Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
The News
Current Events![EVENT!] Act I: What Goes Missing Must Be Found %5BEvent%5D: MINERS REBELLION IN THE CHILOON RIFT! QUELL THESE INFIDELS!
Am I Dreaming? [Primeval Dominion of Sernpidal]: [We need to complete this, so sayith the Host Lord! We only need 50 more posts.] A dominion goes wrong, and everyone is forced into a dream state. Only character accounts with odd numbers remember what happened, and it's their job to figure out what's going on, how to wake up the others, and stop the Sith artifact causing the dream state. For now however, merely explore your dreams for some sick character development. The benefits both for the faction and for your characters development is just too much to pass up!
Dark Lords and Sleeping Kings: Group training on Korriban, get taught things by the Host Lord herself, and be hunted mercilessly by my in a dark scary tomb with my new eyes and hands!
A Tower's Time Without End [The Primeval]: Welcome an OOC new member to the fold, and fight a rogue Primeval sect! Spoilers: This thread is likely to lead into something much bigger and exciting! I urge you on to join immediately!
Roaming Ravelin [The Primeval]: Your basic exploration thread, no objectives, have fun! It's still only a few posts in, it could be joined if you wish!
The Rift Rebellion...
In reference to the event, linked above:
"A Primeval warship patrolling in the Chiloon Rift has gone missing... Their last report came just before they entered a small nebula outside of The Primeval's foothold in the Rift. It's been several weeks and the Host Lord is growing impatient.
Orders went out to every available person, bleeding sun or not.
Find the ship, find out what happened, and report back as soon as you do."
I expect to see you there!