RC 212

- Intent: To create a fleshed out Character profile of my Co-Pilot/Companion
- Image Credit: https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Edge_of_the_Rebellion
- Role: Co-Pilot, Battle buddy, Companion
- Links:
Rebellion in Flames; Imperial Dominion of Bothawui
Jack the What?
Getting It Sorted
A Brave New Beginning (GA, FWC)
Are you experienced? (Tatooine/Open)
- Age: 32
- Force Sensitivity: No
- Species: Mon Calamari
- Appearance: Worsh can often bee seen in a green spacers gettup with a ton of stuff hanging off his body. He loves armor, but loves utility harnesses even more. On a normal day he'll have a pair of flight goggle, and usually be packing beteew two to three weapons on him. And grenades. Lots of grenades.
- Name: Worsh
- Loyalties: None, except Seraya and Crew.
- Wealth: Not very wealthy. About as wealthy as one could expect a smugglin' Gunslingin', Mon Cal to be.
- Notable Possessions: Nothing besides what's on their ship. Which ain't much.
- Skills:
- Mechanics: He is good at fixing things, and has a job forever as Chief Engineer as well as many other roles.
- Flying: Another reason she chose Worsh is his skills behind the yoke. You might even say he's a might better than Seraya.
- Heavy Weapons: Worsh is skilled at bringing the heavy rain, which is a great off set to Seraya's force abilities. It makes them a dynamic duo.
- Personality: Worsh is a bit of a recluse. He doesn't like most folks and spend a lot of time cleaning his guns. It's almost like he loves his guns more than anything else in the Galaxy. When you see him, you can usually catch him organizing and scrubbing wherever he's set up his makeshift armory.
- Despite his A Social behaviour, he is fiercely loyal to his companions, and would take a round or two for anyone lucky enough to call him friend. He's intelligent, and knows how get the most out interactions. Sometimes he has to be the voice of reason for Seraya. He moves slow and methodical, even in combat.
- One thing he is not lucky with at all is the women. He is abysmal in that department, and does not tolerate heat very well either.
- Weapon of Choice: Any kind of really big gun or explosive material.
- Combat Function: Worsh in combat is a tank. He likes to wade in and bring heavy fire down upon their enemies. When he get in close he is vulnerable however, as his hand to hand is really just a mix of bar brawl and boxing. Nevertheless you never know, you might get a warhead to the forehead, or a muzzle thump to the nose. He won't move far from your side, and if he has to carry a companion out, he'll be blasting everyhting all the way to the Evac Zone.
Worsh actually had a pretty good life. He grew up on Mon Calamari with his family and friends surrounding him. Being of a brilliant mind he was commissioned entry level into the shipyards there and worked as an Engineer for the Mon Cal Shipyards. He was even married at one point with two children.
But a secret wanderlust had always burned within Worsh. He hated the civilized life, and grew to be weary of working in a big corporation so other people could get rich. He craved adventure, began to withdraw from folks, and began taking up shooting as a hobby.
One day after a few too many drinks he wandered home and decided he was going to leave. He figured he wasn't getting any younger. He did the family thing, the societal script. He hated it. He spent a couple of days getting divorce paperwork in order, and then left his family with half his earnings.
The other half he used to barter passage to the lower levels of Coruscant, where he got mixed up in a bar fight. It turned out to be a raid by the Underground Cell there on First Order sympathizers. He met Seraya, they had a couple drinks, and he joined up with her; impressed by her skills.
The rest as they say is history.