Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work is killing my muse man! HELP!

I have no idea why, but the last several days my will to write has been... mitigated :(

It's been several days since this keyboard has written ANY stories at all :/

I am going to try my best to do what I wanted to do, but at present, the task I wish to complete requires a muse that I am currently... lacking quite a lot.

Okay, maybe muse is the wrong word, because I know EXACTLY what I want to do, and how I want to do it, I just can't... do it, for some reason. I'm blaming my long hours of yard care for other people.

So yeah, not sure what this is other than an announcement that I'm going to continue being as not-active as you've already seen me as of late :/


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
I'm sure that we've all had times where we find ourselves lacking in inspiration. And it's nothing to feel bad about. Sometimes music helps, or a great book, or movies. Whichever you like to do that helps get those creative juices flowing :)

I'm looking forward to interacting with you at some point as a mutual friend has told me that you are a lot of fun to write with :)

Just hang in there and know that we're all be waiting here when you get back!

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