Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Worky work work

Some of you all know what I do, but for those that don't, I'm a broad spectrum biologist. In the next week (April 27th to May 10th so), I wont have much time for this site. I'm leading a wetland crew in an area and don't know the veg all that well, so I'll be spending my free hours (when not working my 12 hour shift), figuring out that pesky graminoid or carex I don't know. Anywhoo, just a heads up.

If I don't respond to you, it's mostly that I don't have time (or that I don't like you). Probably the former. If you really really really need to get a hold of me, well...tough it out (unless you have my cell, feel free to text me - for the like three of you on the site). One Sith, please keep in contact with [member="Matsu Xiangu"] or [member="Darth Venefica"] for your admin needs. Cheers.

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