Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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World Of Refinement [Training]

Dusaro had grown into his own as an apprentice of the Order, but he was not a Jedi yet. He was a hell of a bladesman in short order thanks to his weapons experience, and applied his expertise with other weapons to his advantage. He was training to be a Jedi Knight, and yet traces of him being a mercenary in the past were all over him. But he used his past as his strength... Which was good. There was no specific way for a Jedi to fight. But he did need help in some district...

Dusaro would meet his Master in a training room at the Temple on Voss, for their regular lessons. Dusaro had indicated he wasn't comfortable with his level of understanding of the Force, which Josh understood. He'd decided to mold this particular lesson to fit.

"Padawan Dresari, welcome" The Jedi Master spoke as he arrived. "To recap, what Force abilities, do you know?"

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
It had been... Irking Dusaro for quite a while. His progress had been slow with the force as most when they first start progressing. He could feel the force easily, he could feel things through it fairly easily. If anyhting he had picked up on those skills quickest. It took him longer then most to use the most basic of things, Telekenisis for example. While he had done quite well with his blade, Dusaro expected no less from himself. It wasn't because he was overconfidant or cocksure. It was simple battle experince. He had trained just as long as them if not longer, but he had fought many time.

Which brought him back to the force, Dusaro making a wry look at his Master as he asked about what power's he knew. "Well... Sense, Empathy, Speed and Teleknisis... I have been trying to learn, what is it... Curato Salva, self healing, the basics part of it. I am... Reaaaally bad at the Curato one. Telekenisis, well... I am kind of... Eeeh... I can float a fruit. Sometimes... Speed i can generally do with reasonable competence, though pulling it off during combat is... Well, it isn't impossible, just really difficult." Dusaro admitted, looking to the side a bit. It wasn't like he had been negelecting his force training. Rather he had actaully been working rather hard at it to catch up to where most of his peer's were. But when this was the result... He couldn't help but feel a bit dissapointed, after nearly three years at this point.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
The Jedi Master would nod his head slowly. This was a problem, yes, but... Not one that could not be overcome. "You are quite the fighter, but your past experience mixed with your Jedi training is the culprit for that. But your lack of using the Force as your ally in battle... While not unfixable, it is a problem" Josh would admit as he would pace about in thought. He listened as Dusaro would name off all of the moves that he knew, nodding his head at each one. His voice was soft, at least for the time being.

"Curato Salva... I prefer the basic Force Heal. Easier to remember" He would admit, with a small smile. "Not to mention can cover self healing and healing of others, and dispensing poisons from the body, the more that you learn of it while you go. Though I didn't get especially good at it until I hit Masterhood... Probably better to learn and master it early, I'll admit. A failing on my part, and one that cost me quite a bit" He would add. "I'd focus on Curato only after you've gotten comfortable with the basic Force Healing... Healing others should always be a priority, after all."

With that, he would nod his head, as he thought over all that he knew.

"Alright" He said. "We'll go over each, until I feel you are ready to use them in combat at least in the basic sense. After that, we will spar, and you will use them... Without your lightsaber" He would remark.

"First up... I recall teaching you Force Jump, or Force Leap to others... If you don't feel you have a grasp on that, we'll start there" Josh would instruct.

Standing back, he would nod his head.

"Project the energy within you, in the Force... And bring it out as a means of augmenting your physical capabilities. Let it flow through you, let it be your friend that walks beside you, and let it augment your leaping abilities beyond our physical limitations."

His eyes were fierce as he looked Dusaro dead in the face. His entire demeanor had changed. It was time to get serious, if Dusaro was to become a Knight... And it seemed that Josh would have to get serious if he was to help Dusaro get around this massive hurdle. His voice even, had changed... They carried the sharp strictness of a Master.

"We will not continue the lesson until you can do that, and be comfortable with it. We will do this all day if we have to. And when you are done, we will move onto the next. And the next, and the next. Until you are comfortable, and I am satisfied that you will not die on a mission that requires these abilities. And when you are done that, we will fight. And we will fight until you can fight with the Force as your ally."

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro shifted awkwardly at Josh's words. It wasn't like he didn't try, force knew he tried. It was just like there was some set of gears in his head somewhere that just refused to 'click' together and they just kept up mashing against each other. Dusaro couldn't really explain it so he had always just assumed he needed more practice and kept on repeating what he had been doing in a attempt to figure it out. He had been raised by the 'if you beat a wall with your head stubbornly enough, the wall will eventually break' kind of mentality and training. It had gotten him far, but with the force all it had gotten him was a headache.

