Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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World Report #1: Netherworld

The News
Welcome to the very first World Report! We're going to start things off with some faction news...

War is Coming!

Our Faction Admins are currently in talks with those of the Mandalorians to plan upcoming invasions between our two factions. As for who will strike first is a mystery, our intentions are to establish a fine line of communication to prevent breakdown during these series of events. Thus you can expect solid storytelling, mutual cooperation, and smooth sailing between the two factions by allowing us some space to think, plan, and discuss. The first invasion will most likely be announced at the end of the Netherworld event.

Dominions, Dominions, and... More Dominions?

With the Netherworld event's 50 post dominion rule our faction has been speedily capturing worlds. So far we've conquered: Bastion, Dubrillion, Helska, Dantooine, Echoy'la, Chiloon Rift, and Telos. Of course at the start we lost Rhadamanthus and Gulamendis. As a result of conquering Bastion we've since then gained a new and far superior capital to our temporary home on Rysil II. We still have three ongoing dominions: Korriban, Kaas, and Irn. The latter is 10 posts away from completion whilst the former two are roughly at the 20 post mark and producing interesting and fun stories with opposition and exploration to suit the combatant and noncombatant roles within our faction.

Be warned!!! Dominions end next Sunday regardless of whether or not we've completed them. So we urge those who haven't to join in on the fun and those who have to continue posting at a pace that works for you.

Tags are on their way.

One of our favourite Faction Admins, [member="Netherworld"], has been working hard on producing tags for our military and civilian ranks. Special tags for our Warlords and Agents will be on their way, too. I know we've sort of been slow to get these out as many factions tend to do before even applying for Major but for those wondering where our tags were well soon you'll find out! Be sure to check our Nether's bling thread for those interested in acquiring some cool tags.

Faction Admins.

We've made a lot of changes in our faction's administration. When the event fired off I was the only active leader of the faction; [member="Ozuvyn Sar-Sargoth"] stepped down from FA and left the site, [member="Tesar Osted"] has been MIA for some time and thus was demoted to Moderator, more of a formality since he's a co-founder. In their stead I've promoted both [member="Nickolas Imura"] and [member="Netherworld"] to FA positions. The latter was voted in but it seems that FA votes aren't really that hyped so we'll probably stay away from them in the future unless it's a special circumstance.

In other related news [member="Azrael Asura"] was promoted to Moderator status and is helping out with introducing new members and providing assistance to roleplay development. So congratulations are in order for those three. Best of luck to you all!

Please provide feedback to our first World Report in the comments section...
Is there anything missing? Formatting requests? Tell us!
Special Thanks
@Kael Kesssler
(P.S. I probably didn't proofread again.)
Glad to see I'm not the only one still stalking the forums at 2 AM. And you said you were going to bed! Anyway, great post. Really puts things into perspective for a new member and it helps guide me to popular threads that people are RPing in right now as well as clearing up a few OOC questions I had concerning management and ranks. Eagerly looking forward to the next World report, and I hope the becomes a thing as I believe it'll add to the over all health of our glorious faction. Long live the Primeval!
I like it!

Anyway, I should like to remind everyone that the Dominions need to be completed within the next week, so make sure you're keeping up and supporting them! :) Two of them are about 20 posts, and in and Irn is about 40, so we aren't that far.

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