pain and how to take and inflict it almost double upon others by age 15 he had surpassed many of his peers and even though's of other sectors wanting striving fighting for the top killing many other Sith acolytes as tests and feeling no remorse for those he killed and tortured to time and time again prove his worth.When he was around 10 years of age he was aloud transportation to his Zabrakian home world so he would be ceremonially tattooed and then taken back to the Sith temple.
At age 15 his master had been killed in combat as remembrance he now wears some of his masters old armor and now uses his masters zero weight dual attachable saber's some of the deadliest sabers Wolv had ever seen used or used himself,he has even ounce been allowed to pear into a Sith holocron to power and full his potential wanting to make the young Zabrak into the pure evil hat he can become..He is now 17 and is looking for a new master to serve under until he can be told that he may continue his progression into the next stage of his Sith life and training wanting to gain as much power as he can be.Keep in mind he is still one of the most combat skilled Acolytes out there with a saber,he is one of the youngest Siths to ever master Juyo at such a young age.
SHIP: ( Not Yet )
KILLS: ( None Yet )
Devils backbone Tokyo ghoul rp
Naruto forum rp
Basic Powers
No Training[X] Familiar [ I ] Competent [ II ] Expert/Skilled [ III ] Master[ IV ]
- Telekinesis - III
- Push / Pull - III
- Sense/Precognition - III
- Theory - III
Advanced Powers
- Force Choke - III
- Force Lightning - II
- Force Maelstrom - I
- Force Crush - III
- Force Mind Trick - I
- Force Roar - I
- Pyrokinesis - I
- Cryokinesis - I
No Training[X] Familiar [ I ] Competent[ II ] Expert/Skilled [ III ] Master[ IV ]
- Shii-Cho - III
- Makashi - II
- Soresu - II
- Ataru - I
- Shien / Djem So - I
- Niman - III
- Juyo - III
- Vaapad - x
- Sokan - X
- Jar'Kai - X
- Trakata - X
- Tripzest - X