"I do want to try and learn to heal others as well, but i have a... Bit of a harder time using the force on things that arn't me.. I think. Like, i can feel the force, feel emotions. Using it inwardly... I won't call it easy, it just seems to... Flow better i guess? That is why i started with it first any ways. With my healing factor, well, generally me needing to heal myself won't be a issue." He didn't talk about it much and it hadn't really come up, but Dusaro was not really worried about the need to heal himself, that wasn't his reason for studying the form. It was just to try and learn something, anything, in the force that he could do. And as he had been finding out, well... His lack of progress in spite of his work spoke for him on that one.

After explaining his choice, Dusaro nodded as Josh moved on, paying close attention. Force Jump... Another one he had difficulty with. He had focused more on speed first so he hadn't made as much progress with this one. He had managed to utilize speed a bit easier, so he went and trained more with that. That meant he naturally fell far behind with force jump as Josh aptly pointed out, but going by the very strict words Dusaro had just been given, it did not seem like he was going to be let out of this room untill he managed it.

"Aye aye, i gotcha i gotcha." He said with a slight wince. It wasn't like he had been neglecting his training in the force, Josh would know that. He just was genuinely getting nowhere. It was something that Dusaro hadn't really been letting show, but it was a source of great irritation for him. That irritation was purely directed inwards and usually that would proprel him to manage to pull of -something- at least but it hadn't. Shaking his head roughly to clear such thoughts out of his head, he focused his mind. He could feel the force around him, in him. Taking a slow, deep breath he drew it in. Dusaro imagined it going through his body and tried to make it flow in that manner. Through and a part of him, one with him. It was at this point once again, he felt that 'out of gear' feeling. Cogs not matching up and grating in the back of his head. But he forced it aside, trying to focus on the task at hand. And when he first tried he... Failed. But not being daunted, he tried again. And Dusarowas once again, met with failure. Five times in a row he was met with failure. Dusaro did not often let emotions, espcially negative ones, really show on his face. But he couldn't hide the slight growl of annoyance as he focused and tried again.

It was quite a few minutes of this as he started to take a bit longer on each attempt before managing it, pulling off a fairly good leap directly up into the air. He was glad the ceiling was high, otherwise he might have just gotten a very nasty head ache. "HAH" He shouted with a very annoyed but reilived expression at no one in paticular. He quickly realized just how silly that was and awkwardly quieted down with a 'achem', shuffling his feet a bit.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
The Jedi Master nodded his head in understanding, seeming to at least somewhat understand Dusaro's reasons. But he still should be tackling this and that, in order to get the best of his training and not limit himself. It seemed that due to his difficulties, he was content to just tackle what he could and not try harder to tackle what he thought was above him. This would severely hold back his training, he knew, so Josh knew he'd have to nip this in the bud quickly. "Focus on Force Heal. You'll get it" He would reassure. It was more effective overall, Dusaro just had to figure out what difficulties he was having with it.

Josh watched the Force Leap exercises as they went on for some time. He was trying to pinpoint why Dusaro was having difficulties, but for the moment, he wasn't able to figure it out. Hopefully by watching more and more, Josh would be able to figure it out.

But having such difficulties with something Josh had taught him years ago was discomforting, though every Padawan had their wrinkles. Finally, after many attempts, Dusaro finally got it. Of course, Dusaro had misunderstood what Josh had meant by how they would be training...

"Good" He would praise calmly, stretching out a moment before speaking.

"Now do it again.

I want five in a row, no mistakes. This needs to become natural to you."

Dusaro was on the more advanced level for his students. Josh had been already doing some paperwork, but it seemed he still had a ways to go... Still, because of how far he was, these kinds of difficulties meant he had to be more strict in the training in order to nail out the issues before he could recommend him. This was not what Josh wanted to do, of course. Dusaro would likely know this, with how long he'd known his Master. But it was what was needed to be done.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
It wasn't that Dusaro was not intrested in learning something he thought was above him. Rather he just wanted to actually learn what he had already started on. He was stubborn in that he didn't want to stop something half way through, he didn't like unfinish buisness or training. Though considering the fact that, for a whole half a year now nothing had really changed... Yeah, maybe it was time to just try something completly diffrent. "Yeah, you might be right. I will see about that. I just don't like leaving things unfinished.." He said, Dusaro's voice training off a bit as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

After having gotten it down the first time, Dusaro was not actually suprised to hear he would be doing it again. Five times in a row... They were going to be here for a long time. That fact more then anything hurt. Not the fact that Dusaro had to work this hard, or that Josh was working him hard. But that he was being foced to make Dusaro work this hard. In short Dusaro was genuinely dissapointed with himself, illogical as that was. There was not a lack of effort, but there was a lack of any reward even after his hard work. He just couldn't understand it. "Five times in a row is it? Let's just hope i don't get excited and fly into a wall during that." He said with a bemused smirk that was not quite genuine. He was getting frustrated but did his best to keep cool. That was something he was normally good at... Normally.

