Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wondering A Few Things

[SIZE=11pt]Okay so I was wondering what all the sith factions are I plan to make a new sith character and was wondering about his options. Secondly I was wondering if anyone would like to role play with my previously made character Flite Darkleaper I’m eager to begin using her and haven't done so yet. Any thing would be fine I am just eager to rp lol.[/SIZE]
The only factions that call themselves Sith are the One Sith and the Sith Triumvirate. I'm sure you can pester [member="Corvus Raaf"] for that Jedi of yours, though.
Always up for random run-ins in around the Galaxy; whether it be for confrontations or drinks at a bar in Hutt Space. Lemme know what sort of character personality you got in mind in a PM.
There are several dark side factions that tend to have sith in them. The One Sith being of course the largest.

You also have Shadow Empire, Sith Triumvirate ( as Silara mentioned), The Primeval, The Believers, and my personal favorite and a bit of a shameless bump on my part is True Galactic Empire which is more Non Force User Empire based but will still have Sith in it.

Most though just do what want and try to have fun.
I'm trying to decide between One Sith, The True Galactic Empire, and just being a rogue sith lol

oh and [member="Hessai Venscythe"] do you mean Flite Darkleaper or Sanus

With regards [member="Flite Darkleaper"] you should PM me to talk about what you want to do. Or simply start a thread with me or go here and say hello to the other Republic Members or here to request a Master.

I like to give choices :)

#thanks[member="Darth Vitium"]

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