Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Workin for a living (open)

Nar Shadaa
The Square outside the Underground dance club

Satine did not like it here, the filth, the pollution, and frak the crime too. It was bad when criminals fell upon other criminals to make credits. She smiled wasn't she being a bit of a high horse today. She did these same things just not here, no she came her to find work to make contacts and once in a great while remove some minor politician who refused to cooperate with the Hutts, or whomever.

She pulled at her gloves, the shuriken slid into the pockets in the palm of her hand. It made it easier to slid out, and use them quickly. Her zenji needles were tucked into her hair keeping her hair tightly in place. The tight fitted pants, her short sleeved shirt covered by her hooded jacket that fell to the middle of her hips. The light weight boots she wore gave her traction for running, the rubber soles made her near silent.

She looked up again at the sign, she did not want to go into the Underground. What she would find in there would make it hard to concentrate, women who flaunted their bodies because they did not have a choice, and some where slaves they had no options. Slavery was one practice she could not condone, she hated it.

Her society was matriarchal and to see women put in this position tended to make her angry, and distracted her. She took that deep breath again, she would wait a bit longer and then enter she needed to center herself, and then go find this guy with the contract offer.

Razz Michaels

Nar Shadaa home of the criminals.

Razz sat in a underground nightclub, watching the slave women dancing made Razz a bit angry.

Though he was a crime lord he did not enjoy ensaving, people should be counted as equal.

"Barman, I will take another Corellian Whiskey." He said before throwing the credit chips to him.

The bartender poured the drink, but Razz didn't drink it, he was not thirsty, there was a empty seat by him, mabye something interesting would come his way, even though the air smelled like rancid meat.

Just mabye.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]

Kraigo Aiver

Although Kraigo didn't like night clubs, it was a best place to find a job. He didn't mind getting his hands dirty, especially, when he had only a few credits left.

He didn't like the place even from outside, but inside it was alot worse. Loud music, crowds of people yelling at each other to barely comunicate. All of this noise and people was making him nervous, fortunately for him, he found a bar with few empty seats. Wasting no time, he sat on one of the empty seats right next to some guy with bandaged head and started dringing half empty bottle of a Ryll bear, which was already on bar.

After a while, a rodian came to him and spoke. "Hey, get out of that seat old man! I was sitting here!" Kraigo simply replied with words: "You were, now go away." and didn't mind other rodian's threats.

[member="Satine D'ulin"], [member="Razz Michaels"]

Zion Krayt

The Jedi Knight didn't like crime, not even if it was simply because they had to survive. If that was the case they were arrested with minimal trouble, however this time he had gotten word of a nightclub that was enslaving dancers on a Republic world. Nar Shaddaa nonetheless, and he remembered those years from so long ago when he had tried to end all of the crime on Nar Shaddaa. Of course he had barely made a dent, he had only stopped a handful of small time Crime Lords, but he had figured that he had done enough when he was a Knight. The determination that he had had when he was a Padawan had left him when he realized that it would have been impossible to actually stop them.

He and his Padawan, [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] were dealing with this problem on that evening. They were dressed in simple clothing, clothing that you would wear for a night on the town. But it was reserved, there was no flaunting of any part of their body. There were certainly some baggy parts underneath their jackets that would be able to conceal their lightsabers if need be. And in Zaren's jacket were nearly three lightsabers, two for himself and one just in case his Padawan had a need of one.

Then, they had walked in, and it was time to find out who to bust.

[member="Kraigo Aiver"], [member="Razz Michaels"], [member="Satine D'ulin"]
The Jedi duo would appear subtly, not sticking out like the usual force sensitive who wore hooded robes. On this fine evening, Tugoro was dressed in his usual casual wear, which consisted of beige pants, brown boots, and a shining leather flight jacket. He loved this outfit, mostly because he figured he looked "hella" cool. The boy's booted feet would tap along the cantina's dirty floor, stopping beside his master [member="Zaren Bouqi"]. Glancing around the large room, the boy could not help but squint as the was barraged by many flashing lights. The music was blaring, and females were dancing. Beneath their lustful, yet deceitful faces, sorrow could be felt by the padawan as he reached out with his mind. Nar Shadaa was a massive planet, one that surely had many slave operations being run here and there. This establishment was simply unlucky. Having been a slave as a young boy, Tugoro could not help but scowl, as a deep seated anger began to build within him.

"Disgusting." The young padawan would state, craning his neck to look towards his master.

Razz Michaels

Razz looked to the entrance way. Two men stood there observing the Nightclub, pretty shady characters but who cared it was Nar Shaddaa.

He couldn't help but notice another man to the side, he was fighting over a barstool

"How childish." Razz said aloud.

He grabbed his drink and drank it in one sitting.

"I'll have another drink barkeep." He said to the man, he rarley got drunk, even tonight he wouldn't get drunk. Mabye another time.

[member="Kraigo Aiver"]
[member="Zaren Bouqi"]
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

Zion Krayt

Walking past those situated in the bar, he headed towards the bar and nodded for his Padawan to find his own place to go. They would have to split up if they wanted to complete this mission and bring down the illegal acts that were going on around here. He walked past a significant amount of dancers to get irritated enough to actually order a drink from the bar.

All apart of the act though.

"Jawa Juice." He ordered softly, and he glanced to his side at [member="Razz Michaels"] for a moment and snorted when he actually took sight of him, then he turned back to the bartender when his drink had arrived. "So uncivilized." He said aloud whilst he turned around with his drink in hand to watch the rest of the cantina.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Kraigo Aiver"]

Razz Michaels

Razz looked over to the side of him.

"So uncivilized." The man said

"Indeed it is..." he trailed off. He looked at the man, Jawa Juice? What a drink.

"What brings a man to say a Nightclub on Nar Shaddaa is Uncivilized, what were you expecting? Upper Coruscant?" He said with a chuckle. He observed the man for a second, hmm lets see how this unfolds.

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Kraigo Aiver

Taped head man's loud comment didn't have any effect agains Kraigo's calmed mind, but rodian didn't feel it the same way. He went mad, yelling something in Rodese language on both Kraigo and [member="Razz Michaels"]. Rodian suddenly drawn a gun and it was like if time stopped for Kraigo.
With quick series of grapples, he managed to disarm rodian, before he even put a finger on trigger. Then he grabed rodian's head and slammed it over the bar. Slam wasn't strong enough to make a serious damage, but it should put him out of the combat for a while. Kraigo picked up rodian's blaster pistol and sat back on the barstool. He was examining blaster for a while, then he unload both gas canister and power pack and laid the blaster infront of Razz.

"Children's game." Kraigo said aloud.

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]
It was getting rather crowded in here she tried to keep her eyes off of anyone for too long a time, slowly though she made her way to one side of the men talking she had not caught their names yet, but it would take a bit. She had noticed the two coming through the door, they gave off this air around them.

Now the tension on her right was interesting as well, something about the shoulders, the tilt of a head. She wasn't sure stay, go ....she motioned for a drink. Staying seemed to be more fun right now.

She smiled from under her hood, as she listened to conversation. Men were so skilled at times.

[member="Kraigo Aiver"] [member="Razz Michaels"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

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