But as the training kept on going, well, the fact that he was getting frustrated showed bit by bit. Intrestingly his frustration did not seem to overly hinder his use of the force, as Dusaro did indeed slowly increase the amount of consecutive leaps he could make. After managing to do three in a row, Dusaro paused and took a drink from a large bottle of water. He had been at it for nearly thirty minutes at this point, but made no sign of being intrested in stopping besides the short water break. "I gotta ask, was it anywhere near this hard for you?" Dusaro asked Josh as he got himself settled back 'into position'. He did not see anyone else having the issues he was having but then again, he never really did much for the most part with other Padawan's, not in relation to the force any ways.

After asking the question and waiting for Joshua's awnser, he continued his training, leaping like a mad man. Attempt after attempt after attempt. Slowly the number rose, but did not breach the lucky number four, untill a solid fifteen minutes later when Dusaro managed it, hitting the forth leap and landing, concentrating and starting for the fifth..!

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
"You're not" He would correct, shaking his head. "You are applying what you have already learned, to what you are now doing. Nothing you learn will be a waste, so long as there is something you can use it for" Josh would remark, letting out a sigh. "You needn't be so negative, Dusaro. Everything's going to be fine. You made no mistakes here, and there will be no difficulties I'm sure when it comes to changing it. This is simply a matter of translation, I am sure. Take what you have learned with one variant of the ability... And apply it toward the one you should be using. It is simple as that. You already know the sensations and the movements, right?"

As Dusaro would go on and on for the next half hour, his frustration was quite obvious. "Calm yourself!" He would bark, his voice suddenly echoing through the room as he would give a stern glare. "That's why you're not bloody getting it right. You need to relax, keep yourself calm and channel the Force without any disruptions. Your mind is clouded, Dusaro. Clean it."

He would stop him then.

"Start again. This time, clean slate of mind. Clear your mind... Then do five in a row. And by that, I mean five in a row without mistakes."

Though finally, he did decide to answer is question, hoping a bit of humor would help lighten the mood and assist Dusaro in relaxing. With that, he smirked lightly. He was calm, then and there, his mind calm and collected and his expression the same, just like that...

"Sort of... But I was only five when I did this" He would admit, with a laugh. "There was plenty of "I caan't dew dis, Maasta! I caan't dew eet! I caan't!" He cracked, in a squeaky, child-like imitation.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
"Hmm... Know the sensations and movements huh? How do i put it... I suppose i know them, but i don't? Like, i can understand them in my head, but on a more... Instinctual level of attempting to use it, it makes no sense. I don't really get it. It is just so... I dunno, out of the ordinary. Usually i have a hard time figuring things out in my head and thinking them through, but can actually pull them off by just doing it." Dusaro said, more just letting out a stream of consciousness, talking to himself about the issue as much as his master.

The sudden shout made even Dusaro flinch a bit, realizing fairly quickly that his breathing had gotten out of pace compared to normal, along with a deeply settled disturbance. Like something in him just couldn't calm down to let him relax. Even as he stopped and rolled his shoulders, leveled his breath and tried to relax his mind, something just wasn't becoming calm. Dusaro couldn't place his finger on it but it was there. He ground his teeth in annoyance from where he was standing, plopping down on the floor in the hopes that sitting down would help, but it didn't. Josh could likely feel the slight disturbance, like something just wasn't 'settling down'.

What was frustrating was that physically, his body was perfectly fine. Relaxed, calm breathing. Ignoring the look he had in his eyes, his body was quite the image of relaxed and at ease. But he just couldn't settle down in his mind. Getting up, Dusaro started to walk around a bit in the manner of someone with excess energy, though considering how long they had been training for a excess of energy should be his last issue.

