The shuttle rocked violently upon the impact of the final bolt. There was only so much the deflectors could do. "Strap in." The pilot warned, or rather commanded. Struggling for balance, Katja sat in the vacant co-pilot seat, glancing over her shoulder to spare a thought for the near-comatose ISB agent they were carrying. She had warned them that she was no doctor but under the circumstances she had been assured that she was the best chance he had at survival until he could reach specialist medical personnel - that was, if he survived the landing. He was strapped to a stretcher so he couldn't fare any worse than herself and the pilot.
"This won't be my finest landing." The pilot told her, almost cutting the tension as they headed towards the ground below. "I won't complain." Katja replied. Silence fell between them as they braced for the impact of the ground, skidding along it until they came to a halt, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
Both breathed a sigh of relief but it would be short-lived. They were on an Alliance planet, having strayed too close to the border between the two major powers. With their location known by both parties, they could only hope that help would arrive first.
"Do you have a weapon?" She asked her companion. "No. Should I?" He replied. "There aren't any spare... Stay hidden." She told him before rising from her seat and heading towards the hangar bay doors. They shuddered open but stopped a few feet shy of the ground. It was no surprise that she ship was worse for wear.
She jumped down onto the ground to get a better view of their surroundings than what could be seen from the cockpit. They just needed to hold their ground until help arrived.
Iris Arani Vaylin