Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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World Report #4: Resurgence on the Horizon!

The News
Current Events!

Am I Dreaming? [Primeval Dominion of Sernpidal]: [We need to complete this, so sayith the Host Lord!] A dominion goes wrong, and everyone is forced into a dream state. Only character accounts with odd numbers remeber what happened, and it's there job to figure out what's going on, how to wake up the others, and stop the Sith artifact causing the dream state. For now however, merely explore your dreams for some sick character development. The benefits both for the faction and for your characters development is just too much to pass up! :D

A Tower's Time Without End [The Primeval]: Welcome an OOC new member to the fold, and fight a rogue Primeval sect! Spoilers: This thread is likely to lead into something much bigger and exciting! I urge you on to join immediately! :D

Religious and the Tech Junkies: An unlikely meeting between the Primeval leadership and the Techno Union. Join at your discretion! :)

Roaming Ravelin [The Primeval]: Your basic exploration thread, no objectives, have fun! It's still only a few posts in, it could be joined if you wish!

The Ball on Bastion [Invite Only] [Primeval & Guests]: PARTAAAY! Public executions and other such fun, have at it! It's died down a little, but it could be joined if you wish!

Easy Extractions, Hard Infractions (Ask): A development thread lead by Catalys Maijora, ask for details!

A Resurgence on the Horizon!

This is your first official announcement, that something is in the works. As a new member (as described in this thread, which I recommended you take part in), I didn't like the fact that I could see that the staff was talking about something in their secret forum without any sort of access.

I've had some experience in the past as a Faction Admin, and it's in my personal opinion that a separation like that isn't ultimately healthy. I feel like there needs to be transparency between the staff and the member base, and that staff, while good at what we do, can only benefit by keeping their discussions open to the input of the other members! We need your creativity, your participation, your input. I don't suggest that members should intervene directly into our forums, but I hope that perhaps I could convince the staff of some level of user visibility towards what we are talking about.

Aside from that however, I am simply going to say that I have personally made it my mission to become the staff's liaison for all sorts of things we're talking about.

So, I will do this by teasing all of you by saying:

"A new threat is coming, and the whole of the Primeval shall transform to meet this sacrilege!"

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