At the remark, Dusaro smirked with a light chuckle, shaking his head. "Well, i have one up on ya, i don't sound that squeaky." Dusaro shot back with a cheeky grin, the remark indeed helping a bit though he was still not fully there either. Mentally shrugging and saying to himself 'close enough', Dusaro started a set of five once again. He failed the first two attempts at leap three but still kept himself relatively calm. It wasn't that bad. Next he built back up to four after another try, pulling off the forth leap and going into the fifth, something just ground out of place.

Like gears on a car slipping out of gear, something just went out of place as he attempted the fifth leap. His feet left the ground and he made quite the well done, natural leap. But there was no force in the action, though if there had been it would have been quite the splendid one indeed. But that is not what happened. He landed on his feet with a light thump and it did not take a observant person to see and feel the annoyance he was currently feeling. Knowing that attempting another set was meaningless, he just plopped his rear down and stared angrily at the wall in silence, focusing on a particularly annoying wooden cube, used to train telekinesis. "You know," Dusaro said with a very emotionally charged voice "I like to believe i am normally a fairly calm person, but this chit is getting to me." He said honestly, though that frustation was only directed at himself as he tried to pick up the force with an emotionally powerd mind. He didn't expect anything to come of it, not considering his current uncalm state. Which meant that he was just as surprised as anyone else when he jerked his hand to the left and the wooden cube went flying across the room before harmlessly smacking with a fair degree of momentum into the wall of the training room.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Dusaro would talk about what he felt about the whole situation, but Josh wasn't backing down. He knew how to get through this, or at the least, he was trying to. He just hoped that this Padawan of his would be able to trust him enough to just do as he said and hopefully they would be able to help him overcome his weaknesses.

Dusaro would continue on, but still, he was relaxed in body, but not seeming to be able to do the deed. Finally, as he failed again, he would admit his frustration, even chucking a club across the room as a result of it. His body seemed calm, but he was frustrated... And that was when it hit him.

"Ah caan't dew eet! Ah caan't dew eet, Masta!" Josh would speak again in a squeaky, child-like voice again with a chuckle, before deciding to drop it on him. "That's the problem" He would ring out as he would walk toward Dusaro. "You're relaxed in body... But not in mind. Clear your mind" He would speak softly. "You need to relax, all of you... Just not some of you. If you do not relax, both in and out... Then you will not be able to use the Force the way that you should."

He would step back then, deciding to ignore the outburst from before, and wanting to see if Dusaro would take his teachings to heart... And find his own.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Dusaro had not actually intended that to be an outburst. Or at least, he certainly had not imagined he would be able to throw the levitation cube. How he had been taught to utilize the force was through a calm and level mind. In that moment he had not been calm in the least, but that was likely the most effective display of the force he had ever shown in his entire of training, considering the force behind the throw. "Uuuh... Just to make it clear... I hadn't actually meant to throw that. Or i did, but i didn't... Think it would. Move i mean." Dusaro said a bit awkwardly, looking at the cube in honest confusion.

After remaining silent for a few moments he nodded. "I know i am. But it won't be calm. Like, when i am meditating, it isn't there. When i try and feel things, it isn't a issue. But when ever i try and do something i have issues. Except there apparently." He pointed to the cube. "Ah can dew it mastah, ah can dew it!" He said in a almost mocking tone, shaking his head. "Or i can do... Something. I wasn't calm when i did that, not that i need to tell you that. But even so... It just flew. Was that a fluke or what?" He asked his master, honestly unsure of how he had managed that little feat there.

Mentally shrugging, he got back up and tried to calm down. This time he focused on trying to wrestle down that little something that just wouldn't stay still, whatever it was that made him restless. But it was like trying to grip a insubstantial object, he didn't know what he was trying to calm down. He was tempted to try and repeat what he had just done with the cube, see if he could manage it again, but Josh had suggested for him to try and find a degree of peace, so Dusaro earnestly tried to find that degree of inner peace to use the force properly. After a while it worked. That annoying unease subsided and he got back up, more or less calm and trying again.

It worked only a short while before that feeling would come back again. Even on the first try it was somewhere in the back of his mind, like the little cartoons with a person having a devil on their shoulder. Only there was no angel on Dusaro's other shoulder, just a great annoyance that kept on being there and when it caused him to fail his fifth leap, he just stopped and started thinking. If he beat his head against this particular wall any more he was fairly sure it was going to split into a million pieces. He needed to think his way around this one. Why had that last use of telekinesis been so effective? He had been very annoyed and had wanted nothing more then to just fling that piece of equipment across the room form his annoyance. From his understanding of things, that should not have worked. So, deciding he might be on to something, he tried to find that feeling, how he did that, again.

