Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
The News
World Reports Are Back!On behalf of staff, I would like to apologize for this late update to the World Report. However, it is here now, and being managed by myself
World Reports were originally going to be on a weekly basis, but Anja was not able to keep up. Given the precedent for these reports to be of a considerable size, I do not blame her for no longer being able to maintain such a pacing with these things.
This is why I have decided to make these reports as often as I can without going crazy. Expect them to either come in a biweekly fashion, or simply monthly. Within these reports, unless there is something significant happening to us that would otherwise warrant something more focused on it, I am simply going to give an outline of the various activities our faction is up too around the galaxy in a thread listing with short descriptions of what you can expect.
This is to give new members an idea upon arrival, just precisely what is going on upon joining our faction, as well as to make a more formal thread directory, than a dedicated thread that requires updating and rechecking. This way, when something new is happening, you don't have to check an old thread, you just come to the homepage!
Alright, that's enough administrative talk before I begin to sound overly long winded (which I can be ), so let's get on with the thread listings we have!
Events That Are A Happening!
We'll See You Now (Mandalorians vs The Primeval): A heated skirmish between the Mandalorians and the Primeval (along with their Mandalorian Crusaders), fight over a space station orbiting Muunilinst. This kicks off open hostilities between the Mandalorians and the Primeval. Although it has died down some, feel free to join anyway if it suits your fancy!
Am I Dreaming? [Primeval Dominion of Sernpidal]: A dominion goes wrong, and everyone is forced into a dream state. Only character accounts with odd numbers remeber what happened, and it's there job to figure out what's going on, how to wake up the others, and stop the Sith artifact causing the dream state. For now however, merely explore your dreams for some sick character development. It isn't necessary, but it is suggested that we get more posted involve with this very fun thread! The benefits both for the faction and for your characters development is just too much to pass up!
Roaming Ravelin [The Primeval]: Your basic exploration thread, no objectives, have fun!
The Ball on Bastion [Invite Only] [Primeval & Guests]: PARTAAAY! Public executions and other such fun, have at it!
Plasma, Pirates, and Time Dilation: Subjugation of The Chiloon Rift (PM if you're a Pirate): Zambrano the Hutts personal project to create a super special timey wimey shipyard system for the Primeval! Fight pirates, or explore ghost ships! Many rewards abound
A Tower's Time Without End [The Primeval]: Welcome an OOC new member to the fold, and fight a rogue Primeval sect!
And that's it for the World Report!
Have a wondrous day, and feel free to critique my way of writing World Reports as opposed to Anja's style, and suggest any additions to the list I have currently amassed should I have missed anything!