Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
The News
In the words of our noble leader, Anja Aj'rou:
"Thank you all for your participation in our Invasion of Wayland. I know it wasn't easy for some of you in the last week or so of the invasion but our dedication and cooperation won through those troubles. I hope you each had fun in some way and that you'll continue to roleplay with us in future threads.
Speaking of which...
We're going to be setting up a post-invasion thread for all participants. It'll be a relaxed event exploring the themes of our faction, but most importantly letting you guys follow up on your victories or defeats and how that affects the future of your characters.
Furthermore our skirmish with the Mandalorians is actually really enjoyable, so if any of you want another good fight with less at stake feel free to check it out. We'd also very much like it if you'd participate in our dominions, and offer some feedback on the invasion all together.
Netherworld will be posting a feedback thread for other portions of faction, too. If she hasn't already.
Anyway! Congratulations everyone, this was our win. Let's not spoil it."
With that out of the way, I may continue to list active threads for new members to join, with my own personal description of each along with my own recommendations!
The List
We Are The Primeval [Post Invasion], CELEBRATE YOUR BUTTS OFF!!!
All That's Far From Us Primeval Dominion of Belkadan, This is an exploration thread! There is a listening post from the past, and a vong ship yard thing!
When Mandalorians Attack! (Mandalorians vs Primeval Skirmish), A very fun and enjoyable skirmish with our Mandalorian "friends" in a ship near Telos. Please consult this thread before entering. Have fun!
[EVENT!] Act I: What Goes Missing Must Be Found %5BEvent%5D: MINERS REBELLION IN THE CHILOON RIFT! QUELL THESE INFIDELS! .... Please join? :/
A Tower's Time Without End [The Primeval]: Fight a rogue Primeval sect! I believe this is still active!
If there are any threads that I missed, please let me know and they will be added promptly!