It took just a little bit of doing, concentrating on the emotion and not the calm. But it was far easier he found, there was no annoying irritant that seemed to always be lurking behind the back of his ear, prodding him. When he tried a force leap, it went off without a hitch. Far easier, smooth, very well controlled and handled. He looked over to Josh, wordlessly asking him for his thoughts.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Josh knew what was going on immediately. He could sense the emotion radiating from Dusaro as he would use this newfound emotion to his advantage to help him get through the trial. When he would look toward him for his thoughts though, he shook his head.

"Now, a normal Jedi might tell you that emotion is bad for doing things like this. It is, indeed, part of the path to the dark side" He would reveal. "I'm not going to neglect you by telling you to keep going like that and using it all the time, just to get the moves and exercises done. It'll only ruin you if you grow addicted to it. What I'm going to say is... For some Force abilities, emotion is fine. Depending on the emotions you use."

Josh would hold out a hand toward the wall and a burst of electricity would flicker from his hands and hit the wall. It was not the same color as the Force Lightning that the Sith Lords used, no. And Dusaro would sense no anger from him as he used it. He was calm, but also seemed to indeed channel his emotion.

"Did you sense it? No anger. No frustration. I used my emotions, in a way, yes, but I also handled it with a mix of calm and a mix of emotion. A perfect little blend that keeps me sane, if you will" He would remark. "Some abilities are fueled by emotions, that's... Just kind of part of the deal. You'll get a different story depending on what Order you're from, but some abilities rely on your emotions. Just... Try not to use your anger, or frustration.

For me, I used my passion for my work. Yeah, some say passion is bad... But it depends on what kind of passion. Say, a passion for power or for conquest, or money... That's more or less greed, right? Greed leads to hate, hate leads to anger, and anger... Leads to the dark side.

Yes, it's easier, but it's also very addicting... And what happens when you get addicted to something? Even if it destroys you?"

He looked toward Dusaro, wanting him to answer the question, before then speaking.

"Emotion is okay for some things. But not the way you're doing it. I'd recommend trying to continue to focus on the calm for this exercise. You'll be better off in the long haul if you can master both. Yes, using emotion is easier... But if I wanted you to take the easy path...

I'd be failing you as a Master."

At the least, the Jedi Master seemed to keep an open mind to Dusaro's style. But he also knew that getting addicted to the "Easy way" would only destroy Dusaro in the end. Hopefully, the idea that Josh wanted Dusaro to "master both" would get through to him on what he was trying to do. He didn't just want Dusaro to be good at his abilities... He wanted him to be better.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
In a way, Dusaro was almost not surprised by his masters words. It had seemed too easy and it had not matched what he had been told to do, it was more of a... Spurr of the moment kind of thing. Something that randomly came to mind and he just kind of tried it and it worked, suprisingly well in fact. But there was such a things at times of a proper way of doing things. so he kept quiet and listend to his Master, watching the demonstration of him using Lightning, something Dusaro had the not so great pleasure of seeing a few times at this point.

But this time it was diffrent. He could feel some form of emotional undercurrent, but that wasn't the focus. It was calmly utilized for the moment it was in exsistance. The look and feeling Josh gave off reminded Dusaro of his mother in a way, how she would conduct herself. It caught his attention, in a manner other things wouldn't. Not because he wasn't already listening, but because it was something that Dusaro respected. That kind of peace with inner conflict.

This was perhaps the biggest point that Dusaro had always conflicted with on the Jedi. The entire emotions and passions 'thing' as he tended to refer to it as. Not many SJO Jedi that he had met really had the entire stick up their rear issue with it, but there were a few who did. He could never understand the point of veiw, of removing emotions. Pretending they were not there or that you did not have them. In his own mind, he likend it to children playing make believe. 'This pain does not hurt me, this fear does not scare me, this hate does not anger me'. More denial than anything else in his own eyes.

Here however, his master was talking things that made sense. In his mind, Dusaro likend it unto combat stims. Sure they could help, but they were not something you used in every battle. That was a good way to grow dependant and get killed. But in critical moments and situations, they could be just the advantage you needed. His silence remained for quite a while as Dusaro contemplated on this odd comparison, slowly nodding to himself as he thought.

