Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wondering something...

That something will be kept simply to this: Why do I bother RPing here when I still honestly feel inadequate in comparison... I need a break, but I can't keep out of here. So no RP posts till I reevaluate my reason for RPing and think of a character I could stick with for even a little while
[member="Tobias Wraith"] I wondered that cause honestly I'm not like everyone else here. Even if I like an idea, I find it hard to stick to, and I just have no clue why that is. I liked Anarchis, then I Rped him for a while, then my mind just thought this one up >.> Perhaps I'm thinking things too quickly? Could that be it?
Honestly, most people don't know how you are in Roleplay because you change so much my friend. You have to build a reputation with a character. Not change every few days, people can't remember or keep up that much or even build a story if the threads take longer than you're willing to commit to an idea. [member="Terry Devron"]
[member="Tobias Wraith"]

I honestly agree, I just feel I think too quickly now, though tbh, the fact that I never RPed the way most of you do intimidates me, but each time I try, my mind falls short
[member="Terry Devron"]

Dude, we all write differently. What does it matter if we are all nerds who love Star Wars? Literally that's the common denominator is that all of us love this enough to write about characters.

So, do you and quit worrying about what everyone else is doing.

Verie Lacroix

Terry Devron said:
[member="Verie Lacroix"]

Yeah, just by what you just said, I can tell I'm more disliked than liked around here

Take it down a notch, bro.

My post doesn't indicate that you are 'disliked', just that you are CONSTANTLY having the same issues. And they are issues that you are choosing to have. You choose to flit from idea to idea - that's your choice. You have the ability to stick with something, to make it work, but you choose not to do that and instead, to pretend that you are somehow other and that the rest of us are the problem.

We aren't.

There's nothing wrong with you. Just decide what you're going to do and do it. Also do everything [member="Tobias Wraith"] says, he's no dummy.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Terry Devron"]

Here's something that might help.

Stop thinking of characters as gimmicks -- as their one unique thing, as their toys, as their skillsets, as their shiny hair. Stop thinking of them as One Thing -- because just about any real character is three or four or five things all at the same time, and you can flit between those roles and priorities as you see fit. Stop thinking of characters at all. Create a character that's natural for you, with an agenda that's natural for you, then go out and throw him into public threads and just...react. Act and react, over and over again.

And then, the next time you want to make a new character, DON"T. Don't indulge yourself so far that you lose self-discipline and never finish anything. That feeling of wanting to move on, find something new and shiny and fun rather than buckling down and putting in effort? Don't privilege it so much that it keeps you from ever doing anything. That feeling is natural, it's normal, but the choice to listen to it is yours and always has been. And the choice to deny it more often than you give in is what makes you a grownup.


Disney's Princess
[member="Terry Devron"]

Don't feel bad about taking time off either. Time away is muse well saved. Posting faster, posting everyday, posting with tons of people. Nah man. These things don't make you better. Some of my favorite posters only post once a week. Some of my favorite posters disappear for months at a time. It's no big deal. It's a good thing.

I recommend you check the site once a day, make your posts, and then walk away from the computer for 24 hours or more. It's a good thing. Really. PbP RP was created for people with heavy schedules. It's not supposed to be an 'all-day' thing. It is an 'whenever I have 5 minutes peace' thing.


Also. We are a community of writers. Not a sounding board. So. What [member="Verie Lacroix"] said has it's golden merits. *wink* :D :p
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

Well, this site is an all day thing for me because my gaming was cut out by the network I currently use. Hell, I'd be trying to play a Naruto fighting game I have if I could do it perfectly without the sound karking up and the game itself slowing down, but my point here is my schedule is never heavy, and now that you said Play By Post Rps are for heavier schedules, I feel more different than I did before tbh


Disney's Princess
[member="Terry Devron"] You know. You are a horrible listener. Has, anybody ever told you that? I mean. Here we are. Going out of our way to offer you sound advice with years of experience and all you can say is: My schedule is light, I'm on a network with parental controls, and life's not fair.

Vyperion take our advice or don't. You're in control. Alas, now you're just whining. So I'm not going to talk to you for awhile until you figure your own situation out. I can't help a man who shoots himself in the foot and then blames the gun.

Good luck man. Hope you figure it out. Cheers! :D
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

One last thing: It's not parental controls. It is a business controlling my network.

Now can we please just drop this? I wasn't in the right mind in posting this topic.

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