"I see... I had not known, and thank you." He said after several long moments of silence, getting up and doing a bow. After all that, he felt a bit more... Relaxed. There had been a weight, slowly building upon his shoulders for months with his lack of progression with the force in these aspects. Until he blew off that steam and weight, Dusaro had not even noticed it was there but now that it was gone. With this now realized he could only smile a wry, self depricating look. "The calm way it is then." Dusaro said in summary, not saying much in response to his Master's long explination. It wasn't that he had not listened, or felt like he was being held back. It was more he felt like he had let him down. Because of that, doing good on this next round was not good enough. He wanted to surpass it.

With that goal set firmly in his mind and a determined look, he took up a calm stance. As he relaxed, Dusaro could feel that the 'wrongness' that had been there before had abated a little. Like he had pushed off that weight from his shoulders to a degree. He was still not comfortable with the calm way, but he was confidant he would not fail. The intensity of his focus could be seen on his face, his eyes clear and collected unlike before. He was not going to fail this time, he was set on this. And Dusaro did not fail this time, waiting several moments to collect himself. In a controlled burst of movement, he made seven carefully planned leaps in a row, finshing right back where he started.

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Now he was starting to get it. Josh was a light sider, through and through. And most likely, he always would be. The dark had taken too much from him for him to even try to embrace it without him getting sick. And yet, he was able to harness his emotions. He knew they were important... They were important because they were as important to a person as their hands and their feet. And they were just as important to a Jedi. It was a part of them... Not something that they could just ignore.

The question was if you would let it be a weakness... Or a strength. And how to make it a strength without losing your way. But the calm way it was, for the time being... He could use his emotions but not rely on them. They were a part of him, but relying on them would cause him to lose his way. Thus he would teach the calm way... And then the emotional way.

As Dusaro tried again, he seemed to be relaxed, his demons exhausted and expunged. And just like that...

There it was.

"Good, good" The Jedi would remark with a small set of clapping. "In this, you have learned a very important lesson. You have taken one step closer to becoming a Jedi, Dusaro. Never forget what you have learned today."

He took a breath then, and would walk over to the control panel and begin fiddling with the controls. Soon, the technology within the temple would become apparent as they were brought to a holographic sort of environment. The roof was gone, instead all Dusaro could see was open sky, though unknown if it was real or not. A contraption would begin to form in the center of the room, a tower filled to the brim with platforms that led higher and higher...

"This is a simple Force Jump exercise, hell, I've probably ran you through it years ago, before you lost your confidence. It's simple, use Force Jump to get to the top.

But this time... I want you to master it. You have 25 seconds. The platforms will disappear as time goes, so do not tarry. Should you fall, which by the way you will if you wouldn't have gotten to the top by 25... You repeat the exercise over again."

Now it was time to play strict Master. Now that Dusaro had his confidence... It was time to test it, and use it to improve him, and hone his edge, and they would repeat this exercise until he pulled it off.


[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
"Right. A tower eh?" It was a bit of a diffrent thing then he had seen before. It made sense sure, jumping up and climbing up a tower with the force and all that, it was just intresting to look at. Though he did have to wonder what exact tech went into making this a thing, he chose to not worry about that to much and move on over to the bottom of it.

"Twenty five seconds huh." Dusaro mused, watching how the platforms moved, their speed, direction and all of that. There were some places that used things like this for military training, so the idea was not completly new to him. Though that was for jetpack training which he had done and passed before, that was close enough... Right? After getting a feeling for how the platforms were moving, he heard Josh call out for him to start. The key to it before had been landing ontop of the platforms before jumping off again. Catching the edge and climbing up would waste precious seconds, so he did not make that mistake.

In fact over all he made no major mistakes on his first attempt. But he was just a tad to slow, perhaps it was the platforms he chose to ascend, or just simple bad luck. Either way the final platform he would have to jump off of would dissappar, just as he started to land on it. "Now that tis just karking rude!" He shouted as he started to fall back down the tower. Thanks to a bit of quick thinking he managed to land safetly enough, streching a bit while waiting for everything to reset and going at it again. The next time he would make it in just under the required time. He would run it once more, refining his control over the ability. The force was not adding much, his 'power' was fairly low, but now that his 'issue' was sorted out Dusaro proved to have plenty of control in what he lacked in power with the force. The third and final time he would come under the time by a second and a half, Dusaro being satisfied with that before moving on to other trainings for the day. The same scene would be basically repeated, failure followed by more concentrated, precise control. Though how Josh would shape his training in the future with respect to this revelation was yet to be seen...

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

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